The scientific novelty of the study: examples, features and requirements

The scientific novelty of the study is a criterion that determines the amount of additions, transformations, and concretization of scientific information. By this term is meant what was received for the first time.


Let's try to understand what the scientific novelty of research is. An example of the wording is that a product that has not been previously investigated can be taken for the entire study.

For example, for theoretical works, an innovation will be innovation in the methodology and theory of the analyzed subject.

scientific novelty research example formulation


The scientific novelty of the study depends on the nature and nature of the work. For example, when implementing a project of practical orientation, it is characterized by the result that was obtained for the first time. The scientific novelty of the study in a similar situation is confirmed in a series of experiments. At the same time, it clarifies and develops the scientific view that existed in the field of research. In order to evaluate the novelty, it is necessary to correctly set the goal of the experiment, to formulate a hypothesis.


The scientific novelty of the study involves three levels:

  • change in known information, its cardinal change;
  • increase and addition of known information without adjusting its essence;
  • refinement, specification of known information, transfer of the results to a new class of systems or objects.
scientific novelty and theoretical significance of research

Forms of existence

The scientific novelty and practical significance of research exists in several forms:

  • partially combines new signs: A + B = C + D;
  • input of a new characteristic: A + B = A + B + C;
  • change in new parts of old signs: A + B + C = A + B + D;
  • a new interaction of several signs: A + B + C = A + C + B;
  • complex application of features that were used separately, in a new combination;
  • the use of a well-known model, method, equipment, which for such purposes have not been previously used.

In the form of innovations can be:

  • method;
  • knowledge;
  • implementation;
  • means;
  • method.

Knowledge is a proven practice, a logical result of analysis. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study are important indicators that determine the choice of experimental methods. By them is meant the path of knowledge, research, teaching, theory. The method includes the means by which some action is carried out.

Means can be the environment, object or phenomenon that is necessary for the implementation of the action.

The implementation of the problem of the novelty of scientific research involves the implementation of a project, plan, intention.

problems of scientific research novelty

Structural components of the study

To get the desired result, it is important to properly build your work. At the first stage, a general study of the research problem is carried out, and its volume is revealed. At this stage, the scientific novelty of the study is established. An example of a hypothesis when studying the content of ascorbic acid in cranberries: the quantitative content of vitamin C in cranberries is significantly higher than in black currants.

The researcher should be aware of and motivate social needs for awareness on this issue. An important issue in the methodology is the search for the relationship between the problem and the topic.

What can be the scientific novelty of the study? An example of the formulation of the hypothesis above suggests an experimental determination of the quantitative content of ascorbic acid in different berries, and statistical processing of the results. It must be remembered that the topic itself "lives" for a long time, but the problematic aspects are being modernized under the influence of the social environment and scientific and technological progress. That is why the scientific novelty of the research topic should be confirmed in a practical way.

scientific and theoretical novelty of research

Study goal statement

They act as the achievement of some new results in the research process . Goals can be the result of overcoming the contradiction between theory and practice. In addition to formulating the main idea, it is necessary to consider intermediate goals at individual stages of work.

The scientific and theoretical novelty of the study is determined by the results, their relationship with the goals and objectives set at the beginning of the work.

In any case, the goal should describe the projected normative result, which is inscribed in the general system. Based on the goal, a sequence of actions is formed, through which it will be possible to achieve it, practical experiments are thought out.

scientific novelty and practical significance of research

Hypothesis development

How to achieve the novelty of scientific research? The relevance of the material selected for work is an important element on the basis of which the relevance of the study is determined. The hypothesis is a prototype of the subsequent theory in the case when it will be confirmed in the framework of practical work. The hypothesis performs the following functions in the project:

  • prognostic;
  • explanatory;
  • descriptive.

It describes the structure of the subject of study, gives the author the methods and means of managing practical experiments. It is the hypothesis that predicts the final results of the work, their feasibility and relevance.

When confirming the hypothesis, the scientific novelty of the research results is proved.

Practice shows that in the creative process of creating a hypothesis, the psychological state of the experimenter himself plays a significant role.

