Why do children need SNILS in kindergarten and school? Why is SNILS needed for a newborn baby?

After the baby is born, parents receive a certificate - the main document of a small person. When the child reaches a certain age, he is also issued a passport. In addition to the baby, you need to draw up another card, indicating that he has passed mandatory pension insurance. Each little citizen has his own SNILS. What it is? Let's try to figure it out.

Basic information

Some parents do not understand why SNILS is needed for a newborn child, if he is still disabled. The presence of an insurance certificate today is necessary for children to receive social and medical services. This document is simply necessary for the child. Without presenting an insurance certificate, no services will be provided to the baby by the state. Health insurance is also not possible without this card. That's why the children of SNILS.

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During pension insurance, a personal number must be indicated on the card, which plays a key role. It is advisable to indicate SNILS during the formation of registers of persons who can use social and medical benefits. These include free public transport services, medical supplies, and the right to substantial benefits for vouchers to sanatoriums.

There is another point that explains why children SNILS. This number will greatly facilitate the receipt of the necessary documentation required by any government agencies, as well as accelerate the receipt of monthly payments for the baby.

What is necessary for receiving SNILS for a newborn?

To get an insurance number for a child, parents need to contact the local pension fund with a passport in which the registration is indicated. You need to have a document with you that will allow you to determine your identity, as well as a certificate of his baby's birth. On the spot, you will need to write an application in any form to assign the child an insurance number. Seven working days after the documents are submitted, parents will receive a small plastic card with the personal data of the small citizen.

Preschool age

Absolutely all state preschool institutions require parents to provide a copy of the SNILS document. Without this kid it is impossible to get to school. And again the question arises, why do children of SNILS in a kindergarten or other educational institution? The answer is simple. The state kindergarten (or school) receives subsidies for each child, and they are charged from the budget. Also, the above document is needed to apply for health insurance. It is on the number line of SNILS that the child is identified for whom money is allocated from the budget. Registration of a personal account number is necessary for conducting office work at school.

Maximum Availability

Pension insurance is mandatory from birth introduced not so long ago. For children who did not have a SNILS card, pension funds, together with the kindergarten administration, conduct an action that allows parents to fill out documents directly in the kindergarten without visiting the foundation. Subsequently, they are given a plastic card.

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Parents were able to get a detailed answer to the question why SNILS was given to a child in kindergarten. The presence of a document gives the child the right to receive medicines for free while in hospital care. Holders of SNILS are also entitled to monthly subsidies for children with disabilities. Toddlers are included in the general list with the aim of participating in various state programs of the social plan.

Why do children need SNILS at school?

The reason for requiring a copy of the document is identical to that in the garden. SNILS is needed for internal data turnover in an educational type institution. Again, for each child undergoing schooling, the school purchases books and methodological material, allocates subsidies for meals to children of large and low-income families. The state has developed and implemented many more preferential programs for students and educational institutions located in different regions of the country.

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When asked why SNILS children need, people can hear the answer from any teacher. Any school teacher or social worker will provide an explanation of the various nuances associated with obtaining benefits that are prescribed by law. This personal number is needed in order to be able to use public services. Using a document, for example, you can quickly issue a passport. To do this, the application will only need to enter the number of your SNILS. Recording information about work during part-time work during the summer holidays will also not do without the personal insurance number of a minor citizen.

Registration of an insurance personal number for a school-age child

The guardian can issue a card any day. The presence of a child who is not yet 14 years old is optional. The format of registration is always the same: guardianโ€™s passport, application, copy and original of the birth certificate of the child. Many schools solve the problem centrally, collect documentation at the school and submit lists to the pension fund, which simplifies the procedure. For parents who doubt the feasibility of this company, there is a hotline. By calling, you can ask the question: โ€œWhy do they require SNILS per child at school?โ€, And make sure of the legality and good intentions of the educational institution.

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The universal compulsory receipt of the SNILS card will simplify some procedures. For example, there is no need to draw up a medical insurance policy. Starting from the age of fourteen, children will be examined every year, and the school will have its own database. Not all children study at the place of registration. By the insurance number you can find out all the information about the student, regardless of his location. That's why SNILS is for a child at school. The insurance number will simplify many procedures, save time and money.

Why do children need SNILS by law?

Massive forced implementation of an insurance card is just a step towards replacing all documents with one. The state plans to launch Universal Electronic Cards (UEC). Such a document will contain all the necessary information about a person. It will be possible to apply it in a wider range than SNILS provides. With the help of UEC, a child can easily use a card and pay for public transport or meals at school.

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It should be noted that on such a map, as a rule, information is stored on the performance of a particular student, as well as all trips to the doctor. In fact, this is all the information you need. The other side of the coin will be total monitoring by minors and government services of minors. How good and justified this system is, time will tell. But at the moment, it is necessary to draw up the SNILS card as early as possible so that the child does not have difficulties when applying to any state structures.

Features of obtaining SNILS

This document is issued once for life and changes only with a change of surname, but the number remains the same. To replace the accompanying data, you need to submit an application with an old card attached, as well as a marriage certificate or divorce, depending on the reason for changing the document. The absence of a certificate of pension insurance leads to the fact that a person's seniority and accumulation will not be taken into account in the formation of a pension after reaching a certain age. If a person has lost his SNILS, he must apply to the pension fund to restore the document within a month.

Obtaining an insurance personal number after 14 years

Children at the age of fourteen can receive SNILS on their own. You can also get it at the initial employment. The document must be issued by all citizens of the state, even those who do not reside in the country. Also, people who live in the state and have other citizenship can get an insurance number.

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For adults and children who live in Russia, registration SNILS required. In order to understand the situation, to understand why it is important for immigrants to take out retirement insurance in a timely manner, how to get it, and what it can guarantee, you can get specialist advice at the nearest social service.

Online consultation

Online insurance consultations are currently very popular. People are wondering why the children of SNILS, how to get it to persons who are not citizens of the country. Online consultations are confidential and accessible to all users. Specialists of this profile will share the necessary information, help solve non-standard issues.

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All documents in another language must be translated and notarized. Where to go to solve this problem can also be suggested by experts online or social workers. If a person plans to obtain citizenship and continue to live in the country, he and his children need the SNILS card.

All holders of the insurance number can register on the state services website and gain access to the extended statement of their personal account. A convenient interface allows you to track all the actions on a personal card. The individual digital combination of SNILS is confidential information, only social workers and the cardholder himself have access to it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F32980/

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