Cultural and leisure centers: structure, functions. Improving the activities of youth cultural and leisure centers

The activities of cultural and leisure centers are of particular importance today. This is largely due to the aggravation of interethnic contradictions, the desire of each nationality to maintain its identity. At the same time, such institutions are called upon to unite citizens with different interests and needs. Let us further consider the key functions of the cultural and leisure center.

cultural and leisure centers

general characteristics

The concept of "leisure" today is interpreted ambiguously. There is no clear definition of the term in official documents. Cultural and leisure centers are currently considered institutions reflecting a fundamentally new level of social activity of citizens. At the same time, they remain close to such institutions as interest clubs.


Today, cultural and leisure centers for youth are very common. Their key task is to create conditions for communication, development of creative potential, relaxation, restoration of physical and spiritual forces. Cultural and leisure centers are also called upon to provide the population with paid health and educational services that are in great demand as widely as possible. At the initial stage, it was assumed that in such establishments mass recreation and entertainment would be organized. The first in accordance with the requirements of modern conditions began to form the cultural and leisure centers of Moscow (DC Smena, for example) and St. Petersburg.


Theoretical planning and practical work on the formation of centers reflect the modern concept of organizing the cultural leisure of the population. Its principles are more focused on meeting the various needs of different segments of the population on a paid basis. Unlike other institutions, cultural and leisure centers are designed for multi-service.

cultural and leisure centers for youth

Areas of work

The cultural and leisure center performs the following functions:

  1. Entertaining.
  2. Stimulating.
  3. Communicative.
  4. Informational and methodological.
  5. Educational.
  6. Fitness and fitness.


To effectively implement their tasks, the institution must occupy a structure or a complex of buildings equipped with the necessary equipment. Organization of institutions is based on the following principles:

  1. Collective self-government.
  2. Full self-sufficiency.
  3. Individual membership.

Cultural and leisure centers are created with the active participation of the population.

cultural and leisure centers of Moscow

Organization Features

The charter is the main document in accordance with which any cultural and leisure center operates . The structure of the institution is formed according to the general rules provided for legal entities. The institution is managed by the director on the basis of unity of command. The advisory body is the artistic and technical council. The manager appoints and removes all employees of the institution.

Service quality

The complexity of the services provided by leisure centers, acts as one of the key features of institutions. At the same time, their quality is of no small importance. In all respects, cultural and leisure centers should be ahead of other public places. Moreover, they can act as experimental sites for the introduction of new types of services. A variety of programs are currently being developed to attract as many citizens as possible. They include measures aimed at the continuous improvement of the activities of youth cultural and leisure centers .

functions of the cultural and leisure center

Staff composition

A necessary stage in the formation of a system of leisure centers is the involvement of specialists of various profiles. Among them are teachers, and psychologists, and directors, and methodologists, and artists. To improve the quality of work, it is necessary to reorient employees from a narrowly professional position to a systematic, integrated approach. The specialist must master:

  1. The culture of leisure activities in all aspects.
  2. Modern tools used both in direct servicing of visitors and in ensuring the working conditions of institutions, preparation and development of programs.
  3. Methods of implementing activities with the implementation of all principles of leisure activities.
  4. The art of communication in the presence of free choice by citizens visiting the institution, their recreation programs.
  5. The logic of the development and formulation of new programs.
  6. The methodology of creating creative workshops, the formation of a permanent asset of people visiting the center.

cultural and leisure center structure


The centers are constantly searching for non-standard solutions and approaches. This is due to the fact that leisure activities in modern society - in connection with the differentiation of the interests and needs of citizens - do not fit into the rigid boundaries of traditional forms. Centers are characterized by pronounced social openness. This is reflected in the formation of sectors and zones of free communication, skill, and creativity. They create favorable conditions not only for self-education and self-development of society, but also for ensuring freedom, independence of children, adults, adolescents in choosing one or another leisure activity.

cultural and leisure centers


Different-profile centers use different approaches to the organization of cultural leisure for the population. Meanwhile, all institutions have one common attribute. It consists in the implementation of an integrative function in the public education of the younger generation. Any approaches used in the framework of cultural and leisure activities contribute to the socialization, strengthening, enrichment of the relationship and communication of the child and adolescent with society in general and the family in particular. This is the crucial role of such centers. Institutions act as intermediaries between the microcosm of the individual and the environment.

improving the activities of youth cultural and leisure centers

Used forms

As part of their work, the centers introduce a huge number of traditional, alternative and innovative, group, individual and mass approaches. In particular, in practice, communication programs are implemented “children-family”, “family-family”, “child-children”, “teenagers-adults”, etc. These forms are implemented by organizing various holidays and festivals. For example, the Days of Mother, Father, Grandfathers and Grandmothers became popular. Of particular interest are family gaming competitions, a parent newspaper contest, reader conferences, craft fairs, and so on.

activities of cultural and leisure centers

Interest Clubs

They are often organized on the basis of cultural and leisure centers. The clubs can participate teenagers, children of a certain age. Mixed associations, amateur groups, family workshops, and ethnographic expeditions are often formed. As part of their activities, the centers introduce various forms of psychological and social rehabilitation of adults, adolescents, and children. Such clubs are primarily aimed at people from difficult, incomplete, young, poor, large families. In the leisure center can operate their "helplines." Institutions also often provide offices of a psychologist, lawyer, social lounges, communication groups, family education, and so on. In these formats, children, adults and adolescents receive qualified assistance, gain the necessary relevant experience in socio-cultural activities, get rid of a lack of communication, trust, overcome internal problems, and are able to realize their creative potential. The main ideology of any leisure center should be the principles of social justice, humanism, humanitarian education. Facilitating the involvement of children in creativity, institutions fulfill the most important educational task.


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