When constructing a hypothesis, it is allowed to create several probable “trajectories” of movement of the object of study, which allows it to acquire the qualities conceived by the author if it is possible to choose from all probable “trajectories” the most optimal for a particular study.

scientific novelty of the research topic

Task development

For their formulation, the goal set in the study is correlated with the hypothesis put forward. When setting goals, attention is paid to the development of such actions, the implementation of which will establish a causal relationship, to make full-fledged results.

When formulating research problems, a need arises for conducting a stating experiment. It helps to establish the state of the object before the experiment, to carry out the adjustment of tasks.

The selection of an action plan, the choice of methods and techniques of work directly depend on the specificity of the formulation of the project's objectives.

Experiment organization

After the research objectives are formulated, it is necessary to list all the existing conditions that can be regulated, they can also be stabilized. Such a description gives an idea of ​​the form, content, set of means of changing the phenomenon, process, which allows him to form the necessary qualities.

The novelty of practical research can be determined by the creation of our own methodology for conducting experiments, the selection of conditions for accelerating (decelerating) the process or phenomenon under consideration.

The program of experimental activity, experimental methods, and methods for fixing current events is carried out by direct or indirect observations, thanks to conversations, questionnaires, and consideration of documentation.

When selecting ready-made techniques, the researcher should pay close attention to their functionality, realism, and scientific nature.

The experimental part of the work

Before proceeding with direct practical research, it is important to conduct a test check of the package of documents:

  • research methods;
  • conversation content;
  • profiles;
  • tables and templates for the accumulation of information.

Such a check is needed in order to make adjustments, refinements to the documents, to avoid wasting time on the performance of obviously ineffective studies.

The experimental process is the most time-consuming, intense, dynamic stage of scientific research. Within its framework, the researcher should carry out the following actions:

  • constantly maintain optimal conditions that ensure the stability of the rhythm and pace of the experiment, the similarity and difference of the control and experimental groups;
  • change and dose specific conditions that affect the result;
  • periodically evaluate, calculate, subdivide the frequency and intensity of the observed phenomena;
  • keep parallel to the experiment continuous processing of the material so that it is reliable.

Generalization and synthesis of information

This stage involves the synthesis and synthesis of the results obtained during the experiment. It is at this stage that the researcher forms a single picture of the investigated object (phenomenon) from separate intermediate conclusions. The factual material accumulated in the course of a long theoretical and practical activity is subject to logical rethinking. At this stage, the researcher uses deductive and inductive methods, evaluates the relevance and novelty of the work performed.

Based on the experiments carried out:

  • analysis of the conformity of the hypothesis put forward at the beginning of the work to the results obtained in the course of practical work, its viability is evaluated;
  • formulation of particular and general consequences in the theory selected for the study, analysis of the possibility of its translation;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of the selected methods, the quality of theoretical material;
  • development of recommendations for the analyzed problem.

If you take into account such recommendations in your scientific and practical activities, you can count on a significant reduction in time costs.

scientific research novelty relevance

An example of choosing an interesting work

The relevance of scientific research is characterized by how its results will help solve certain practical problems, eliminate the contradictions that currently exist in a particular field.

Various authors interpret this concept in different ways. For example, A.P. Shcherbak under the relevance of scientific research implies the degree of importance of it at a particular moment and situation for solving problems, questions, problems.

We give a small example to evaluate the ratio of goals, objectives, hypotheses, and the novelty of the study.

The choice for the experiment of nettle dioecious and common viburnum is explained by the availability of these drugs, as well as the specificity of their chemical composition, information about their positive use in folk medicine

The purpose of the study: a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the use of dioecious nettle and common viburnum for the prevention of colds in a population living in harsh climatic conditions.

Tasks of work:

  • analysis of the experience of using dioecious nettle and common viburnum as a phytopreparation;
  • identification of chemical composition features;
  • determination of the quantitative content of ascorbic acid in plants;
  • assessment of the possibility of using drugs for the prevention of colds;
  • formulation of conclusions on the research problem, development of recommendations on the use of the results

The hypothesis of the experiment: nettle, common viburnum are quite effective means for the prevention of colds for children and adolescents who live in difficult climatic conditions.

The relevance and novelty of the study: severe climatic conditions negatively affect the health of the younger generation of the Russian Federation, lead to weakened immunity, an increase in the number of colds in children and adolescents living in the northern regions of Russia. Effective and affordable means are needed that do not cause allergic reactions, with the help of which timely prevention of colds in young northerners would be carried out.


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