DIY chain. Chain weaving

At all times, not excluding modernity, one of the most popular products among jewelry was a chain. Almost every person has it and not in one copy. Jewelry is made in various ways, both manually and on the machine. In this article we will look at how to weave a chain with our own hands and what types are affordable for a novice master.

DIY chain

Types of weaving

The difference between the male chain and the female is the nature of the interweaving of the links of this jewelry. Also play the role of style, originality, ease of execution, weight.

Chain twisting is divided into several groups, depending on the layout and linking of the links. The main methods of weaving are: armored and anchor, as well as individual species, such as Bismarck and Perlin.

Diamond shape

The carapace type of weaving has polished links located in the same plane. Linked loops have a rhombic shape and can be connected by one, two, or even three links at the same time. There are various combinations of armored weaving. For example, small links are woven into large ones or sequentially alternate with each other. The first species is called Nonna, the second is Figaro. Another weaving method that can have a square, oval and round cross section is called Snake or Cobra. Indeed, the cord in appearance resembles the shell of a snake and slightly bends. Rope weaving of the chain also belongs to the carapace. During the connection of the links, the chain slightly scrolls in a certain direction, resembling a rope in appearance.

neck chains

Sea anchor

With the anchor method, the connected links are coupled to each other at an angle of 90 0 . The loops of the classic chain are oval. This is the easiest weaving method with which you can make a chain with your own hands. If there is a crossbar between the links, then weaving is called the "Sea Anchor". There is a coupling not only narrow, but also wide rings - rollo or shopard. The Venetian from the classical weaving is distinguished by links that can take the form of a square or rectangle. A single block may contain several elements.

The method of weaving "link in link"

To make a chain with your own hands using this method, you need to prepare the links of the desired shape. The main parameter for any weaving is the correspondence of the diameters of the rings and wire. The thinner the material and the wider the link, the chain becomes unreliable. The opposite option creates difficulties in weaving. Rings are made by winding wire onto a crossbar, so it should not be too small either.

The loops alternately threaded into each other should have one direction. It is possible to solder the ends of loops both during weaving, and after it. When heated, the melting metal should fill the gap in the bite. In this way, a possible chain break will be eliminated, and the rings will be continuous.

women's chains

Double rhombus chain weaving

This type of clutch has flat loops having the shape of a rhombus or an elongated square. Weaving is considered quite durable and popular. The links can be connected alternately, as well as in groups of two or three things together. Women's chains are usually flat. Men, in turn, prefer massive products with double or triple weave.

The prepared links are stretched, bent and squeezed, achieving the necessary shape. Then weave a chain, inserting the next loop into the previous one. There is a coupling option in which the third link is threaded into the first and passed through the second, then the fourth is threaded into the second and stretched through the third and so on. After soldering the loops, the finished chain is flattened with the help of rollers. At the end of the work, a do-it-yourself woven chain must be sanded.

double rhombus weaving chain

Bismarck Chain Weaving Technology

The main tools for making jewelry are various crossbars, a vice, pliers, files and additional materials. At home, knitting or any other knitting needles, for example, from an umbrella or a bicycle wheel, can serve as weaving chains on the neck with crossbars. A wire is wound around it, forming a spiral. One end must be bent in two places, forming a handle, on the other a cut is made to fix the wire.

Next, the spiral must be cut into links so that each loop contains two turns. Then, with the help of pliers, a second is screwed into one element until a characteristic click is heard. Thus, the product extends to the required length. During the weaving of the chain, two turns of each link must be compressed to fix.

Solder loops need solder. This is an alloy of various metals in the form of thin plates or wire. Before soldering, it is necessary to take a small piece of solder and melt with a burner flame. Then move the ball with a soldering iron to the joint of the link, which also needs to be heated, and allow it to spread. Repeat the procedure with the remaining loops. At the last stage, the chain is aligned by pulling through the rollers.

do-it-yourself chain weaving

DIY chain weaving

The product, woven by the Viking Knit method, is made of soft wire and does not require soldering. When weaving a chain around the neck, the material used grows.

Before work, you need to prepare a pencil that will serve as a support, a thin copper wire, scissors and a ruler. Weaving begins with the preparation of the warp under the chain. Cut about 40 cm of copper thread and wrap a ruler with it, making 6 turns. Remove the obtained loops from the tool and fix them by wrapping them with the short end of the wire. Spread the petals in different directions and place them on the blunt side of the pencil, bending them along the support. Start weaving with a new cut of a copper thread 80 cm long. Make a loop by threading the wire into one of the base petals. Then, turning the pencil, enter the upper end of the thread inside the next petal, leading it out on the left side. Thus, tie loops around the entire base.

A new row begins with the loop of the previous circle. Further weaving continues similarly until the working wire ends. Twist the tip of a new thread cut with the previous remainder and continue weaving to the required length. Subsequently, this tip will hide in work. Note that at the end of the work the chain must be stretched. Its length will almost double.

DIY chain

The methods discussed above can be woven both male and female chains. Learning to make jewelry, you will get a good experience with metal and master the basic skills of jewelry making.


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