PH meter: an overview of the models, instructions and principle of operation

Sometimes it happens that even with very good care - timely watering and top dressing, cultivation and weeding - garden and garden plants in the suburban area do not develop well. Quite often, the cause of such a problem is the inappropriate acidity of the soil. To determine how much land indicators in the country correspond to those recommended for growing garden crops, you can use a special electric device - a pH meter. Such equipment on the modern market is presented in a rather wide assortment.

Design features

All devices of this type supplied to the modern market are extremely easy to use. In order to determine the soil characteristics on the plot in terms of acidity using such equipment, a diploma of graduation from an agricultural university is not necessary in any case.

Fast pH measurement

For each such device, the manufacturer attached detailed instructions on the rules of operation. In any case, the main structural elements of any electronic pH meter are:

  • probe (or several);

  • scoreboard data display.

For cheap devices of this type, a mechanical display with an arrow is usually provided. More expensive devices are complemented by electronic screens. In some cases, pH measuring devices can run on conventional Krona batteries. However, most models available on the modern market operate on solar cells.

Also on the market today there are 3 in 1 soil pH meters designed to measure simultaneously acidity, light and moisture. Such devices also differ in accuracy of readings and at the same time are quite inexpensive.

Electronic meter

How does it work

In order to find out the acidity, moisten a small piece of soil on the test site. Next, let the soil brew for a few minutes. Then you need to stick the probe into wet soil and look at its scoreboard. Determine the pH of the soil by indicators on the scoreboard of the device:

  • 4.5-5 - strongly acidic earth;

  • 5-6 - slightly acidic;

  • 6-7 - neutral, ideal for growing most agricultural crops;

  • 8 - alkaline.

To obtain more accurate readings of acidity on a sufficiently large plot of land, you should:

  • take samples in several places of the test site;

  • pour all the earth into a plastic cup;

  • dilute the soil in a tank with distilled water.

Next, in the earthen “slurry” in the cup, place the probe of the device.

Soil Acidity Measurement

Principle of operation

How do such devices measure the pH of the soil? The operation of such devices is based on the potentiometric method for determining acidity, discovered in 1889 by Walter Nernst. This researcher was the first to write the equation of the relationship between the activity of ions in solution and electromotive force.

In fact, in this way, modern pH meters are electronic millivoltmeters that measure the potential difference in the medium under study, in which they are placed. The only thing is that the scale in such devices is not graduated in millivolts, but in pH.

Most popular models: review

Acid pH soil meter can be purchased today in almost any store specializing in the sale of goods for gardeners. Many companies, both domestic and foreign, supply such equipment to the market these days.

Judging by the reviews of summer residents available on the Web, the most accurate and convenient to use pH meters at the moment are:

  • Green Belt.

  • Planet Garden.

  • Shanwen Y122.

  • "Planet Garden."

  • KS-300.

All these models today can be purchased both in ordinary gardening stores, and through the Internet.

Green Belt Meters

The main advantages of this model, consumers consider the low cost and lack of need for batteries. In this case, the Green Belt device can be used to determine not only the pH of the soil itself, but also the illumination and humidity.

Green Belt Meter

Soil tests are carried out at the site using this equipment using standard technology. The pluses of these pH and soil moisture meters include, among other things, the accuracy of the readings, as well as the reliability of the design. The manufacturer of Green Belt devices is the Russian company Tekhnoexport LLC.

Planet Garden appliances

Devices of this brand are also designed to measure soil acidity, light and moisture. There are two probes in their design. These two tubes form a galvanic pair. Therefore, batteries for such a device are also not needed.

Planet Garden soil pH meters are indicated by an arrow. Also on the device’s body there is a slider, when you move it to a certain position, the device measures acidity, light or humidity. There are models of this brand about 500 p. That is, absolutely any summer resident can afford such a meter in Russia.

The manufacturer of electronic soil pH meters of this brand is the Russian company of the same name. Moreover, the actual assembly of Planet Garden devices is made in China. Despite the fact that the Chinese do such devices, they, judging by the reviews, are still reliable.

Measuring instrument "Planet garden"

Overview of the model Shanwen Y122

This meter is also complemented by a scoreboard with an arrow. At the same time, acidity, light and humidity can be read from the screen. According to netizens in their reviews, the advantages of the Shanwen Y122 device include, among other things, high accuracy of measurements. There are also two probes on this device. Batteries do not need to be inserted into this device.

Models KS-300

Devices of this brand, unlike those described above, operate on batteries. They have only one probe. This model has been supplied to the domestic market for a long time and has proved to be quite accurate and durable. Consumers consider the need for a fairly frequent change of batteries to be some drawback of electronic pH meters KS-300. Discharges their device, unfortunately, quickly enough.

The board of this device is electronic. Indicators on it are displayed as numbers. With a partial discharge of the batteries, unfortunately, judging by the reviews, these models may not give very accurate readings. Used for the operation of devices of this brand elements "Crohn". The advantages of these pH control devices on the site, like most other mobile devices available on the modern market, are also relatively low cost.

Measurement tips

Soil pH is determined by modern pH meters, thus, quite accurately. However, in order to get the correct data, when using such devices, you must follow certain rules:

  • the probes of the device must always be clean (they must be wiped dry before use);

  • immersion probe device relies on the full depth.

Experienced gardeners are also advised to test at sites using such devices at least 2-3 times. In this case, the arithmetic mean should be derived from the obtained results. Thus, soil acidity can be measured most accurately. In addition, as experienced summer residents recommend, when performing the acidity determination procedure, in no case should you touch the ground and the probes with your hands. It may also affect the readings of the device. After taking measurements, the probes of the device must, of course, be flushed.

Characteristics of the soil on the site

Of course, it is recommended to measure pH in different places of the site. Even not a small area, acidity indicators can vary greatly. Typically, summer residents conduct research on the area reserved for potatoes (in several places), beds with vegetables, in the greenhouse, on the lawn, in the place of growing berry bushes and fruit trees.

How to raise or lower the pH of the soil

Measuring soil acidity in the area using a modern pH meter is thus easy. It is believed that the most favorable indicators of soil acidity for growing plants are, as already mentioned, 6-7 pH. If there are deviations in the meter readings up or down, the land on the site before planting garden crops needs to be improved.

Dolomite flour

Soil acidity can be reduced, for example, by adding slaked lime, chalk or dolomite flour to it. In order to make the soil less alkaline, calcium sulfate (gypsum) is usually used. Also for this purpose, granular sulfur is often used in suburban areas. This material is supposed to be introduced into alkaline soil gradually in small doses with an interval of three or more months. This technology cannot be violated. Otherwise, the soil on the site can simply spoil.


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