How to install and adjust the thermostat on a heating battery

An important element of the heating system, which allows you to maintain the temperature at the required level, is the thermostat. With its help, it turns out to achieve significant energy savings. For the device to work correctly, it must be correctly installed and configured. Almost everyone can cope with this task. How to install and configure the thermostat on a heating battery will be discussed later.

What is a thermostat?

How does the thermostat on a heating battery work? This device controls the heating of the radiator in each room. One device is installed on each room separately. It may seem to some people that the room is too cold or, conversely, hot. Create and maintain a comfortable environment allows thermostat.

heating thermostat

This is a small device that regulates the intensity of the flow of heated system fluid. If you need to lower the temperature, less hot water enters the battery, and vice versa. This appliance cannot heat water, but it controls the heated flow.

The thermostat is relatively simple. It includes a valve and thermal head. The first of these elements has a brass body. Inside it there is a bore, as well as a saddle and a locking mechanism. The latter has the shape of a cone. During operation of the thermostat, the locking mechanism is set in motion. He can fall and rise. So the regulation of the heated stream is carried out.

Considering how the thermostat works on a battery, it should be noted the presence of another important detail. This is a thermal head. It is she who drives the locking mechanism. The thermal head consists of a bellows (a hermetically sealed cylinder) and a heat agent located in it. It can be gas or liquid. The faster the heat agent reacts to changes in environmental conditions, the better the control system works.

It is worth noting that a ball valve or a cone valve can also limit the flow of coolant. However, their operation is associated with some inconvenience. The ball valve is designed to operate in only two modes. It can open or close the flow of water, but in intermediate positions it cannot be operated.

If a cone valve is used, adjustment will need to be done (like with a ball valve) manually. This is inconvenient, therefore, to maintain the optimum temperature in the room, it is necessary to use a thermostat.

Principle of operation

Before installation, you need to consider the principle of operation of the thermostat on a heating battery. This device during normal operation of the system operates with an accuracy of 1º. This is achieved thanks to the coordinated work of all mechanisms.

There is liquid or special gas inside the thermostat. As the room temperature rises, the thermal agent in the bellows expands. The dimensions of the cylinder also increase. This part begins to put pressure on the piston, which drives the locking mechanism. It sinks, blocking the flow of water.

Since the coolant no longer enters the radiator, it cools quickly. This leads to a decrease in room temperature. During this process, the substance in the bellows also returns to its previous state. The cylinder stops pressing on the cone lock. Thanks to this, hot water again enters the radiator. The cycle repeats.

Before you learn how to install a thermostat on a heating battery, there are a few more nuances to consider. The radiator warms up unevenly. In some places it can even be cold. However, this should not be afraid. If you remove the thermostat from the battery, it will become completely hot again. But the room may be too hot because of this. If there are cold places after removing the thermal head, it means that the radiator is clogged, it must be cleaned or air removed.

Thermostats can be installed on all radiators. An exception are cast iron varieties. They slowly warm up and cool down. Therefore, the use of a temperature controller in this case will be inappropriate.


When choosing a thermostat for a heating battery, it should be noted that they can be of three types. The locking mechanism is almost always the same. The principle of operation of the upper part of the system - the thermal head - differs. They can be:

  • manual;
  • mechanical;
  • electronic.
    heating thermostat with external sensor

The most popular system today is a mechanical thermal head. The user sets the heating level in degrees. The thermostat itself adjusts the supply of hot water to the radiator. This is a convenient and relatively inexpensive system.

The cheapest variety are manual thermal heads. Here, the user independently restricts the flow of water entering the radiator. This is somewhat inconvenient, it allows you to set the heating level only approximately. But such a system is cheaper than the rest.

The most expensive are electronic thermal heads. They have a digital display and have many additional features. In such devices, a program is provided. You can set the time at which the system will heat up. If the owners are not at home at a certain time, you can make heating minimal. Before they arrive, the thermal head will heat the radiators. Such a system allows you to save money on energy resources.

How to adjust the thermostat on an electronic heating battery is described in detail in the manufacturer's instructions.

In addition, the temperature regulator may provide for the presence of not a built-in, but an external sensor. This allows the system to more accurately respond to the level of heating of the air in the room. The thermostat on the heating battery with an external sensor measures the temperature directly in the room, and not near the radiator. This helps to fine tune the system. Installing a remote sensor is also advisable if the battery is closed with a curtain or screen.

Other important thermostat qualities

The choice of the thermostat for a heating battery, the adjustment of which is carried out depending on the variety and functional features of the system, depends on several more parameters.

How to install the thermostat on a heating battery?

Today, thermal heads are on sale, in the bellows of which there may be a special liquid or gas. To answer which filler is better, you should consider the reviews of specialists. They argue that gas reacts faster to changes in ambient temperature. Therefore, more expensive products from well-known manufacturers have such a filler in the bellows.

Liquid temperature controllers also respond quite quickly to changes in the environment. But they are still inferior to thermal heads with gas in the bellows. The advantage of fluid designs is their reasonable cost. This is due to a simpler manufacturing technology. The vast majority of temperature controllers for mid-range batteries are available with liquid in the bellows.

It is worth considering another important factor affecting the choice of thermostat for a heating battery. On sale are two varieties of thermal heads. They can be installed on both single and double pipe heating systems. In order not to be mistaken, you should pay attention to the marking.

If the thermostat has the letters RTD-G, such thermal heads are used for a single-pipe heating system. The fluid in it has a natural principle of circulation. For two-pipe systems, thermal heads with the RTD-N marking are manufactured. Here, the water is supplied using a circulation pump.

