What to do in Bali tourist, what to see?

The Indonesian islands attract tourists from all over the world all year round, thanks to the ideal weather for relaxation, ultraviolet baths from the sun's rays and sea procedures with breaks in the white sand. The most popular of them is Bali. For many years, tourists leave for a warm paradise from winter and cold days.

What to do in Bali, apart from relaxing and swimming in comfortably warm water, which remains unchanged throughout the year - 26โ€“28 degrees? The absence of sweltering heat in the summer and the cold winter season pleases not only guests, but also local residents. The inhabitants of the island, living in freedom, are available for communication with tourists, they even wait for them along the road - these are annoying monkeys.

what to do with children in bali

Upon arrival at the resort, few people have a question what to do in Bali. Because around the clock there is a mass of events that may interest even the lazy. Many beaches, ancient temples, groves of dense palm trees, rice cultivation fields, beautiful mountain landscapes, amazing numerous waterfalls and caves that keep secrets. Cultural attractions amaze even experienced travelers.

Rainy season in winter

What to do in Bali in the rain, which can suddenly begin in broad daylight and just as unexpectedly end? The proximity to the equator is conducive to the absence of temperature differences, sunrise and sunset at the same time all year round. Therefore, there are only two seasons on the island, and then conditional. Dryer - from April to October, and wet - from November to March.

After the rain, the sun immediately appears and everything around dries in a matter of minutes. Therefore, bathing becomes more comfortable, because the water turns into fresh milk, and the absence of dust does not turn the road into dirt and swamp. The light breeze is constantly pleasantly refreshing.

If the rain has lingered for more than two hours, you can always switch to visiting attractions so that a short tropical day allows you to see all the beauties of the island. Outdoor activities are welcomed more than lazy reclining under palm trees.

Tanah Lot and the Temple of Mother

Tanah Lot Temple

What to do in Bali? The answer will be prompted by local guides interested in numerous excursions of vacationers. A visit to Tanah Lot Temple, a symbol of culture and the main attraction of Indonesia, is a must. A small stone ledge, available for visiting at low tide, offers a unique view of the breathtaking sunset.

The Temple of the Mother consists of 22 separate temples, is the largest complex located high in the mountains. Millennial age did not spoil the beauty of buildings. The history of the island and life, captured in the works of artists and sculptors, can be seen in the museum located in Denpasar.

Jimbaran and Sanur

Couples traveling to exotic places on the planet know in advance what to do with their children in Bali. The south and southeast of the island are the most popular parts of the island among vacationers due to the lack of a wave. Jimbaran and Sanur are the most respected tourist centers with the annual kite flying festival. Such a colorful competition will not leave indifferent not only children, but also adults.

Batubulan and the Botanical Garden

You can visit Batubulan. It is a stone carving center with numerous craft shops and endless volcanic tuff souvenirs. The botanical garden measuring over 160 hectares with the rarest and most valuable representatives of the plant world, more than 400 varieties of flowers, 650 species of exotic trees, many tropical birds.

Chocolate Factory and Pod Chocolate

Tourists will be interested in visiting the chocolate factory, where the local cocoa is transformed into a number of goodies in front of gourmets. Pod Chocolate offers guided tours with tasting and making its own goodies. The Waterbom Bali amusement park has been open for visitors since 1993, with separate ponds for the youngest visitors to extreme slides for extreme lovers.

what to do in ubud

Festivals celebrations

Festivals of the island without a specific date, according to the local calendar, are celebrated several times a year - the Victory of Good over Evil, the Expulsion of Evil Spirits, the Festive sacrifice to Spirits in the form of food prepared in a special way. The new year is called the Holiday of Silence and begins with the rituals of purification, goes into meditation and reflection on the meaning of being.

Balinese cuisine abounds with high-quality rice served with seafood, meat and vegetables. Local seasonings and spices grown in the mountains are used. The variety of tropical fruit varieties increases in winter.

