The cat sneezes: what to do, causes and treatment

The well-being of the pet is determined by how much the owner takes care of him. Indeed, in animals, as in humans, various pathologies can occur. Sometimes the owners notice that their cat is sneezing. What to do in this situation? This symptom is not necessarily considered a symptom of the disease. If the cat sneezes rarely, this is normal. But this does not always happen.

Should I worry about the health of the animal?

Sneezing refers to natural reflexes. This phenomenon protects the respiratory tract from harmful substances, foreign objects. It is found in both humans and animals. Sometimes, if the cat sneezes, the reasons may be excitement or excessive activity. But in some situations, the owner should pay attention to the condition of the pet. The animal probably has a disease requiring a visit to the clinic. Only a specialist can determine the cause of the ailment and prescribe competent therapy.

Contributing Factors

Many pet owners are faced with a situation where the cat has a snot, and he sneezes quite often. What reasons can provoke this phenomenon? Among the factors causing such symptoms, you can list:

  1. Penetration of foreign particles into the nasal cavity.
  2. Infections caused by germs.
  3. Mucus from colds.
  4. The presence of growths in the nasal cavity.
  5. Individual intolerance to any substances (mold, cigarette smoke, household chemicals, perfume, pollen).
  6. Disorders of the respiratory system.
  7. Parasitic infestations (the presence of worms in the heart muscle of an animal).
  8. Dental abnormalities (e.g., the formation of an abscess).
  9. Cancers in the nasal cavity.
allergy in a kitten

Speaking about why the cat sneezes, what to do in this situation, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the reason that provoked the symptom. Only then can you take action.

Infectious diseases

Veterinarians claim that this symptom is often found in pets suffering from ailments of viral origin. If such a pathology is suspected, the doctor takes a swab from the nasal cavity, mucous membranes of the eyes and throat. If the diagnosis is not confirmed, the cause of the symptom may be other diseases, as well as allergies or irritation of the respiratory tract.

When a domestic cat sneezed from a shelter, it is likely that he has contracted an infection from his brethren. Common viral ailments include:

  1. Herpes. The disease often occurs due to prolonged stress, as the animal's body becomes vulnerable. Therapy can facilitate its course. Herpes is transmitted from one cat to another, for a person it does not pose a threat.
  2. Calcivirosis. The disease is very dangerous, as it affects the respiratory organs and provokes pneumonia. Symptoms of the disease are mouth ulcers, sneezing and secretion of tears.
  3. Leukemia
  4. Chlamydia
  5. Immunodeficiency.
  6. Inflammation of the abdomen caused by infection.
cat eye inflammation

Sneezing and green mucus secretion

If the owner notices these symptoms in the pet, one should not expect them to pass by themselves. Discharge from the nostrils, which have a dark shade, form dry crusts, is a possible sign of a life-threatening condition (for example, blood cancer or polyps). When green mucus appears, the cat sneezes, what should the owner do in such a situation? The only correct answer in such a case would be to show the pet to the veterinarian.

vet examination

Fortunately, modern medicine successfully copes with many pathologies provided timely treatment is provided.

Sneezing and coughing with blood

Such symptoms can seriously scare the owner of the animal. They are explained by various reasons, for example, cancer pathology, the presence of a foreign object in the respiratory tract or fungal organ damage. If the cat often sneezes and coughs, and blood is released, it should be shown to a specialist. Fortunately, even malignant neoplasms of the nasal cavity are cured in the early stages.

cat infection treatment

In modern veterinarians, chemotherapy is prescribed for sick animals.

Individual intolerance

The manifestation of allergies is one of the causes of sneezing in cats. Symptom may be caused by exposure to various substances, which include:

  1. Perfumes, deodorants.
  2. Home plants.
  3. Cleaning products for furniture, clothing or insect repellents.

For owners who smoke, it is not recommended to use tobacco products in the presence of a pet. Chemical compounds in smoke have a negative effect on the respiratory organs of animals. Allergies in cats, as a rule, are characterized by pronounced symptoms. This is, first of all, the secretion of clear mucus from the nose. Also, the pet's eyes become inflamed, lacrimation occurs. If a cat sneezes due to such a pathology, what should be done in such a situation? First, contact with a substance that causes intolerance should be excluded. Secondly, you need to show the animal to a specialist who will prescribe allergy medications.

Symptoms of a Serious Disease

As already mentioned, sneezing is not always a manifestation of pathology. When it occurs, do not immediately worry. But in some situations, owners should seek medical help. If a cat sneezes for a long time, how to treat this condition? It is advisable to consult a specialist if the animal has such symptoms:

  1. Swelling of the eyes or nose, sores, profuse discharge of tears, yellow or greenish fluid.
  2. Fever.
  3. Excessive saliva flow.
  4. Refusal of food and weight loss.
  5. Swelling of the lymph glands.
  6. Coughing and breathing disorders.
  7. Dull fur, hair loss.
  8. Upset stool.
  9. Lethargy.
sick cat

There are many explanations for why a cat sneezes. What to do in this situation? The treatment required in a particular case depends on the cause of the symptom.

How to help your pet at home?

If the cat suffers from sneezing and tears flow from her eyes, the owner should treat the mucous membranes of the animal with a solution of chamomile. The tool helps to relieve inflammation, reduces irritation of the respiratory tract. If a foreign object has entered the nasal cavity, the animal tries to pull it out with its paw. The owner can help remove the foreign body. Then the pet will feel better. After treating the eyes and nose of a sick animal, a person needs to wash his hands. Since the cat sneezes for various reasons (including viruses), other pets should be protected from infection.

Preventative measures

Recommendations to help avoid health problems include:

  1. Lack of drafts and walks in the cold.
  2. A balanced diet.
  3. Storage of perfumes and household chemicals in places inaccessible to the animal.
  4. Use of mosquito nets (to prevent arthropod bites).
  5. Regular wet cleaning in the house, elimination of dust. Everything that can get into the pet’s nasal cavity should be kept away from it.
wet cleaning

The cat often sneezes due to infection. Therefore, you need to do vaccinations that protect the animal from dangerous diseases.


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