The origin and meaning of the name of Martha, the nature and fate of its owner

Martha is an ancient Roman name, which is marked by the special patronage of the god of war. However, its interpretation is not so simple. Therefore, in this article we will discuss in detail the meaning of the name Martha.

the meaning of the name marfa


The main thing we will talk about is a characteristic. But before moving on to describing the features of the name, we’ll talk about where the name Martha came from. Its origin and significance are closely related. As already mentioned, the birthplace of this name is Ancient Rome. The language, respectively, is Latin. It occurs on behalf of the ancient Roman god of war, Mars. Therefore, the semantic translation of it may be this: "devoted to Mars." Initially, it sounded like Martha and was one of the female forms of the name Martin. But in Greek, the solid “t” turns into “f”. It was through Greek influence that the name Martha appeared in Russia. This happened thanks to the Christianization of Russia. But there is another etymology that raises the meaning of the name Martha to the Aramaic language, where this word is translated as "mistress." In this sense, it is mentioned, for example, in the gospel of John.

marfa meaning of the name

Value for the child

The meaning of the name Martha for a child, mainly, is that the girl will be active and cheerful. Her energy and injustice will not allow her to become an exemplary child, and no one will be bored with her - neither girlfriends nor parents. The meaning of the name Martha for the girl also manifests itself in the frequent conflict situations that accompany her. This is a feature of the character of the owner of this name - the atmosphere of confrontation and quarrel energizes her and makes her feel like a queen. In addition, it is necessary to note the extremely developed sense of self-importance of those girls whose name is Martha. The meaning of the name makes them proud and sometimes moody, which remains characteristic of them throughout life.

Negative qualities

When Martha grows up, she predominantly radiates optimism. But this condition will continue only until someone gives the girl a reason to get very angry. In itself, she is an energetic, purposeful, persistent person. She is also characterized by self-confidence and emotional openness - the meaning of the name of Martha is such that the girl does not hesitate to express her feelings openly, whether they are positive or, conversely, negative.

The girl bearing this name is also extremely immune to the advice and opinion of others. Many people consider Martha an overly self-confident person who is not used to reckoning with the interests of anyone other than herself.

Particular attention should be paid to such a trait of Martha as vindictiveness, since it manifests itself very clearly. The girl never forgives anyone for her insults, and even after a considerable amount of time she will seize the moment to avenge herself and restore justice.

marfa meaning named character and fate

Positive qualities

If you do not take into account the acute angles of character and complexity of Martha’s temperament, this is a pretty attractive cheerful person who is able to find positive himself everywhere and everywhere and give it to others in huge quantities. The girl is very sociable, finds a common language with almost everyone. Therefore, she is always surrounded by many people and Martha certainly does not suffer from loneliness.

As for study, the girl’s good abilities are manifested in her school years, and only increase with time. This means that if Martha is interested in anything, she will turn the mountains and will undoubtedly become an expert in the chosen field. The only difficulty faced by the teachers and teachers of this girl is her fantastic obstinacy. And at school, at the university, as well as in the working collective, Martha always takes part in all kinds of amateur activities. In general, she has creative abilities, and if desired, she can easily develop them to a professional level. This is especially true of writing, composing poems, songs and so on.

The meaning of the name Martha also gives the girl excellent business qualities. With age, the opinion of others becomes more and more significant for her, and therefore ambitions and vanity grow. Strength of character and straightforwardness help her create the image of a serious, venerable boss, although the girl’s ambitions and self-confidence are not always proportional to the degree of her preparation and possession of the topic. However, if Martha set a goal, she will pursue it in all ways, often at the same time demonstrating her egoism in all its “beauty”.

the meaning of the name marfa for a girl

General characteristics in adulthood

There is no doubt that a very strong personality is hiding in a woman whose name is Martha. The meaning of the name, character and its fate are closely interconnected and form a complex texture of individuality, which both the owner of this name and the people around her have to cope with. She confidently goes through life, neglects the support of friends and relatives, is always decisive and ready to stand up for herself. Over time, becoming wiser, a woman becomes less and less quick-tempered and impulsive. She gets used to wait, think strategically and calculate every step. Nothing is left to chance and always controls all aspects of his life. Spontaneous decisions and emotional outbursts are not for her, although a woman is distinguished by a bright emotionality. If at a young age it is also influenced by sudden feelings, then over time it completely subordinates its mind and emotions to cold calculation. He always tries to occupy the highest position in the hierarchy and does everything so that everyone around her, from work colleagues to neighbors on the landing, takes into account her opinion.

marfa name origin and meaning

Personal relationships

As for the relationship between the sexes, then Martha faces a serious obstacle in the face of her own pride and desire for independence. This side of her nature creates problems for her both in her youth and in her mature years. In addition, Martha pays great attention to the material condition and social status of her chosen one. In feelings, as in everything, she shows a cold calculation, even if she does not want to admit it to herself. In fact, she simply will not allow herself to fall in love and have a relationship with someone she considers below her level. As a woman, Martha looks spectacular, confident, bold and therefore attracts many admirers. Carried away by someone, the girl shows incredible jealousy, which again creates countless problems for herself and her chosen one. Among other things, Martha does not hesitate to begin to sort things out and openly scandal not only with her man, but also with her alleged rivals. Excessive jealousy at the same time endows her with excessive suspiciousness, and therefore completely innocent people often suffer from her emotional impulses.

At a young age, the girl often changes partners, trying to find the perfect man. Almost never does Martha succeed and, over time, she chooses one.

the meaning of the name marfa for a child

A family

Marfa is in no hurry to tie the knot, preferring to previously achieve financial independence and realize his career. Therefore, getting married is quite late and, as a rule, a person is somewhat older. In addition, pride and a natural tendency toward independence can cause loneliness. The meaning of the name Martha and her fate, as has already been said, are closely related, and therefore, a woman with this name does not shine in a calm measured family life in any case. In addition, she never forgives betrayal, and any infidelity immediately leads to divorce. She is demanding of her husband, although she herself also tries to comply with the concepts of a good wife - she does her homework flawlessly, creates coziness, and gives household members care and affection.


Career is one of the most important aspects of Martha’s life. Here she shows all the strength of her character - both creative and destructive. In pursuit of status and money, I am ready to go over the heads and sacrifice many. Martha’s natural abilities help her achieve impressive results in everything she does. In short, Martha was born to become a successful person.


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