Mark Twain, The Prince and the Pauper: Summary

Mark Twain wrote his famous book The Prince and the Pauper in 1882. A brief summary will help you get acquainted with this work in just a few minutes, while reading the original can take more than one day. Anyone who once read this fascinating story in childhood will be able to remember it by reading the retelling. And someone who has not had the pleasure of getting acquainted with this interesting book will probably want to read the source.

The Prince and the Pauper Summary

M. Twain, "The Prince and the Pauper." Chapter 1

The novel begins with a preface. Here the author writes that he devotes this work to his children, and talks about how this story was passed on by word of mouth for three hundred years. The author says that maybe it was in fact or is a legend.

The first chapter takes the reader to the end of the 16th century and introduces the poor Kanti family and the rich Tudor family. Both there and there in London one autumn day boys were born. If the family of the poor did not need a child, then the son of the Tudors, the Crown Prince of Wales, were welcome throughout England. The whole country was happy about this event.

Second chapter

This chapter takes events forward several years. It is called Tomā€™s Childhood and tells the story of a boy from the impoverished Kanti family. He lived in a dilapidated old house, which was located at the end of the Gluttonous row, in the garbage yard. A description of the wretchedness of the place where Tom lived, the author continues the work "The Prince and the Pauper." The summary tells that the boy did not even have a bed. Together with his grandmother and two twin sisters, Bet and Nan, he was sleeping on the floor.

So Tom lived among thieves, beggars, along with his father and grandmother, who often got drunk and cursed. All members of the family were dressed in rags. Tom was lucky to make friends with a former priest, who also was mendicant, but did not lose his dignity. He taught the child writing, reading. He taught yard children good and love. Reading books, Tom sometimes dreamed and even imagined himself a prince.

Mark Twain, The Prince and the Pauper. Chapter 3 Contents

Mark Twain ā€œThe Prince and the Pauperā€ Content

Once Tom got to the gates of the palace. He saw a richly dressed boy with a sword and dagger, studded with jewelry. It was a prince. Tom looked at him like a spell, but the palace guard began to scold the beggar and drive him away. But the prince was a kind child, he felt sorry for Tom and called him to the palace. And so the prince and the beggar met. The summary goes to one of the most interesting moments of the work.

The boys met. Prince Edward began to ask Tom how he was living, and was surprised that his father was beating him. The beggar said that he has two twin sisters of fifteen years. Edward talked about his 14-year-old sister Elizabeth and about a cousin. The prince was interested in the story of the beggar, he also wanted to wallow in the mud, like Tom, swim in the river, frolic with friends. Eduard suggested exchanging clothes so that he felt at least for a moment as a beggar who can walk barefoot and have fun anyway. The prince and the beggar exchanged clothes and realized that they were alike. Edward noticed a bruise on Tom's arm and ran to the guard to express his indignation. After all, it was he who was trying to expel the beggar and treated him so severely. But the prince forgot what clothes he was wearing. The soldier was sure that he was a beggar, and drove the real prince out of the palace. No matter how the prince of Wales tried to prove who he really is, the soldiers and the crowd laughed him.

Prince and the Pauper

So the prince and the beggar suddenly changed places. Summary continues the story.

Chapters 4-5

Nobody believed Edward that he was a prince - neither boys from Christ's monastery, nor Tom's family. They mocked him and even poisoned him with dogs. But what about the beggar who remained in the palace in the clothes of Edward? This will tell the fifth chapter of the work.

At first, Tom admired his rich clothes in the mirror, but then he wondered why there had been no prince for so long. He was frightened, and thought that he would be seized by the guard now, and punishment would come. When a pretty girl came in, who was Edward's cousin, Tom fell to her knees in front of her and began to pray for mercy. She was very surprised that the Crown Prince was kneeling before her. The courtiers also saw this. A rumor swam through the palace that the prince had gone mad. The boys looked like two drops of water, so no one could even suspect that the prince was fake. So inadvertently the prince and the beggar switched places.

The king forbade rumors about his sonā€™s insanity to spread around the palace, but he himself was sure that his son was ā€œout of his mindā€. After all, the boy assured that he lives in the yard of the Garbage in a poor family.

Chapters 6-10

prince and pauper

In the sixth chapter, The Prince and the Pauper book introduces readers to Lord St. John. He helps Tom master some royal manners. My lord taught Tom to refer to his ailment when he cannot remember something. Books that he had previously read in a royal way helped him to communicate. Gradually, he began to master court etiquette, but he failed to show off his knowledge at dinner. Tom shocked many who were present during this dinner.

The tenth chapter talks about the misadventures of Edward M. Twain. The prince and the beggar accidentally exchanged places, and now each of them had to live in an environment unusual for himself. The real prince had a very hard time. He was offended not only verbally, but also physically. The family of Kenti were sure that their Tom was crazy. After all, he imagines himself a prince. The only one who stood up for the boy was Miles Gendon - he saved him from an evil crowd, a drunken father, and took him to him.

11-12 chapters

In chapter 11, Edward learns that his father died and he became king. But the prince could not begin his duties, since it was impossible for him to get into the palace.

the prince and the beggar book

Miles Gendon, after taking the child to his room, laid the table, and he and Edward began to have a meal. He, as befits a royal person, was indignant, why did a friend sit in his presence? Then Gendon asked Edward to grant him mercy so that he and his descendants would sit in the presence of the kings. The prince took the sword from Gendon and knighted him. The request was respected.

Chapters 13-16

Miles Gendon was kind to a child. He gave him his bed, bought not new, but good clothes.

And at this time in the palace everyone is preparing for the coronation of the prince. Now he is forced to take up state affairs. At the trial of the future king appeared a few people. One said that he was sentenced to death. Tom was horrified when he found out that a man should be executed, and his guilt has not been proved. Tom reasoned fairly and ordered the poor fellow to be released. The present palace nobility began to whisper that the prince had regained his mind and thought sensibly. He coped well with another matter, proving that two women were also convicted in vain. For 4 days, Tom is quite comfortable. At dinner, he also behaved decently

M. Twain Prince and the Pauper

Everything falls into place

The prince still had to endure many trials. He saw the life of his kingdom from the inside. Edward lived with the tramps. He heard their sad story. They told how cruel they were once treated, like slaves. But he preferred hunger and cold, not becoming with them to beg and steal. The prince was even arrested, but faithful Miles Gendon came to his aid. And once again the magnanimous Gendon saved his little friend by taking the punishment with his whips. Then the friends went to London. Prince Edward decided at all costs to regain his title.

He came to the coronation and did not allow Tom to lay a crown on his head. He was glad that at last a real prince appeared. Everything ended beautifully. Each of the children returned to their place, and Miles Gendon and Lord St. John were rewarded for their nobility and kindness.

King Edward was a fair ruler, since he had a great knowledge of the life of his kingdom from the inside. And Tom Kenty was respected by all as a royal pupil. This is where Mark Twain ends his book. ā€œThe Prince and the Pauperā€ is a fascinating work that people of all ages like.


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