Temporary registration: maximum legal duration

Often, Russian citizens need to move to another city for temporary residence. For example, there is an optimal job or there is a need to look after a sick relative. By law, it is possible to live in any city without registration in the migration authorities only for three months, after which temporary registration is required. The maximum period for which it can be drawn up is 5 years. At the same time, it is possible to extend the temporary residence permit if the citizen needs it. Dates and other rules for obtaining temporary registration differ for Russian citizens or foreigners.

The concept of temporary residence

It is represented by the registration of a citizen at the place where he resides, but does not plan to live in this property permanently. It is done for a strictly limited period of time. In this case, the state sets the maximum and minimum term for temporary registration.

Russian citizens are not required to register for a certain period of time if they do not plan to stay in any region for longer than three months. If you have to live in the city for longer than 90 days, it is advisable to notify the migration authorities of their place of residence in order to prevent a fine and problems with the district police officer.

It is allowed to make permanent instead of temporary registration, but for this certain requirements must be observed:

  • consent to this process is required from the owner of the real estate where the person lives;
  • all adult residents of this building should also not be against this procedure;
  • if the apartment belongs to the municipality, then permission is required from the local administration, and at the same time, the requirements for the standard of quadrature for all persons registered in housing should not be violated.

Most often it is done temporary registration. The maximum period for which it is allowed to draw up is 5 years. The landlord can independently decide for how long he will allow another person to live in the apartment.

maximum period of temporary registration at the place of stay

What happens after the registration expires?

Most often, when moving to another city, people make temporary registration. The validity period for citizens depends on their citizenship, and the date stamped in the application for registration is also taken into account.

As soon as the validity of the certificate is over, the registration is automatically terminated, therefore a person is deregistered. He does not need to contact the FMS for this. If you plan to leave the region before the deadline, it is advisable to notify the employees of the migration service about this.

What does the registration give?

Every person who plans to stay in a city for a long period must make a temporary registration. What is the maximum period of registration? To do this, you can specify a maximum of 5 years in the application.

Only with a temporary residence permit citizens in any city can enjoy their many rights. These include:

  • receipt of various documents from government bodies;
  • official registration for work;
  • obtaining loans at various banking institutions;
  • placement of children in kindergartens or schools;
  • receiving free medical care.

Therefore, each person must make sure that they have at least a temporary registration.

temporary registration validity periods for citizens

The consequences of a lack of registration

Upon arrival in any city of a Russian citizen or a foreigner, temporary registration is required. The maximum period for foreign citizens during which they can stay in the country without a residence permit is 7 days. During this time, they must apply for a visa or residence permit in the country. If these requirements are not met by them in a timely manner, then they will face negative consequences:

  • charging a significant fine;
  • deportation to your home country.

When visiting any region, Russian citizens also require temporary registration. The maximum period during which they can be in the city without registration is 90 days. After this period, citizens are brought to administrative responsibility, so they will be forced to pay a significant fine. Additionally, they will be sent to the region where they have a permanent residence permit.

Requirements for Russian citizens

Many Russians are forced to travel outside the region where they have a permanent residence permit due to work or other reasons. They are located in another city for a long time, and they must remember exactly when the temporary registration should be issued. The maximum period for citizens of Russia during which they can be in a city without a residence permit is three months.

This requirement is valid throughout the country, so it does not matter in which city the person is located.

How is a registration made?

If a person realizes that he needs to live in a certain city for a long time, then it is advisable to start issuing a certificate right after arrival. Under such conditions, he will be able to use various public services, as well as avoid unpleasant negative consequences arising in the absence of temporary registration. The maximum period of stay in a city in the Russian Federation without official notification of the FMS is 3 months. Until the end of this period, registration is required.

The registration process itself is divided into several stages:

  • initially, a statement is drawn up, indicating the place of permanent residence of a citizen, the place of temporary stay and the reason why a person is required to be in a particular city;
  • if a person plans to stay in housing owned by a private person, then you must come to the FMS department with the owner of this real estate;
  • Numerous forms provided by the FMS employees are filled in, and passports of citizens are given to them for verification;
  • the applicant must have grounds, confirmed by official documents, that he may be for a long time in the territory of a particular residential premises;
  • if the apartment or house has several tenants or owners, then it is required to obtain consent in advance from all tenants to move in.

When compiling an application, the period for which registration is made must be indicated. The maximum term for temporary registration for citizens of the Russian Federation is five years. For a longer period, it will not work out.

Often this information is not included in the application, and under such conditions it is automatically considered that registration is made for three months. After this time, the temporary resident of the region is automatically deregistered where he was registered.

You do not need to contact the FMS department to confirm the end of the registration. The maximum period of temporary registration at the place of stay is recorded directly in the received certificate. After the end of this period, using this document for any purpose will not work.

maximum term for temporary registration for citizens of the Russian Federation

The nuances of registering a temporary residence permit by Russians

The period for which it is drawn up is agreed in advance between the visitors and the owner of the house, where he plans to stay for a while. The validity of temporary registration under the law is a maximum of 5 years. Under such conditions, it is not required to renew the residence permit, so only one application is enough.

Such registration does not affect permanent residence, therefore, it is not required to be deregistered at the place of residence.

After passing the procedure, the Russian receives a special certificate, with which he confirms the presence of a residence permit at the place of stay. However, no mark is placed in his passport.

