Wise expressions and catchphrases from fairy tales

Remember, we once believed in fairy tales? They imagined themselves to be noble knights, beautiful princesses, kind wizards, and from morning to night they fought with dragons and monsters visible only to us. Time passed, we grew up, and fairy tales remained just fairy tales - children's illusions that are gathering dust on a bookshelf. But, as Clive Lewis said , one day we will become so old that we will start reading fairy tales again. In this he is absolutely right, because thanks to these stories we have become who we are. And when it becomes unbearably hard, it is worth recalling the magic phrases from fairy tales, because only as adults we begin to understand their true meaning.

You need a heart for happiness

The first thing I would like to start with is a list of phrases from fairy tales - the assertion that reason, intelligence and brains are not the main thing in life. Alexander Volkov in The Wizard of the Emerald City wrote:

“I used to have brains,” explained the Lumberjack. “But now that I have to choose between brains and heart, I prefer the heart.” Brains do not make a person happy, and happiness is the best that is on earth.

Indeed, you can read thousands of books, invent hundreds of new formulas and theorems, know the answers to all questions, but what is the point if a heart disfigured by dry scientific facts and logic can no longer enjoy simple things? Being smart is good, and being happy is doubly better.

phrases from fairy tales

Today, people are increasingly starting to talk about how much they read, listing authors and their works. But only in addition to a brief summary (consisting of 3-4 sentences) they cannot say anything. They consider themselves smart because they read, but outside the window is not the deep Middle Ages, when writing was the destiny of the elect and the noble. Everyone knows how to read, but they understand the essence of the written unit. Truly smart people do not boast that they were able to remember a complex definition, they are happy that they were able to understand it. Indeed, understanding usually does not come from reason, but from the heart. Here is such a paradox of phrases from fairy tales that you begin to understand only after several decades.


Still winged phrases from fairy tales teach to be friends. In these naive and simple stories, one can see friendship as it should be: without lies and pretense, without hypocrisy and treachery, without unjustified hopes and betrayal. It is so strange that in childhood, after having read fairy tales, we praise the bonds of friendship above all, but as adults, we forget about their sincerity, choosing for our comrades who can be useful. Here are a few phrases from movies and tales that explain simple and long-forgotten truths:

- How good it is that we have each other! Little Bear nodded. - Just imagine: I’m not there, you are sitting alone and there’s no one to talk to. “So, where are you?” - And I just do not. “That doesn't happen,” said Little Bear. “I think so too,” said the Hedgehog. “But suddenly, I’m not at all.” You are alone. Well, what will you do? (...) - What are you bothering me? - angry Teddy Bear. “If you are not, then I am not.” Got it

- I’m sure you hear? “I’m sure,” said Little Bear. The hedgehog nodded. “I will definitely come to you, no matter what happens.” I will always be by your side. The hedgehog looked at the Bear cub with quiet eyes and was silent. - Well, what are you silent? “I believe,” said the Hedgehog.

Both dialogs are taken from the work of Sergei Kozlov "Hedgehog in the Fog." Guilelessness and unshakable confidence in your friend - this is what true friendship means. The little bear and the hedgehog drank tea together every night and counted the stars. They were ready at any moment to come to the aid of each other and even thoughts could not allow that one of them would one day be gone. It’s a pity that in the real world it’s not always so lucky for friends. People tend to forget about those with whom they had a good time before if they find something more interesting and beneficial.

The main thing is another paw.

Continuing the theme of phrases from fairy tales of friendship, it will be relevant to quote from the work of Natalia Sizonenko “Fox Fox”:

“A fox,” the fox said to the fox, “please remember that if it’s hard, bad, sad, scary, if you’re tired, you just stretch your paw.” And I will give you mine, wherever you are, even if there are other stars or everyone walks on their heads. Because the sadness of one fox divided into two foxes is not at all scary. And when another paw holds you by the paw - what's the difference, what else is there in the world?

Indeed, what difference does there still exist in this world when you are not fighting alone. When someone supports any of your choices, and if he sees that you are doing wrong, he will set the right path. Before the bonds of true friendship, even death becomes powerless.

catch phrases from fairy tales

The modern man just lacks fidelity and nobility. Now these qualities are perceived as something special, unique and incredible, but in reality they should be taken for granted. No matter how cynical it may sound, but a person certainly needs to learn manners from dogs, only they know what selflessness, loyalty and devotion are:

Not a single dog in the world considers ordinary devotion something unusual. But people came up with the idea of ​​extolling this feeling of a dog as a feat only because not all of them and not so often have devotion to a friend and fidelity to duty so much that it is the root of life, the natural basis of the creature itself, when the nobility of the soul is a granted state.

