Do you know that tourists are bringing from Ukraine?

Every year an increasing number of Russians prefer to relax in Ukraine. In this regard, many are interested in what our compatriots are bringing from Ukraine.

First of all, sweets. However, one should not think that the cake "Kiev", once popular in our country, cannot go bad on the way home. Carry the above food product as a presentation can those who have taken care of the cooler bag in advance.

What is being brought from Ukraine

What are Russian tourists bringing from Ukraine? Naturally, the elite wines that are so famous for Crimea. The quality of the above alcoholic beverage in Crimea is the highest. Such a gift will be appreciated by those who are experts in wine tasting. Of course, Russians vacationing in Ukraine do not forget to buy a national vodka drink vodka, which is in high demand in our country. For tourists, manufacturers of alcohol specially pack the vodka in a red gift box, and it has a rather original form in the form of a club or a Cossack figure.

What is being brought from Ukraine as souvenir products? Of course, dishes made of wood or ceramic. It has a unique decor and painting, made in national traditions. Moreover, the dishes can be used not only as an element of decor, but also for its intended purpose.

Rules for the export of products from Ukraine

Woven products of Ukrainian craftswomen are especially popular with tourists. Recently, textile accessories decorated with national ornaments are in high demand. If you purchase or present to your relatives a beautiful towel, clothes or a handbag embroidered in national traditions, then such gifts will certainly not go unnoticed and will certainly be appreciated.

The question of what is being transported from Ukraine will not be fully resolved if one does not mention yet another exquisite souvenir, namely a straw hat, which the locals call “bryl”. Such a gift will be incredibly liked by those who spend most of their leisure time outside the city.

However, it must be emphasized that the rules for the export of products from Ukraine clearly distinguish which goods are taxed and which are not. So, Ukrainian products worth up to one hundred thousand euros are not subject to customs duties. The exception is alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and certain types of goods, for example, cultural values. As for wine, the fortress of which does not exceed 28 degrees, it can be removed from the territory of Ukraine in the amount of two liters per person.

Prices for products in Ukraine

Beer can be brought home in an amount of up to five liters, and tobacco products - up to two hundred cigarettes. If we talk about food, they can be taken out across the Ukrainian border for a total of 200 euros per person.

At the same time, it should be noted that food prices in Ukraine continue to rise compared to a number of European countries. The reason for this trend lies not only in the fact of the economic crisis, but also in the banal crop failure of certain types of agricultural products, in particular potatoes and onions.


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