What color is combined with burgundy in clothes, interior?

Burgundy, or, as it is also called, the color of ripe cherries or expensive roses, is magnificent. Few can resist his beauty and charm. It is not included in the main color palette, since it was created by mixing crimson and coffee, and received the name in honor of Bordeaux - a famous wine from France.

From red, burgundy borrowed the best qualities: authority, initiative, purposefulness. From brown - constancy, masculinity and reliability. In ancient times, it was considered one of the main attributes of the monarchs, it was used in heraldry.

what color is the burgundy facade of the kitchen combined with

In modern times, it has not lost its relevance and is associated with such concepts as respectability, a worthy position among others and in society. This is the main answer to the question why the combination of burgundy color with other shades today is so relevant in all areas of human life.

Saturation, its depth can create an effect, emphasize sensitivity and even passion. On the other hand, this shade can oppress or suppress. Visually burgundy color reduces the subject, clothing or interior, becoming a worthy alternative to black. As for the texture, it looks different every time: on a glossy surface it shows nobility and consistency, on a matte surface - solemnity and luxury.

The burgundy color, which has powerful energy, has always attracted the eyes to itself, becoming the center of attention. It is very important, describing this shade, to be able to present it not only separately, but also to imagine what color goes perfectly with burgundy.

what color goes well with burgundy cuisine

What color can be combined perfectly with burgundy

It is different combinations that will give it special emotionality and the desired effect, be it clothing, interior, furniture or flowers.

With black

This combination has long been a classic. This tandem is associated with restraint and practicality. But at the same time, there is a risk that such a combination may look inexpressive or gloomy. To prevent this, it can be diluted with white.

With gray

This selection looks more successful given that the gray will be light. These shades are able to create the desired contrast, and this will emphasize the depth of the burgundy. This combination looks modern, spectacular, stylish.

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With white

This shade is endowed with the ability to emphasize and always highlight his companion. If you want to emphasize and separately highlight, for example, furniture in the kitchen or in the bathroom, but don’t know what colors the maroon set goes with, then try combining it with white. Against its background, the furniture will look even richer, and the color depth will seem even deeper, especially if these two shades are taken in equal quantities.

With beige

The combination of burgundy with cream, caramel tones is an ideal option to make the interior refined and elegant. Tenderness, softness of beige - this is a good combination with the energy of burgundy. In clothes, this ensemble will emphasize femininity and charm.

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Perfect combinations in clothes

Bordeaux is in fashion now. This shade is your favorite and suits you, but what color is combined with burgundy in clothes you don’t know? Then follow our tips and tricks, and you will always look beautiful and fashionable.

  • A trouser cherry suit and an orange blouse will add elegance and efficiency. If you occupy a high post and the dress code does not allow you such an alliance, then you can just do with the usual orange scarf.
  • What colors does burgundy color in clothes go with? If you consider that the tandem of blue and burgundy always looks unusual and even solemn, then a dress of the color of the sky can be supplemented with jewelry of a shade of fine wine.
  • What colors does burgundy color combine with yet? If you are a brave and young person and want to look spectacular, attract the attention of others, try combining it with yellow. For example, wear yellow leggings and a burgundy-colored tunic belted with a gold strap. Such an outfit evokes extremely positive emotions; it does not “hurt” the look.

what color is combined with burgundy

Burgundy in the interior

Designers advise using this color in different rooms, however, with special care in rooms such as the nursery, corridor and hallway. The main condition for use is a sense of proportion and rationality. What colors does burgundy match in the interior, which combinations will be the most successful?

  • This shade looks great with calm and neutral: beige, cream, milk, white or gray in light colors.
  • The combination with gold will give the room pomp and extraordinary luxury.
  • Combining with brown or black is rigor. It is especially relevant when creating an interior in a classic style.
  • What color is combined with burgundy when creating bold design decisions? For these purposes, it is best to use a green palette, picking up also details of pink or red shades.

what colors does burgundy match in the interior

Burgundy manicure: variations and design

You can use manicure in Bordeaux color in different ways and for many cases.

  • The monophonic coating of nails with this color looks stylish, beautiful and elegant.
  • What color is burgundy nail polish compatible with? There are many such combinations. For example, this color looks good with white. The latter softens the aggressiveness of burgundy, so such a manicure looks just great.
  • Mixing with black is a classic of choice. Such a tender will attract the attention of others to your hands.
  • What color is combined with burgundy on nails? Combinations with gold look luxurious. Such a manicure simply shines with the splendor and overflow of this precious shade.
  • A tandem with rhinestones is the sophistication and sophistication of charm.

Whatever style and design you choose, do not forget about a sense of proportion. Attractive manicure does not tolerate overload of decorative elements.

what colors does burgundy match

Burgundy roses: what elements of the color palette do they combine with?

Roses always evoke passionate feelings, passion and admiration among the fair sex. A bouquet of roses in Bordeaux color must be assembled correctly and correctly, so that these feelings are awakened in the soul of the one to whom it is intended.

If you understand the question of what colors burgundy roses are combined with, then it is best to use lavender or purple shades in the bouquet. They will look anxious and charming in combination with white ones. For a respectable woman, a composition composed of saturated burgundy and purple roses is a sign of devotion and respect.

what color is combined with burgundy in clothes

Maroon furniture in the kitchen

Luxury, nobleness, delicate taste and grace - these are the concepts associated with burgundy cuisine. They always look expensive and elegant. Psychologists believe that this color is preferred by people with a good sense of humor, high intelligence and developed imagination. The color choice of burgundy is understandable and justified, it will definitely add a touch of personality to the interior, make it respectable.

burgundy color combination

In large kitchens, maroon furniture looks very harmonious. And warmer shades visually reduce the room. Therefore, creating an interior, you need to understand and know what color is combined with burgundy. Kitchens of this color need to be furnished with small rooms. That is, it is desirable to simply burgundy small surfaces.

Unlike red, which, as you know, affects the psyche annoyingly, burgundy does not cause violent emotions.

  • Win-win this color combined with white.
  • Gold trim elements look chic and rich against this background.
  • If you complement the interior with black, your kitchen will look even more beautiful and elegant. After all, black, burgundy and white is a classic combination. As for the facade, the furniture made in this shade perfectly complements the interior with light walls.
  • If you want softness and comfort in your home, add a little light gray tones to the burgundy-white combination. In this case, trim the walls with beige or milky. For unusual and originality, attach bright blue decor elements.
  • A combination of burgundy and black looks unusual and spectacular. The latter in this case emphasizes the energy of Bordeaux.

what colors does dark burgundy match

Tips from stylists

Curtains are considered an important accessory in any room. For burgundy kitchens, it is better to choose textiles that harmonize with the color scheme of the furniture.

What color does the burgundy façade of the kitchen match in a win-win and perfect way? Creating such an interior, first of all, you need to properly equip the lighting. It must be scattering. As little as possible, you need to use bright shades: yellow, pink or green, if you do not plan to focus on them.

Mirror facades, glossy or varnished, crystal chandeliers and lamps, transparent objects of ware look stylish and pleasant. It is advisable to make the floor wooden.

burgundy interior styling tips


As you can see, this color in the design of the premises must be used carefully and wisely. It is capricious, but with the right combination, it is able to create a luxurious, warm and very cozy interior.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33039/

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