Where is the Ruby Sanctuary

Multiplayer role-playing games are very often characterized by the presence of various locations that are not intended for single-player passing. If you can go to most places unaccompanied to pump your character, then raid dungeons are locations where you need to go with a large company and with pre-developed tactics. Otherwise, you risk dying and losing a lot. Most often, for each such location, a certain level is established that restricts visits. Naturally, you can go there at any time, but this restriction demonstrates from which level you will be more or less comfortable there. Well, now you have an idea of ​​what raid dungeons are. It's time to talk about one of them, which is one of the most famous in the popular WoW game - it is called the Ruby Sanctuary, and dragons inhabit it, so the battle will be really exciting.

What is the Ruby Sanctuary?

ruby sanctuary

Each raid dungeon in the game has its own story, its own description, its characters, which are associated with this location. Naturally, the Ruby Sanctuary also has its own story, which is told to the player when he visits this place. This location is one of several shrines of red dragons, and together they make up the Dragon Halls, the most important dragon habitat in the WoW world. This is where you have to go to test your own strengths, complete the story quest, and also collect a very useful and rare drop that falls both from the mobs themselves and from the bosses. But first you need to find the entrance to the Ruby Sanctuary, and to do this is not so simple.

Location of the Ruby Sanctuary

ruby sanctuary tactics

So, you somehow need to get into this raid dungeon, but it is very seriously hidden from prying eyes. To get to the Ruby Sanctuary, you first need to get to the Dragonblight location. After that, you need to find there a special temple, which is called Dragon's Rest. It will be much more difficult here, because you will have to penetrate not only the temple itself, but also into the dungeons, because the location you are looking for is located under the temple itself. More precisely, this will lead you to the Dragon Halls already mentioned above. From there, you will need to find a portal that will lead you to the Sanctuary you need. As you can see, the path is not very short and rather difficult, since you have to overcome quite impressive distances and fight against strong opponents. But the problems are just beginning, because the most difficult location in this chain is the Ruby Sanctuary itself. You will need very thoughtful tactics here, otherwise the dragons, the assistants of the main boss or this boss himself will easily destroy the entire batch of your players.

Number of people

For each of the raid dungeons, the number of people who must be present in the party during the raid is determined. The same goes for the Ruby Sanctuary dungeon - tactics in this case should be designed for ten or twenty-five people. Naturally, it is recommended to go in the least, because everyone will get more experience and drop, but ten people against such powerful opponents - this is extremely dangerous. This option should be chosen only if all players have a fairly high level, a wide experience of the game, as well as excellent mutual understanding. As mentioned earlier, the passage of the dungeons is based on a competent tactical approach, and without it, ten and twenty-five players can be defeated very quickly. Now you know a lot about the Ruby Sanctuary: how to get there, how many people you need to take with you, it's time to find out the most important thing, namely, what you have to face there.

Inhabitants of the Ruby Sanctuary

ruby sanctuary how to get

It’s worth starting with the fact that this raid dungeon is in the deposition of the Charred Scale kind - it is represented by dragon-like ones who captured this sanctuary. So, along with the knowledge of where the Ruby Sanctuary is located, you should get information about who inhabits it. In the raid dungeon you will find four types of base mobs - all of them belong to the genus of Carbonized Scales. The simplest adversary is the Aggressor, a little stronger than his Guardsman, the Commander is the strongest of combat mobs, and the Awakener is a magical adversary, which can also cause you a lot of problems. But do not forget that here you can meet a character who will not attack you. She is the keeper of the sanctuary of Zerestraz - she is the red dragon, the last to survive the siege of the Carbonized Scale clan, but she currently lives in the body of an elf. You will be able to save her in a battle with one of the dungeon bosses, and she will tell you everything that happened here. When you get basic information about where the Ruby Sanctuary is located, some details are told to you, but they are not enough for the full picture. It was Zerestrasa who sheds light on the fact that black dragons and red ones conquered the sanctuary.

Boss Assistants: Baltar

where is the ruby ​​sanctuary

If your team can cope with basic mobs without serious problems, regardless of how many people went to the Ruby Sanctuary - 25 heroes or 10, then you will have to tinker with the boss and his assistants. The first one you need to go to is Baltar Born in Battle. It is here that you will find Zerestraza, but now we will not talk about her, but about the tactics of battle with the mini-boss himself. There are only two important points. The first is Baltar’s Weakening Cauterization ability, which debuffs not only the player on which it was applied, but also on everyone around. So anyone who catches this debuff should go aside from their partners in order to wait for the end and not endanger them. The second is the cloning of Baltar, which he applies when he has half his life left. Then one of the tanks needs to hang on the clone so that the rest can attack the original and not waste power on the clone. The rest of the boss is quite passable.

Boss Assistants: Saviana

where is the ruby ​​sanctuary

Saviana Fiery Abyss is the first full-fledged black dragon, not the dragon dragon you will meet in the Sanctuary. Again, the most dangerous thing here is that the boss throws debuff marks on the players, from which neighboring players suffer greatly, so the character who caught the debuff should stay away from others. In other cases, you only need to be afraid of the boss’s fire and not allow him to stay in the air phase for a long time, since in it he is most dangerous.

Assistant Boss - Zaritrian

ruby sanctuary 25 ger

The last assistant to the main boss is General Zaritan. He is fully consistent with his nickname, as he calls advanced Awakeners, on whom at least the strength of one tank must be withdrawn, so that he can engage in their capture and destruction. Also, other characters should follow the Awakening caste, since they create very painful spells, so it is better to cast down castes right away - this is done quite simply, the main thing is not to yawn. Well, the boss himself is dangerous in that it can penetrate armor, so one tank is not enough. It is necessary to change tanks so that one beat Zaritrian, and the other runs, restores armor and carries out the Awakeners.

The main boss is Halion

where is the entrance to the ruby ​​sanctuary

You already know where the entrance to the Ruby Sanctuary is, but there is another portal in the game that you will need to use to defeat the main raid boss - the twilight dragon Halion. So, the battle with him takes place in three stages - the first of them will take place in the real world. You will need to be afraid of his claw and tail attacks, as well as fire damage and, of course, the debuff - he will need to be removed immediately. The longer the debuff sags, the worse. When the dragon has 75% HP, the portal will open, and the battle will continue in the twilight dimension - everything will be more complicated here, but you need to finish the dragon to 50% HP. And then there will be the most interesting part - half of the group should return to the real world, and half should remain at dusk. And attacks on the dragon will come from two worlds, and it is very important that the damage is about the same. The greater the difference between the damage done from twilight and from the real world, the less HP will be taken from the dragon and the more damage will be transmitted to the characters.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32912/

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