Choosing an installation location

There are a number of recommendations on how to install a thermostat on a heating battery regulation. First you need to choose the right device that will meet all operating conditions. Next, you need to correctly determine the place for installation. Do not install the thermostat on the heating battery in the place where direct sunlight will fall on the device.

Also, the accuracy of measurements is reduced if there are devices that generate heat near the thermostat (except for the heating radiator itself). It is unacceptable that the thermostat be closed with curtains or curtains. Around it, normal air circulation should be maintained.

How does the thermostat on a heating battery work?

If it is not possible to install thermostats on all radiators in the apartment, you need to choose several of them, where the use of such devices will be most advisable.

If this is a multi-storey private house, it is recommended that thermostats be mounted first on the top floor. This is due to the effect of convection. Warm air rises. Therefore, it is often necessary to lower the temperature on the second, third floor.

If the batteries are installed in a one-story house or in an apartment, thermostats must be mounted on the radiators located near the boiler.

If it is not possible not to cover the thermal head with curtains, it is worth choosing models with an external sensor.

Installation Recommendations

How to install the thermostat on the battery? First of all, you should carefully study the manufacturer's instructions. Only after this can you begin to do the work. It is worth starting the installation from those rooms where people spend a lot of time. Here, climate control is required in the first place.

How to install the thermostat on the battery?

Experienced experts note that the thermostat should be installed as close to the radiator as possible. Here is a vertical pipe. The device crashes into it. The thermostat must be installed at the radiator inlet, because it limits the input stream.

If the system is currently in operation, water will need to be drained from it. Therefore, it is more advisable to carry out the installation when the heating season has not yet begun. This will greatly facilitate the work.

The choice of valves must be done in accordance with the diameter of the pipes. It can be ½ or ¾ inch. Do not save on related materials. Oil seals need to choose high quality. Otherwise, a leak will appear soon. To eliminate it, it will take a lot of effort and time.

Experts also argue that for simple maintenance of the radiator system, shut-off valves must be inserted into the system in front of the thermostat. If necessary, it will be possible to cut off the water flow completely, carry out repairs or replace any element of the system.

Installation algorithm

To install the thermostat on the heating battery, you will need to perform several sequential steps. First, water is drained from the system. If there are shut-off valves, only one radiator can be removed. Next, determine the place to install the thermostat.

installation of the thermostat on the heating battery

If there are no shut-off valves, after draining the water from the entire system, you will need to cut the pipe. For a single pipe system, you will need to connect an additional jumper called a bypass. The valve will need to be installed on the upper pipe. Also, shut-off valves are installed on the upper and lower supply lines. They will definitely come in handy in the future. These can be ordinary two-way ball valves.

If the system is two-pipe, stop valves are installed at the outlet and inlet of the battery.

From the ends of each pipe you will need to cut the thread. In the prepared place for installing the thermostat, the device body is installed. With the help of locknuts, it is qualitatively fixed on the pipe. This procedure is carried out on both sides, using the created thread.

A tow treated with laundry soap is wound at the joints. You can also use special fum tape. Both options provide a solid connection. Wrap them against the thread.

You will need to install a thermostat in the housing. It should be in a horizontal position.

If the temperature controller has a remote sensor, even before the installation, you need to choose a suitable place for installation for it. Usually it is fixed on the wall, like a conventional switch. Only then can installation be carried out using the described technology.

How to install a thermal head

Before considering the procedure for adjusting the thermostat on a heating battery, it is necessary to pay attention to several nuances. To install the thermal head, you need to find the arrow on the case. They are guided by it during the installation. The arrow indicates in which direction the coolant is moving.

First, the fixed part of the system is installed. A rotating nozzle will subsequently be installed on it.

The valve must be fixed to the feed pipe with the help of an "American". This is a special coupling with union nut. So the device will be easier to remove, if necessary. The valve must be installed horizontally and nothing else. Otherwise, the system will not work correctly.

Before installation, remove the protective cap. Further it will be possible to mount a bellows element. It is fastened with a nut, which will need to be tightened with a spanner wrench. If the head has a latch, fixing is easier. To do this, rotate the structure to the maximum opening position, and then push until it clicks.

After that, you need to assemble the entire system and check for leaks. If not, you can operate the system.


How to adjust the thermostat on the battery? When all installation steps are completed, you need to configure the device. First you need to close the windows, doors in the room. Drafts need to be excluded.

In the center of the room they put a thermostat. It should be at half the height of the room. Next, open the valve of the device mounted in the system. It is turned all the way to the left. Next, you need to set the maximum value of the water temperature.

As soon as the room heats up to 7 º, the crane on the device will need to be closed. To do this, it is turned all the way to the right. Next, you need to track changes on the thermometer. When the temperature reaches the required limit, the valve begins to smoothly turn to the left. This must be done until a clear noise of water inside the device is heard.

At this point, you will need to fix the crane. A marking (notch or line) is created on the device. This will allow you to correctly adjust the device during further operation.

Features of the electronic system

How to adjust the thermostat to the heating battery, if it is an electronic system? To do this, use the manufacturer's instructions. In this case, the settings are even easier. Use the buttons to set the program. For every hour during the day the required temperature is set.

How to adjust the thermostat on the battery?

The program will be repeated every day. Some manufacturers have the opportunity to set the program for the weekend and working days, or for each day of the week separately. This is very convenient, since energy is consumed only when the owners of the house need it.


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