Diving and surfing

what to do in bali

Lonely tourists and couples in love also have something to do in Bali. The southwest of the island attracts surfers with the presence of high waves. The popular beaches of Kuta and Seminyak abound with hotels of various categories for the price and amenities, bars, nightclubs and discos. International banks using ATMs solve any issue with cash. And the presence of Russian-speaking guides indicates a large flow of tourists from Russia. Amed is a diving center, adjacent to the villages of fishermen and cozy quiet bays, located in the east of the island.

Monkey Forest and Antonio Blanco House Museum

monkey forest

What to do in Ubud in Bali, if not a trip to the monkey forest, where about 600 representatives of primates live in the reserve under natural conditions ?! A walk accompanied by the owners of the forest will allow you to see interesting sculptures and recall the cartoon about Mowgli.

It is worth visiting the house-museum of the Spaniard Antonio Blanco, who gained popularity with painting. The building adjoins a garden with unusual sculptural figures and the presence of tropical birds on lawns and trees. The library with the Pondok Pekak Training Center in Ubud introduces the Bali culture through exciting games for visitors of all ages. You can attend dance classes or play in the orchestra. The children's reading room is filled with books and is available for use. The province unspoiled by tourists, rich in the presence of temples, beautiful terraces with rice, thickets of palm trees, exotic plants.

Holidays in Lovin

what to do in bali in the rain

What to do in Lovina in Bali? When you get to the northern part of the peninsula, you notice the difference in landscape. Brown volcanic sand instead of snow-white, the presence of a huge number of pleasure boats for hunting dolphins, sailing to the shore in the morning and teasing in the afternoon far from the shore with their pirouettes in the water. Photography hunting consists in the endless movement of boats and boats in the waters, trying to capture a successful shot with the marine inhabitants. Dolphin is a symbol of the northern part of the island.

The continuous coastal strip of more than 10 kilometers is occupied by many restaurants, hotels, agencies. A gentle entry into the water and the absence of large waves, wide shallow water allows you to relax with children. The presence of numerous boats is the only thing that spoils a quiet holiday on the beach. The remains of coral reefs and a wide variety of fish and starfish attract divers. And the luminous night plankton can be seen at night, after admiring the magnificent sunsets, when the sun sets right in the water.

Tourists will be interested in multi-tiered pagodas near the Buyan and Bratan lakes, the Ulun Danu temple and the Brahma Vihara Ashram monastery. Lake Bratan is located in a volcanic crater and is revered as a shrine. Pilgrims and tourists are photographed against the backdrop of pagodas, while locals worship the goddess Davy Lan, the mother of mountain rivers to irrigate local fields. Numerous excursions take place here. Mostly in the groups of tourists, the Chinese and Japanese predominate.

Left-hand traffic and a sea of โ€‹โ€‹radiant smiles with the greeting "hello" defeat even gloomy tourists, causing response joy on their faces. There are hot springs available for swimming, and many beautiful waterfalls.

February in Bali

what to do in the catch

What to do in Bali in February, the last of the rainy months of the season? The same as in the dry period, because short-term precipitation is not annoyed by either cold or lack of heat and sun. The water is warm, and a slight decline in tourists allows you to move more freely along tourist routes, relax on the coast and get a beautiful tan of the skin. Lower prices and reduced queues attract vacationers with children. It is this period that is less busy when visiting attractions.

Humidity is higher by indicators than in summer, which should be taken into account for some allergy sufferers and asthmatics, as well as for people with lung problems. You should choose a hotel in a quieter section of the island from the waves, due to the removal of waves of algae and debris during winter storms.

Warm water is more actively mixed with the lower layers of the currents, but remains year-round with temperatures up to 28 degrees Celsius. This time is often used by couples, surf lovers, as connoisseurs of high waves.


Now itโ€™s clear what to do in Bali. This island is full of numerous holidays and colorful costume festivals associated with religious rites. The choice of hotels from inexpensive to 5-star allows you to determine the costs, according to your wallet.

There are also disadvantages to a holiday in Bali - it is a short daylight (only 12 hours) and a reluctance to leave this beautiful place. Paradise on earth is ready to meet the next stream of tourists with a sea of โ€‹โ€‹warmth and positive local people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33032/

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