How to enter codes in Skyrim? Cheat codes for Skyrim

Quality role-playing games are always a pleasure for any gamer. When all the elements are worked out in the RPG - the combat system, and the tree of character development, and the characters of the heroes, and much more, the process of passing gives great pleasure. Moreover, it is worth noting that now developers are trying not to do casual projects designed for the mass consumer. Therefore, you will not have to be disappointed when the expected game is too easy. Skyrim, the fifth part of the famous The Elder Scrolls series, cannot be called simple. And this means that the developers took care of those who get stuck on one or another moment. They introduced special cheat codes that can give certain items, opportunities, in general, have unlimited abilities to change the gameplay. So if you are not confident in your abilities, you should definitely find out how to enter codes in Skyrim. This knowledge will be very useful to you if you come to a standstill.

Skyrim - what is this game?

Naturally, you can immediately begin to understand how to enter codes in Skyrim. But it’s much wiser to first understand what exactly is required of you in this game, how everything happens here, and on this basis, to understand where difficulties may arise. So, “Skyrim” is a role-playing game in which you have to play the role of a runaway condemned to execution, who managed to escape due to chance - the dragon attacked the castle where you were to be killed. You manage to escape, and here your adventures begin, your climb up the social ladder, as a result of which you will be called Dragonborn.

how to enter codes in skyrim

As in the previous parts of the game, in “Skyrim” an open world, that is, you do not have to adhere to the storyline, you can travel the world, fight monsters and bandits, perform various tasks and admire the beauties of nature. You can take and carry out story quests when you want to. Keep in mind that this is a long and difficult journey, so try to find out how to enter codes in Skyrim, as this skill is useful to you.

You can ease your task, but remember: codes are against the rules. Since the game is single-player, no one will do anything for you, but you won’t get achievements, and the fact that you didn’t complete the game on your own, but with the help of others, will spoil the impression a little. But if you are ready for this, then let's deal with what this process is.

Cheat Entry

codes for skyrim for money

If you want to learn how to enter codes in Skyrim, you should know that this game is not much different from others in this regard. Cheats are words, character sets, or certain combinations that give you a particular result. Characters are entered into the command line, which is called almost everywhere the same way - by pressing the tilde (~). In the line that appears, you enter the cheat code you need, and then press the enter button. Immediately after this, the console closes, and the cheat is activated - that's all, there is no secret here. There are codes for Skyrim for money, for weapons, for armor and much more, but before that you need to find out another important aspect.

Saving before cheats

codes for skyrim on weapons

If you use codes in the process of passing the game, then always remember that this is a direct intervention in the game process by the non-game method. This means that it does not matter whether you use the codes for Skyrim for money or any other, you do this all at your own peril and risk. And if, after activating the cheat, something goes wrong and your only save is corrupted, you have no one to blame. Therefore, always make cyclic saves, especially if you use codes. This means that you need to have at least three save files and write your progress in them one at a time. Thus, you reduce the likelihood that your entire game progress will deteriorate; in case of loss of one of the files, the others will remain. And if you are going to enter codes for Skyrim on weapons or other items, then you should first make a save so that you don’t regret the possible consequences.

Most popular Skyrim cheats

There is a fairly extensive list of codes for this game, which includes a wide variety of fraud options. But, of course, there are cheat codes for Skyrim, which are more popular than the rest. In the first place, of course, is the god mode, which is activated by the tsg code. When you enter god mode, you do not receive any damage and cannot die - a very useful property if you cannot pass a certain place in the game.

cheat codes for skyrim

The tcl code is often used - it gives the player the ability to fly as well as walk through walls. Do not forget about psb - in a game where magic plays one of the most key roles, regardless of your character's class, the ability to receive all spells using one code is a powerful weapon. But be careful - if the previous cheats can be wrapped by turning off the previously turned on modes, then the spells will remain with you forever, so if you use the cheat only to go through one difficult place, choose another better. There are codes in Skyrim for transformation, leveling, changing the character’s appearance, and so on. You can experience all of them yourself.

