A breed of dog from the Pedigree commercial with a boy. Description

What is the name of the dog breed from the Pedigree commercial? In our article we will find the answer to an exciting question. We will also consider this breed in detail, describe the appearance and character.

The main character of the video

What breed of dog is from the Pedigree commercial? This type of dog is called Welsh Corgi. Representatives of the breed are very nice. This is probably why a puppy of this type was decided to use in advertising dog food. The video showed how a touching little dog rescues its owner from peers-hooligans.

Species history

We found that the dog breed from the Pedigree commercial is called the Welsh Corgi. Ancient Islamic dogs were the ancestors of these dogs. Although other variants of the appearance of a dog breed from Pedigree advertising are known.

For example, according to another version, it was believed that representatives of this species were used to protect against intruders.

dog breed from a pedigree ad with a boy

The dog breed from the Pedigree commercial with a boy was widely used in England. There previously it was used in cattle breeding.

In the twentieth century, representatives of the breed lived with members of the royal families. This fact was the impetus for the popularity of this type of dogs.


There are two types of breed - cardigan and pembroke. Both types look like a fox.

The representatives of the breed are small in size, short-legged.

The cardigan is larger than the pembroke, its tail is also longer. Pembrokes are short-tailed.

The cardigan has more ears than a pembroke.

The hair of representatives of the breed is stiff and short. The color may be different. You can meet red, black and brindle Welsh Corgi. There are also marble and tricolor colors.

pedigree dog breed

The height at the withers is about thirty centimeters. Weight averages thirteen kilograms.

The nature of the representatives

The dog breed from the Pedigree commercial with a boy is ideal for families with children. Such dogs are very smart, extremely smart. They are also very funny. Not a single child is bored with them. Apparently, it was precisely for this reason that this type of dogs was chosen for the video.

Courage is another hallmark of the breed.

Note that there are differences between pembrokes and cardigans in character. The former are more inquisitive and active. Cardigans are quite serious in nature, concentrated, treat strangers with caution.

what breed of dog is from a pedigree ad

Representatives of this breed are very cheerful. We can say that these dogs have a large supply of energy.

These dogs are very loyal to the owner. Dogs love children. With great pleasure they play with them. Do not show aggression.

For a dog to grow up educated, obedient, it must be constantly trained. In the learning process, persistence is worthwhile. Anger in training cannot be used.

Despite the fact that the representatives of this breed are small in size, they are strong and very hardy.

By nature they are sociable and responsive. Society of people they like.

These dogs have excellent shepherd qualities. They will even try to patronize other pets in the apartment, for example, a dog can protect a guinea pig from a cat if she attacks her.

Corgi are very "talkative" dogs. Their range of sounds is quite wide. Corgis can growl, bark, bark, bark, specifically โ€œgruntโ€.

Welsh Corgi is a breed of dog from the Pedigree commercial with a boy. Application Representatives

Currently, these dogs are usually companions for their owners. Shepherd or security service, as a rule, is not carried.

Corgi take part in various sports competitions, agility championships and multi-kilometer runs. Do not underestimate these dogs. Despite their small size and short legs, Corgis are excellent runners who, by the way, do not tire in the process.

Such dogs are sometimes used on farms - there they graze cattle.

dog breeds from pedigree commercials

Since the breed of the dog from the Pedigree advertisement with the boy is not aggressive, its representatives can learn any specialty where it is not necessary to show teeth. For example, they will make excellent search dogs, rescuers. Also, these dogs can be seen in various rehabilitation centers.

Maintenance and care

Representatives of this breed perfectly adapt to any conditions, but it is best for them, of course, to live in an apartment.

Since dogs have thick, short hair with a developed undercoat, they should be combed periodically. It will be enough two to three times a week.

During molting, namely in autumn and spring, dogs of this breed require additional grooming. To do this, you can use a device such as a furminator (this is a special comb).

It is necessary to wash such a dog as it gets dirty.


You need to learn to walk from the first days of the life of a pet in your house. At first, walks will be frequent, but then over time their number can be significantly reduced (for example, to two or three). It is advisable to give the dog the opportunity to run without a leash. Only do this in places that are safe for the animal.

what is the name of the dog breed from the pedigree advertisement


Representatives of the breed are very fond of eating. But you should not overfeed, as such dogs have obesity. Among the representatives of the breed, this disease is common. It is best to use premium ready-made dry feeds to feed these dogs.

Little conclusion

Now you know the name of the breed of dog from the Pedigree commercial. As you can see, representatives of this species are not only good-looking, but also have a lot of positive qualities.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33051/

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