Weight and height of a child at 6 years old

The main indicators that reflect the correct physical development are the weight and height of the child. At 6 years old, the little man is undergoing another transitional period, which is accompanied by an active jump in mental and physical development.

Loving parents always closely watch how their child grows and develops, afraid to miss something important or not notice deviations. Often all alarms remain unfounded, but this does not make them disappear.

In order to dispel the doubts of mom and dad, and especially grandmother, about the fact that something is wrong with the physical development of the baby, this article was written in which you can find the main parameters of children 6 years old.

Factors that affect the physical development of the child

Adults are so different: tall and short, chubby and thin. To say that a tall and stately man is abnormal because he seems simply huge against the background of a low and thin man is wrong. The same goes for children.

child growth at 6 years old

The growth of a child at 6 years old can be within a wide range, which was composed of specialists from the World Health Organization (WHO for short). It is slightly different from the internal Russian table, which slightly narrows children's parameters.

Nevertheless, several factors affect the weight and height of a child at 6 years of age, which look as follows:

  • Genetic predisposition. Very often tall parents grow tall children and, conversely, low-born children have low descendants. Of course, there are no exceptions, but in this case, a person with a high growth is necessarily present in the family tree.
  • The physical activity of the child. For the full growth of the young body, it is necessary to begin to engage in some kind of sport, or at least run, jump and freely ride on the playground.
  • Proper balanced nutrition. It is especially important to supply the body with proteins and calcium for proper bone and muscle growth.
  • Environmental factors.
  • Diseases that occur when a child begins to attend school. Also often ailments appear due to a polluted environment. They can weaken and inhibit the development of a young body.


Considering the question of the growth of a child at 6 years old, one cannot fail to mention such a phenomenon of our time as acceleration. This process mainly affects the population of developed countries since the twenties of the twentieth century, and it is characterized by the fact that children and adolescents in their physiological development are ahead of their peers from the previous generation.

This applies not only to growth. As well as weight, change of milk teeth and puberty in children and adolescents. Now, for example, the growth of a child at 6 years old corresponds to those indicators that were the norm thirty years ago for decades. There is a difference between children and gender. Let's consider it in more detail.

Weight and height of a child at 6 years old: girl

The norm of the physiological parameters of the development of boys from girls varies, boys are usually higher and heavier than their peers.

child growth at 6 years old girl

Up to a year, children grow and develop very quickly. From one year to six years, growth has slowed. But in the period from six to eight children, another leap in physiological development awaits. Limb growth predominates, although this also applies to the trunk. It may be slower, but its length is doubled compared with infants.

For a short period of time, children can add a couple of centimeters. There are times when they grow by a whole decimeter per year. The physiological parameters for girls and boys during this period are different. Boys are usually larger than their female counterparts.

The growth rates for six-year-old girls are as follows (in centimeters):

  • 99.8-100.5 is the lower limit of a short girl for six years, and 125.4-130.5 is the upper limit of growth at which the baby is considered very high. But these indicators are within normal limits.
  • At six years and six months, the indicators are as follows: from 102.1-107.4 to 128.6-133.9 - these are the lower and upper boundaries.

child weight at 6 years old boy normal

Consider what should be the weight of the child at 6 years. A girl (the norm should be taken as an approximate guideline) can have such a body weight:

  • up to 6.5 years, the lower and upper threshold are the following indicators: from 13.5-15.3 kg to 27.8-33.4 kg for very large babies;
  • at the age of 6.5 to 7 years, girls are considered thin with a body weight of 14.1 to 16.0 kg. Babies with a weight of 29.6 to 35.8 kg are large, but within normal limits.

6 year old boy

In boys, the indicators are slightly different:

  • With growth in the range of 101.2-106.1 cm, a six-year-old child is considered very short, and at 125.8-130.7 cm - very high.
  • As for babies 6.5 years old, their growth parameters are as follows: 103.6-108.7 cm - very low boys, and growth in the range 129.1-134.2 cm corresponds to tall babies.

child weight at 6 years old girl norm

Child weight at 6 years: boy

The WHO norm for males has the same wide range as for girls:

  • weight in the range of 14.1-15.9 kg is considered below normal, and with a body weight of 27.1-31.5 kg - above average for boys under 6.5 years of age;
  • at the age of 6.5 years and up to 7 years, the weight range of boys is from 14.1-16.0 kg and up to 29.6-35.8 kg.

All indicators that occupy a place in these ranges are considered normal, but if the physiological parameters of your child are lower or higher than those presented here, then contact your pediatrician to find out the reasons for the deviation from the norm.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33066/

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