Sprouted beans. How to sprout beans yourself?

Today, TV screens and magazine pages tell us a lot about health and offer a variety of healthy products. And more and more people begin to lead a healthy lifestyle, quit smoking, play sports and carefully monitor what they eat.

Sprouted beans

how to sprout beans

Those who really care about their health should pay attention to beans. This bean contains many beneficial minerals and vitamins. It is best to eat sprouted beans.

We will tell you how to sprout beans quickly at home. Make it easy. You need only a little free time. There are two ways to do this. You just have to choose which one suits you best.

First way

how to sprout beans quickly

Where to start a person who does not yet know how to sprout beans? First of all, you need to carefully sort the beans, removing spoiled seeds and various debris, and rinse thoroughly.

The peeled washed beans are placed in a container (it is best to use cans) and filled with water. Water temperature should be room temperature. This soaking lasts 3-5 hours. It all depends on how quickly the seeds swell.

After that, the water is drained, and the beans are washed again. Legumes are again placed in prepared containers, covered with gauze (the fabric needs to be folded in 2-3 layers) and set aside in a warm place. To choose a way to sprout beans at home, you need to remember that beans left in a bright place will contain a lot of vitamin C, and if you put it in a dark place, then vitamin B2.

After 5-7 hours, the seeds are washed again. Subsequently, this procedure is repeated every 7-9 hours. Beans will sprout at least 36 hours later, maximum at 48.

Germinated beans are stored only in the refrigerator. In it, the seeds will remain fresh for about three days.

Second way

how to sprout beans for school

There is another way to sprout beans for food. First, the seeds are also sorted out and washed with warm water. When selecting beans, pay particular attention to ensure that they do not have mold.

Now you need a wide flat plate. A piece of cloth is laid at its bottom (it is best to use cotton). However, if there are very few seeds, then you can put a cotton pad on the plate . From above you need to pour unboiled warm water so that the fabric moistens well and lay the prepared beans.

Seeds are covered with a piece of gauze, which is also moistened with warm water. The plate is left in a warm place. The temperature there should not fall below 25 ° C.

After 5-6 hours, the beans are thoroughly washed, but this must be done very carefully. After that, the seeds are again laid out on a plate, covered with gauze and sent to a warm place. In the future, this procedure should be repeated every 7-9 hours.

Sprouts on beans will appear in 1.5-2 days. Then you decide how to sprout the beans for yourself, complete the procedure or continue. However, remember - after the appearance of sprouts, seeds can be germinated for no more than 48 hours.

What beans are eaten?

how to sprout beans at home

We answered the question of how to sprout beans. However, what exactly did you decide to do this for? If in order to then eat, then remember - in the fresh form you can eat only a certain variety, which is called mung bean or mung bean. Other types of beans are not recommended to be eaten raw. Seeds contain lectin (a toxic protein), the ingestion of which into the human body can lead to serious stomach upsets, and in some cases even severe poisoning.

Poisonous protein is destroyed when exposed to high temperature, so any ordinary variety of beans should still be heat treated before eating.

Both methods of germination described above are suitable for those who are going to use it fresh, and for those who germinate it for subsequent planting, and even for those who do not know how to germinate beans for school.

Beneficial features

how to sprout beans for food

Eating sprouted bean seeds has a positive effect on the body. First of all, a person's metabolism is normalized. Also, sprouted mung bean has a calming effect and increases antimicrobial activity. Many experts advise eating fresh beans during flu outbreaks to reduce the risk of contracting colds.

The human body perfectly absorbs such food. Sprouts will reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and lower blood levels of carcinogens and cholesterol. They are recommended to be used by those at risk of cancer and heart failure.

Germinated mung bean has an antimicrobial, diuretic and antipyretic effect. Due to these properties, doctors often recommend it to people with cardiac arrhythmias, atherosclerosis, and suffering from gastritis.

Healthy recipe

Now you know how to sprout beans. Finally, I would like to offer you a recipe for one tasty and healthy salad.

For this dish you will need half a glass of sprouted beans (how to quickly sprout beans, you already know), zucchini and carrots (1 pc each), 2 centimeters of fresh ginger, a bunch of spinach, lemon juice and sesame (1 tablespoon each), soy sauce and sesame oil (2 tablespoons each) and 1 tsp. brown sugar or honey.

Three carrots and zucchini on a grater or finely chop. Dry sesame in a hot pan.

Cooking the sauce. To do this, you need to grate ginger (you should use the smallest grater). Mix ginger puree with lemon juice, sesame oil, honey and soy sauce.

If desired, the green shell can be removed from the sprouted beans. This is easy to do if you rinse the seeds with plenty of water.

All products are mixed with sauce, the finished salad is laid out on a dish and sprinkled with sesame seeds on top.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32923/

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