Covering material for roses for the winter: an overview, features, types and reviews

The beauty rose, who has earned the title of Queen of the Garden and Flowers, has a rather capricious disposition. In order for its lush bushes to please the flowering and unique aroma, the plant needs constant care. Not all varieties are able to withstand Russian winters, therefore, in anticipation of the onset of cold and snow, it's time to think about how to cover roses for the winter with covering material, and, importantly, which one to choose. Now the market offers a huge amount of goods.

winter rose cover material reviews

Very often, gardeners do not think about which method of shelter to choose, and take the material that is at hand. What to do? Buy special non-woven fabric in specialized stores or build protection yourself? The answer to this question does not lie on the surface and requires a diversified approach, taking into account climatic conditions, financial capabilities and even the type of roses. The most common covering material for roses for the winter is polyethylene, as well as dry foliage and fir spruce branches, spandbond, geotextiles, lutrasil. We will talk about them in detail in our article.


Polyethylene is perhaps the most popular material among gardeners and gardeners. The scope of its use is very large (greenhouses, hotbeds, beds in spring time, etc.). However, with the advent of more modern and technologically advanced materials on the market, he gradually began to lose ground. One of the main disadvantages of polyethylene is that it does not breathe, that is, by closing roses or any other culture with it, you block oxygen. A typical situation is when plants burn under polyethylene. Positive qualities - wear resistance, the ability to retain heat, low cost. Such a covering material for roses for the winter can be used in emergency cases and with caution.

covering material for roses for winter prices reviews

Shelter technology

The technology is simple. Pre-prepared rose bushes are twisted and tied in the form of arches (not too high) to arches pre-installed on the bed. Then lay roofing material, and on top - polyethylene. It is important to press the edges of the material to limit access to moisture. The main goal of any shelter is to create an air cushion inside, where warm air will circulate. In the spring, the shelter is removed gradually: first, the end sides are opened so that the roses do not bar, and when the heat comes on, the bushes are completely released.


Shelter of roses for the winter with covering material

Spanbond is a non-woven covering material (including for roses for the winter), which has become a good alternative to the usual polyethylene. Its main advantage is the excellent ratio of price and functionality. Spanbond is able to create a favorable light regime for the plant (black, opaque, on the contrary, helps fight weeds), protecting it from burning sun rays, which is important for roses in early spring. It quickly and easily passes air and moisture, without delaying it, prevents the penetration of insects and rodents to the bushes, is wear-resistant and can be used for several seasons. Spanbond tolerates a decrease in temperature to -55 ° C.

This covering material for roses for the winter prices (reviews about it are very positive) is very affordable. It can be used in many ways. For bush plants, you first need to build a frame of wood or put arcs, and already put spanbond on top. It is also very convenient for climbing roses, which do not need to be removed from the supports, but rather wrap it with material and fasten it with clothespins or a construction stapler. It is almost impossible to bend down to the ground types, so they should be wrapped. You can make an impromptu bag of non-woven material or simply carefully wrap it around the trunk of the plant, and gently fix it on top with a soft rope.

Spandbond is highly rated according to reviews. Gardeners note that it is reliable, easy to handle (storage, assembly, drying) and efficient. Rose bushes and other plants winter well, and you can also use a canvas of material for other purposes in the garden after winter.


Timely sheltering roses for the winter with covering material is a necessary measure if you want to preserve the plants until next year. In recent years, geotextiles have become very popular. Initially, it was created for the construction industry, but due to its structure and properties it has become indispensable in gardening. Geotextiles are great for protecting plants from mold, frost and rodents. Advantages of the material: strength (not subject to decay), ability to pass air and moisture, allowing excess condensate to evaporate, affordability.

covering material for roses for the winter price

Shelter technology is similar to that when using a spunbond and is described above. In gardening, it is best to use geotextiles with a density of 200 g per sq.m. Now in stores you can buy material not only for cutting, but also ready-made bags for sheltering roses and other shrubs.


