44 size is M or S? How to figure it out?

The modern clothing market is so diverse that it is sometimes difficult to determine only the size of the desired clothing model. However, there are problems. Often the question arises: 44 is the size M or S?

International size

Some countries have their own dimensional grid, as, for example, in Russia. No one disputes the size of clothes, marked with the numbers 42, 44, 46 or 58, since the dimensional grid in Russia is clearly defined, and clothing manufactured at Russian enterprises strictly complies with the standards.

44 size is m or s
For modern women of fashion, the question is 44 size (S or M). This size of clothes is the most popular on the Russian market. Let's consider a question in more detail.

Marking the size of clothes in English letters is usually used in European countries, as well as countries in Asia and China. But if clothes from Europe can clearly determine what size it is, then products from China do not always meet the usual standards. It is aimed at a wide range of consumers, mass production and large volumes of products. Often on such clothes there is an incorrect labeling, simply called a manufacturing defect. However, such things can be found in the market and even in branded stores.

Next, we will try to figure out what are the parameters for sizes S and M and consider 44 sizes. Is it M or S? Now we find out!

European size

Modern fashionistas very often began to buy clothes through online stores. This is very convenient, especially since there is a very large selection and a great opportunity to save time. Mostly clothing presented in such stores has a European marking for clothing size.

44 size is s or m
A bona fide seller will always provide a breakdown of the parameters of a particular model for ease of selection, but not always. Big questions are 44 size: is it M or S?

Modern fashion dictates international standards, and one of them is the international dimensional grid. First, we decipher the abbreviations that we used to see on clothes:
1. XXS, in other words extra extra small. The literal translation is "very, very small."
2. XS, in other words extra small. The literal translation looks like "very small."
3. S, otherwise small. Accordingly, the literal translation is "small."
4. M - medium, in the translation "medium".
5. L - large, in other words, large.
6. XL - extra large, very large.
7. XXL - extra extra large. Literal translation means "very, very large."

44 size options

It is known that young women with a rather fragile physique wear 44 clothing sizes, but sometimes it is difficult to determine 44 clothing sizes - it is S or M. We will understand the parameters of size 44.

44 clothing size is it s or m
To make a conclusion (44 is S or M?), It is necessary to establish what parameters it corresponds to. To do this, we give an example of a comparative table.

Clothing size

Chest parameters, cmWaist Parameters, cmHip parameters, cm
4486-89 cm70-73 cm96-98 cm

As can be seen from the table, 44 sizes have a wide range. The difference is almost 3 cm. And in order to more accurately determine the appropriate size for your type of figure, you need to measure your volume, or rather the volume of the chest, waist and hips.
The question of choosing 44 sizes is not important if the parameters of your figure correspond to the lower indicators, but if they border on the upper, then you should already review the issue of purchasing clothes of size 44 and think about size 46.

Sizes S and M

Let's pay attention to one more table.

Clothing sizeChest parameters, cmWaist Parameters, cmHip parameters, cm
S86-89 cm67-70 cm91-94 cm
M90-93 cm71-74 cm95-98 cm

In the table you see the size parameters in comparison.

As you can see, the permissible error in size is 3 cm.

44 size s or m
If we compare the second table with the table above, we can try to conclude what size 44 is (this is S or M). We can definitely answer that this is size M.

But if you like the clothes to sit rather tightly on your body and completely fit your body, then you can try size S. You should not forget that different manufacturers have their own dimensional mesh, and before buying this or that item, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it. take measurements of your own body.

Modern online stores provide a dimensional grid in expanded form, based on which you can accurately determine the size that is suitable for your parameters. It often happens that an item of size S fits perfectly on you, but another manufacturer will have the same clothes under the mark M. And in order to more accurately determine whether size 44 is M or S, we recommend that you measure your parameters and the resulting compare the result with the manufacturerโ€™s dimensional grid.
Have a nice shopping!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33016/

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