A variety of cheats for Skyrim

skyrim conversion codes

The codes for Skyrim are very diverse and cover many aspects of the game. Some directly affect the character, that is, they can increase his health, mana level, certain skills and so on. But the codes can also change the appearance of the game - remove the interface, display icons on the map, turn on different camera modes. It’s best for you to try the cheats yourself, because then you can fully experience their capabilities, as well as shape the game to your liking.

Item Code

codes for skyrim

We should also talk about the cheat code, which allows you to get absolutely any item in the game. It is introduced as follows: in the console, you need to write player.additem, then specify the identifier of the item you need, and then, after a space, its quantity. Most likely, you understand everything except the moment with the identifier. In fact, everything is very simple - the game does not recognize the names of objects, it recognizes them by numerical values, i.e., identifiers assigned to them. Thus, the assassin's blade is designated 00058211, and the enchanted steel helmet is designated 0O0B50E7. In "Skyrim" codes of armor and other items are not indicated anywhere, so you have to find them yourself, then to use it when you need it.

Difficulty using cheats

Naturally, it is not without problems. When entering codes, there may be certain difficulties that will prevent you from using the cheats you would like. The first difficulty that you may encounter is the appearance of squares instead of characters in the console when you enter one or another code.

skyrim armor codes

Of course, there is some kind of incompatibility of fonts, but how to fix it? In the game folder, you will have to find the fontconfig.txt file. By its extension, it is already clear that it will be possible to fix it through a simple notebook. You need to find the line that is responsible for the fonts. If you have a problem, then the font Arial will be written in the desired line. You need to change it to a rather unusual option - FuturaTCYLigCon. Immediately after that, save the file and start the game again - now all the characters that you enter there will be displayed in the console.

Language switch

As you have already noticed, all codes are entered in Skyrim in English. If you have a Russian layout, and you are trying to change the language in the standard way, you will not succeed. When the game is running, your language will not change, and you will not be able to use cheat codes. This issue is solved quite simply - you just need to set the English language as the default language. Then it will be loaded with the game, and you can use the codes when you want.

Here, of course, there are tricks, since the language bar in each version of the operating system is different. If you are a Windows XP user, then you will have to go to the control panel and find the menu item "Languages ​​and Regional Standards". There, in the "Details" tab, you can choose which language will be loaded first, and which will follow it. In the seventh version of Windows, everything is a little different, although in many ways it is similar - you only need to find the item "Change keyboard", and not look for the item "Details". In both versions of Windows, the language bar can be accessed from the lower right corner of the screen. But in the eighth “Windows”, everything is completely different, since it almost completely changed its design. But rejoice - you no longer need to go to the "Control Panel". It is enough only before starting the game to change the layout to English, and it will be possible to enter cheats into the console. If something went wrong - do not be discouraged, try minimizing the game and switching the language again, and then again expanding the window with the game, this should solve all the difficulties.

Cheats: use or not?

Cheat codes are an ingenious invention that allows gamers to enjoy the game no matter how well they are oriented in a particular genre. If you want to try yourself in a complex "shooter", where you are unlikely to have enough speed and reflexes, then you can always enter one or two cheats, after which life will become much easier. Moreover, if you are stuck at any one moment, then you can always enter a reversible code, go through this episode, and then turn off what you turned on. That is, you can not quit the game, if you can not pass it further, but use the help.

The situation is exactly the same in Skyrim - this game cannot be called simple, but fans of the genre and series will be able to deal with it even without the use of codes. If you feel that you are not able to defeat Skyrim (or are stuck at a specific moment), you can always use cheat codes. But at the same time, of course, they also have the flip side of the coin. After all, a huge part of the pleasure of games is that you independently make your way to victory, admire your qualities and thank good luck. This is all part of the gameplay, and without it it becomes much more faded.

Using cheats leads to exactly this - playing becomes much less interesting, and completing a quest or storyline does not bring much pleasure. Therefore, you first need to think carefully about whether you want to use cheat codes, because in “Skyrim”, among other things, you will not receive “achievements” if you enter the code. And they are also very important, as they are an integral element of the gameplay. Naturally, everyone should decide for himself, but it is recommended to use codes both in Skyrim and in other games only if you find yourself in a very terrible dead end, from which you definitely cannot find a way out. In other cases, it will be much more pleasant to resolve any situation with your own hands.


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