A popular covering material for roses for the winter, reviews of which are mostly positive. It is made using technology similar to the production of spunbond, and therefore has similar characteristics. Positive qualities: wear resistance, ease of storage (it is enough to dry, curl and remove), environmentally friendly, allows moisture and air, affordable. Varies with density. To shelter roses for the winter, use a material with a rate of 60 g per square meter. m. As for the comparison with spanbond, lutrasil loses to him only in terms of resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Shelter technology is similar.

Spruce spruce branches and dry foliage

how to cover roses for the winter with covering material

Dry leaves formed in abundance in the fall, as well as reliable coniferous spruce branches - a traditional covering material for roses for the winter, considered one of the best. It is not expensive, although it will take time to travel to the forest, and eco-friendly, it helps to protect plants not only from frost, but also from annoying rodents that can destroy everything in its path. Pine or spruce spruce tree perfectly protects against cold winds, freezing rain, wet snow and creates an ideal space inside the shelter with excellent ventilation. Under its cover, sharp changes in temperature are smoothed out and the harmful effects of winter sunlight are reduced.

But, like any materials, lapnik has its drawbacks. Firstly, the harvesting of branches is allowed only from already felled trees in certain places or in the sanitary cleaning zone. Secondly, if the forest is far away, stocking up with spruce branches will be problematic. Thirdly, it is possible to bring along various branches to the site of various pests or diseases. Therefore, walking through the forest, you need to carefully look at the trees from which you are going to take the spruce branches.

Spruce Fir Tree Shelter Technology

covering material for roses for the winter

Before winter, roses are sheltered gradually, in several stages. The trimming procedure is required regardless of whether you use spruce branches or synthetic non-woven material. With a sharp secateurs, the shoots of roses are cut to a height of 40-50 cm, no more. Then all leaves are removed, spud with earth after the first frost and sprinkled with peat. When the air temperature drops below zero (-6-7 ° C), rose bushes are covered with coniferous spruce branches and dry leaves on top.

The use of spruce or pine branches is allowed even for shelter of climbing roses. For this, the shoots do not need to be removed from the support, they are simply wrapped in branches, fixing the latter with soft ropes.

Covering material for roses for the winter: price

It is impossible to give accurate information on prices, unless indicative. The indicator largely depends on the manufacturer, region and even season.

The price of polyethylene (popularly known as “greenhouse film”) depends on its density. So, the highest grade material costs from 10-15 rubles per linear meter. Reinforced polyethylene is more expensive - an average of 40-45 rubles.

The price of non-woven synthetic material is higher. For spanbond with a density of 17, 42, 60 g / sq. m with a canvas size of 3.2x10 will have to pay, respectively, about 170, 330, 455 rubles.

Roughly in the same range are prices for geotextiles. Canvas density 200 g / sq. m costs 22-50 rubles per square meter.

Preparing roses for winter: features

The process of preparing any plant for winter, including roses, is not as simple as it seems at first glance. First you need to carry out sanitary and preparatory measures, and only at the final stage, covering material for roses is required. How to cover roses for the winter correctly? The issue is relevant both for a novice gardener, and for a more experienced one.

First, you need to determine if the plant is ready for winter. If the rose bush has shoots painted in red in September, this is a sign of active growth. The plant is not ready for winter, has not accumulated the required amount of carbohydrates, and the shoots are not yet lignified. Rose needs help. To do this, the bushes are fed with phosphorus fertilizers, pinch the growth point and remove the faded buds.

covering material for roses how to cover roses for the winter

Secondly, from the beginning of September, soil loosening around roses and the process of plant formation should be stopped. This is required to prevent stimulation of the growth of shoots from sleeping buds. In late October - early November, all leaves are removed from the plant. This is done in order to prevent their rot in the winter under cover.

Thus, before making the shelter of roses for the winter a covering material, the features of the latter should be carefully studied. And weigh all the positive and negative points.


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