This is exactly what Gavril of Troepolsky writes in the book White Bim Black Ear. The author wrote that friendship and devotion became real happiness, because no one demanded more from the other than he could give. Here, no one manipulates the concept of friendship for their own benefit, but in the real world it is not uncommon.

Speak pleasantries

True friendship still exists, it is a pity that it is rare. True, no one knows where and whom she will overtake, so you need to learn from Carlson how to treat a friend correctly. In the famous phrase from the tale of Astrid Lindgren, the biggest secret of warm, sincere and true friendships is hidden, and nothing that it is covered with a touch of humor:

- One call is “Immediately fly in!”, Two calls - “Never fly!”, And three rings means - “What a blessing, that there is such a beautiful, smart, moderately well-fed and brave man in the world, like you, the best Carlson in the world! "

“Why should I call?” - surprised the Kid.

“And then, that friends need to say nice and encouraging things about every five minutes, and you yourself understand that I can't fly to you so often.”

Indeed, friends need to say nice things from time to time, especially when they feel bad. Any person will be pleased to be aware of the fact that they believe in him and support him. Friendship is not only a fun pastime, but also a great responsibility, because you need to have the courage to substitute another person’s shoulder when he needs him most.


The phrases from fairy tales every time remind us that we need to be kind. Kindness is precisely the currency that will never depreciate anywhere. Alexander Volkov in “The Wizard of the Emerald City” wrote these words:

You know, I don’t have a heart, but I always try to help the weak in trouble, even if it is a simple gray mouse!

Each person can help the weak, but not at the same time feel a desire to get profit - a few. Kindness does not imply such concepts as “self-interest” or “greed”. Some philosophers believed that to be kind is a talent, the same as absolute musical ear, only more rare. In some ways they are right, although on the other hand, kindness is the quality that is inherent in every person from birth.

fairy tale characters come out of a fairy tale

Only with age does it transform, turn pale, or even completely disappear. And only winged phrases from fairy tales can teach children that good always conquers evil. If a person is kind, they can be forgiven for any mistake:

Maybe she doesn’t always know how to behave herself. But she has a kind heart, and this is much more important.

This is a phrase from the fairy tale for children "Peppy Longstocking" Astrid Lindgren shows how others are cordial and supportive of a kind person. The main character of the story does not attend schools, she is untidy, a little rude, lives by her own rules. But all these shortcomings are not so important for others when they see how a girl is kind (albeit a little rude) to her friends. Take, for example, a birthday episode:

“Today is not our birthday,” the children said. Peppy looked at them in surprise and said: “But today is my birthday.” Can't I please myself to give you presents? Perhaps in your textbooks it is written that this is forbidden? Perhaps, according to this very table of respect, it turns out that this should not be done?

This girl lives by the rules, which dictates her heart, so she is always right. As the heroine says: "When the heart is hot and beating strongly, it is impossible to freeze." She uses these words when she speaks of a physical cold in a fairy tale. But any adult will one day understand that this is not entirely about frost, but about mental dryness and stinginess that makes us lonely, inhospitable, and deeply miserable.

Strength and happiness

In addition to kindness, tales often speak of power. Not physical or magical, but about the one before which the trees bow, the mountains move apart, and which serves all living things. Hans Christian Andersen wrote the following words in The Snow Queen:

Stronger than she is, I can’t make her. Can't you see how great her strength is? Can't you see that both humans and animals serve her? After all, she barefoot bypassed half the world! We do not have to take her power! Strength lies in her sweet, innocent baby heart.

Nobody can resist the perseverance, determination and lack of malicious intent. People will not even realize that they help such a person and they will do it with enormous pleasure. People around do so because they want to become (albeit for a short moment) part of this stubborn movement forward. Adults often forget that in order to achieve what they want, they must first of all go without stopping.

fairy and her little friends

But more often than not, fairy tales speak of happiness. The reader is explained what it is and what it is. A person is mistaken in many ways, thinking that happiness is material wealth, being a couple with someone or a successful career. Happiness is not determined by external indicators, we can say that this is an internal state or an innate feature that many people are not even aware of:

This story is about a simple little boy named Charlie Bakit. He was not faster, stronger, or smarter than other children. His parents had no wealth, no influence, no connections, and in general they could hardly make ends meet. Charlie Bakit was the happiest boy in the whole world, he just did not know.

Roald Dahl in the fairy tale Charlie and the Chocolate Factory said that happiness attracts happiness. The main character of the fairy tale lived in a family that could barely make ends meet, but he did not feel any kind of flawed or unhappy. The boy was happy that he had such a friendly and loving family, and he did not think about anything else.

