What is the SCO: decryption. SCO countries

Integration (connection, rapprochement) is one of the processes typical of the modern world. All states have long realized that international isolation does not lead to anything good. That is why countries unite in various organizations on the basis of economic, political, cultural or military-strategic cooperation. This article will discuss what the SCO and BRICS are. When did these organizations arise, and which states are their members today?

SCO: transcript and general information

This Eurasian association was formed at the beginning of the XXI century by six states. The issue of reducing the number of military in areas of common borders is what became the prerequisite for the formation of the SCO.

The decoding of the name of this organization is simple: Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Why Shanghai? Everything is very simple. The fact is that the backbone of this association was five countries that, as early as 1997, were included in the so-called Shanghai Five, having signed the corresponding agreement.

What is the SCO? What countries are included in it? And what are the goals of this union of states? Let's try to figure it out.

what is the SCO

When answering the question of what the SCO is, it should first of all be noted that this is by no means a military bloc. Although ensuring the safe and stable development of the participating countries is the main task of this organization. We can say that the SCO is a cross between ASEAN and the NATO bloc. The fight against terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking is also among the interests of this international organization. The SCO members are not ignored by issues of economic, cultural, as well as scientific cooperation.

Organization History

To give a full answer to the question of what the SCO is, it is important to study the history of the creation of this organization. It all started with the signing in 1997 of an agreement on mutual military trust between the five countries. These were China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The organization itself (in fact, the SCO) was founded in 2001 by the leaders of the same five states. In addition, Uzbekistan joined them.

Although the very first prerequisites for integration in this direction arose in the late 60s. It was then that there was a loud conflict on the island of Damansky between the Soviet and Chinese border guards. After this incident, the USSR and China sat down at the negotiating table to resolve the problem of mutual territorial disputes.

what are the SCO countries

The SCO countries held their first meeting in a new composition in June 2002 in the northern capital of Russia - the city of St. Petersburg. It was there that the SCO Charter was signed, which officially completed the process of institutionalizing the organization.

SCO membership and its participants

An international organization is distinguished by a hierarchical structure. It includes several bodies: the Council of Heads of Member Countries, the Council of Heads of Government, the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of States, and so on. Also, as part of the SCO, an administrative body, the Secretariat, is constantly functioning. At the moment, it is headed by Dmitry Mezentsev , a representative from the Russian Federation.

What are the "SCO countries"? In other words, which states are its members?

For quite some time, the SCO included only six countries, which founded this organization at the beginning of the third millennium. However, in 2015 (namely, July 10), the association had two more new members from South Asia.

Thus, as of the fall of 2015, all SCO countries are listed below:

  • Russia.
  • Kazakhstan.
  • Uzbekistan
  • Tajikistan.
  • Kyrgyzstan.
  • China.
  • India.
  • Pakistan.

These are the SCO member countries. In addition, the structure of this organization contains the so-called observer states. These include Belarus, Afghanistan, Iran and Mongolia. Three more countries (Syria, Bangladesh and Egypt) are candidates for SCO observer states.

SCO countries

In addition, the SCO is trying to closely cooperate with other international organizations (UN, ASEAN, CIS and others). Their representatives regularly receive official invitations to participate in SCO summits.

Organization goals and aspects of cooperation

SCO states cooperate in several areas. It:

  • military security;
  • economics and trade;
  • the science;
  • culture and humanitarian sphere.

SCO membership

What are the main tasks of this integration association? It is no secret that the main task of the SCO is to strengthen the policy of good neighborliness between its members, as well as joint opposition to the manifestations of international terrorism and extremism. In addition, participating countries are looking for ways to achieve comprehensive economic growth in their region.

SCO place in the political arena of the planet

Of course, the key players in the SCO are China, the Russian Federation and India. These countries account for about 95% of the total population and the entire organizationโ€™s GDP. It should be noted that the general trade turnover between the SCO members is characterized by positive dynamics (and this is in the conditions of a modern and deep economic crisis).

Many experts note that the organization acts as a kind of bridge that โ€œdrawsโ€ China into the political field of Central Asia, thereby bringing it closer to Russia. The same can be said of India with Pakistan.

SCO states

For the powers of Central (Central) Asia, participation in programs within the framework of the SCO is also quite beneficial. After all, this region is surrounded by two geopolitical giants - China and the Russian Federation. However, in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, all Central Asian countries act as equal members, which play an important role in resolving all issues.

So far, out of five Central Asian states, only Turkmenistan is not a permanent member of the SCO.

BRICS: briefly about the merger

BRICS is an international association that includes five independent states. These are Brazil, Russia, India, China and the Republic of South Africa (South Africa). All these countries are characterized by rapid economic development.

SCO decryption
Initially, this association had the abbreviation BRIC. If you write its founders in English letters and in a certain order (Brazil, Russia, India, China), then the origin of the abbreviated name of the group will become obvious. This abbreviation lasted until 2011, when South Africa joined the organization. And the name was replenished with another letter and began to have a modern look: BRICS (BRIC + S).

Some experts argue that this interstate association did not accidentally arise on the geopolitical map of the world. Indeed, under certain circumstances, it is these five countries that can become the dominant economic systems on the planet by the middle of the 21st century. Their markets, thanks to the huge reserves of natural and human resources, are actively and very rapidly developing.

However, whether these states will be able to create a powerful political union is still unknown. If this does happen, the BRICS could become an influential counterweight to the US in the global political and economic arena.

what is SCO and BRICS

BRICS summits and prospects for expansion

Three BRICS members are located in Eurasia, one in South America and one in Africa. All these states are in the top thirty of the world in terms of GDP. It is possible that the BRICS will expand over time. So, experts call Iran, Turkey, and also Indonesia the most real candidates for joining the association.

The main tool for establishing a political dialogue between the BRICS member countries is its summits. The first full-fledged meeting took place in Yekaterinburg in 2009, the second - a year later in the city of Brasilia. Six BRICS summits have already taken place to date, however, all decisions made by the members of the group are exclusively advisory in nature.


Integration processes in the modern world are irreversible. Different states unite in organizations in order to cooperate economically and culturally, together to counter external military threats.

This article discussed what the SCO is and what the BRICS group represents. The first organization united the countries of Asia, and the second - five large states from different continents. But both Russia and China take an active part in both associations.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33056/

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