Nuances for foreigners

If a foreign citizen visits the country, then he must notify the FMS of his arrival within the next 7 days. To do this, you first need to find a place to live, after which a statement is transmitted to the FMS department, on the basis of which the person is registered.

If a foreigner does not have a visa, then the maximum period of temporary registration at the place of stay is only 3 months. It will not be possible to renew the residence during the next 6 months. Upon the expiration of the period indicated in the certificate, the foreigner must certainly leave the country if he does not receive a visa or residence permit.

Re-registration immediately after the expiration of the first registration is possible only if there are good reasons. These include studying at a Russian university or drawing up a fixed-term employment contract.

If a person comes to the country on the basis of a visa, then the maximum period of temporary registration in Moscow or another region will be equal to the period of time for which the visa was issued. At the same time, it should be registered within a week after crossing the border.

temporary registration legal validity

The nuances of registration in public institutions

When visiting any region, foreigners or Russian citizens can stay for a temporary stay not only in apartments or houses owned by private owners, but also in different public institutions. These include hotels, hotels, motels or special social institutions.

When using this method, the maximum term for temporary registration for citizens of the Russian Federation is three months. It is engaged in the registration of a person directly to the leadership of this institution. Therefore, the person himself may not contact the FMS for notification, but at the same time he must transfer the passport for registration to the hotel owners.

At what point do the dates begin?

The period of stay in the country for foreigners begins at the moment when they arrive at the institution where they plan to stay on a temporary basis. They must give their employees a passport and other documents on the basis of which they are registered. Additionally, they draw up a special application for registration.

For Russians, the same conditions are set if they stay at a hotel. If they choose a private residential building, then the moment of their arrival in a particular city is taken into account. Registration on a temporary basis is required if a person plans to stay in the region for longer than 90 days.

temporary registration maximum validity


When in any city where a person does not live permanently, temporary registration is required. The maximum validity of this certificate is 5 years, but citizens are often interested in the question of how quickly the registration procedure is carried out.

As a standard, no more than 8 days are spent on this process, and often all actions are performed by the FMS employees within 6 days. If the hotel is engaged in registration, then the application for registration of the tenant is sent to him within three days after his check-in.

The process of creating a certificate takes about three days, after which it is issued to a citizen. It is allowed to speed up the process if you turn to specialized agencies that independently prepare documents, so usually a certificate is issued within three days.

Difficulties can arise if a citizen chooses non-privatized housing to be in any region. Difficulties also arise if the apartment is owned by several owners, therefore their presence at the registration is required. Tenants or property owners do not always agree with the introduction of another person, and without their official consent, registration will not work.

How to register in another city?

If a person needs to visit another region for a long period for any purpose, he must take care in advance of the registration of a temporary residence permit. The maximum term for temporary registration for citizens is 5 years, so if you want to stay in the city for a longer period, then it is advisable to register on an ongoing basis.

The temporary registration procedure is considered simple and quick. If a person stays for a while in a hotel, then there is no need to engage in the process yourself. But this is allowed only when staying in the city for three months.

If a person plans to stay in the region for a longer period, then it is advisable to find an apartment for temporary registration. Next, an application for registration with the FMS is transmitted. Other documents are attached to it:

  • passport of a visiting citizen;
  • military card, if a man who is not yet 27 years old is applying for registration;
  • papers for an apartment or house where a citizen plans to reside;
  • residence permits from all owners of residential real estate where the person will be registered;
  • consent to registration from tenants of housing, if the citizen plans to live in an apartment owned by the municipality.

If a municipal apartment is chosen, then you will additionally have to obtain a registration permit from the local administration. It will not be issued if, during the settlement of another person, the quadrature norm for each tenant is violated.

When registering a temporary residence permit, it is not required to be discharged from the place of permanent residence in another city.

temporary registration maximum period for foreign citizens

How long can I apply for?

If a foreign citizen plans to register, he can apply for it for a maximum of 3 months. After that, he is obliged to leave the country, but there are some exceptions. If you have a permanent job or when studying at a Russian educational institution, it is allowed to draw up documents for a longer period. If a citizen receives a visa, then he can stay in Russia only for the duration of its validity.

If a Russian citizen claims for temporary registration, then there is no minimum registration period. It is necessary to issue it only when staying in the city for longer than 90 days. If you need to visit another city only for a month, then you do not need to notify the FMS about this. The maximum temporary registration is issued for 5 years. After this period, it can be reissued, although it is advisable under such conditions to issue a permanent registration.

Is it possible to cancel?

Temporary registration is canceled at the time of expiration of its validity, as specified in the certificate.

Early can be canceled by the owner of the apartment where the citizen resides, if he was present at registration. To do this, just write a statement and submit documents to the FMS for housing. It is not required that a registered citizen be present at the cancellation procedure.

temporary registration maximum term of the Russian Federation


Each person who is in a different city for a long time must apply for temporary registration. The maximum term for its execution for Russians is 5 years, and for foreigners it is limited to three months.

If there is no temporary residence permit on time, then this leads to numerous negative consequences for citizens. They are required to pay significant fines, and foreigners are deported to their country. Therefore, it is important to responsibly approach the requirements of state bodies, as well as to understand the timing of registration.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33014/

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