And the Queen was happy for a very serious reason - because the King was happy.

Pamela Travers in the book “Mary Poppins” successfully noted that a person can experience happiness when happy is the one who is dear to him. Even today, no one can explain why this is happening. Maybe happiness is a type of virus that is transmitted by airborne droplets, and if someone alone incurably "gets sick", how does everyone around them get infected ?! In a word, happiness is that thing. And it depends on ourselves, only we decide who we will go through life with and what principles to follow. But the most important thing is that we make the choice whether to be happy or not to be.

There are many examples from life when people purposefully give up their happiness, guided by public opinion or imaginary values. They continue to pull their life strap, believing that someday they will definitely get better:

It cannot be that everything is bad and bad - after all, someday it should be good! (Sergey Kozlov "The snow was falling. There was a thaw")

Of course, someday it will definitely get better, you just have to let this “something better" come. Open the door for him and invite him. There is no need to pursue happiness, you cannot catch it, and you do not need to turn away from it - it takes offense and leaves forever. Happiness is our thoughts and actions, our values ​​and views, our aspirations and hopes. Only one who is truly happy is able to fly. Happiness is hidden in simple things: in spring rain, apple blossoms, sun rays. If a person can see all this, feel, admire, then he is already 70% lucky, because there are people in the world who are much less fortunate.

Philosophy is not for children

Often, along with simple topics in children's tales, things are told that even adults are hard to understand. As an example, we can cite the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll. During his lifetime, the author was considered insane, some of his opponents even showed the written “Alice”, exclaiming with righteous bewilderment: “Can a normal person write this ?!” Indeed, for that time L. Carroll thought too unconventionally:

You know, one of the biggest losses in a battle is losing your head.
Please tell me where should I go from here? “Where do you want to go?” - the cat answered. “I don't care ...” said Alice. “Then it doesn't matter where to go,” said the Cat. “... just to get somewhere,” Alice explained. “You’re sure to go somewhere,” said the Cat. “You just have to go long enough.”

His philosophy was incomprehensible, but in this tale you can find as many important things as some people fail to comprehend in their entire lives.

magic phrases from fairy tales

The work of Antoine da Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince” has no less effect. Of course, she did not stand out so contrastingly in his time as “Alice in Wonderland”, but this is exactly the instance that can be re-read hundreds of times and constantly find something new.

Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it all your days.

For some reason, I want to focus on this particular phrase. It is strange that in the children's book there is a statement that not every person who has lived his life will understand. In all interpersonal relationships, there is one who invests more in them. When they collapse for some reason, he suffers more. It is simply easier for a person to continue to invest unsuccessfully time and effort than to admit defeat to himself.

I would also like to mention quotes that are often used for competitions: phrases from fairy tales are read to the participants, and they are trying to guess where they got them from. The most popular quotes from The Little Prince include the following:

You are forever responsible for all that you have tamed.
Vigilantly only one heart. You will not see the most important thing with your eyes.
Words only make it difficult to understand each other.
You live in your actions, not in the body. You are your actions, and there is no other you.

Phrases from Russian fairy tales

Good remarks are present not only in the tales of foreign authors or writers of modern times. A lot of wisdom can be adopted from Russian folk tales. As they say, a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a lesson in it.

In Russian folk tales, phrases, wise thoughts are a little rude, devoid of literary sophistication and the charm of a writer's syllable, but even a person who is not trained in reading is able to perceive them the first time. There are no hints and understatements, everything is simple - the event, behavior and consequence are described. Sometimes even an explanation is given why someone did this and received such a punishment. Here are a few phrases from folk tales that confirm this statement:

Soon the fairy tale affects, but not soon the thing is done.
As in the hands of a robber - he is always your friend, but when you let go - you’ll cry with him again.
Shopping people surrounded me, they began to take expensive money from me. The more I give, the more they want.
Each creature has organs that indicate its place in the world. For man, this organ is the mind.
Courage and the city takes.
Words can’t be corrected.
phrases from russian fairy tales

There is even nothing to add here - everything is simple, like two or two, and you do not need to go into philosophical thoughts or engage in self-digging in order to understand what the author of his reader tried to inform about.

Tales of Pushkin

Separately, I want to note the phrases from Pushkin's fairy tales, which managed to become winged.

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slipper and cinderella diadem

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Fairy tales, they are like that - first they discover the world of magic in front of you, and then they teach wisdom. And if a person adequately learns all the lessons offered, then the entrance to the fairy world will always be open for him. It is only a pity that, ceasing to believe in fairy tales, we forget that the world beyond magic doors is a reality that we ourselves can create.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33064/

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