Planting grapes - all the subtleties and features

Planting grapes always begins with the purchase of high-quality planting material, in this case seedlings. Most importantly, their root system should not be overdried, constantly be in a humid environment. When buying, the first thing you need to pay special attention to is the roots that need to be developed. After purchase and during transportation, it is also necessary to ensure the presence of sufficient moisture and protect the seedlings from drying out.

Grape planting in spring

Best of all, if the grapes are planted in spring, this procedure is not recommended in autumn. It all starts with the inspection of the root system and the removal of all dead parts from it. Only 3-5 eyes should be left on the seedling itself, which will be enough for its full development. This will help the plant to take root better and reduce the load on the still weak root system.

The choice of place and soil for planting is very important for the further development of grapes. The soil should be light, and groundwater should not lie very deep, it is better if they are at a depth of one to two meters. The landing site should be well lit. Stone and pome plants are good predecessors for grapes, and in no case should grapes be planted in the place where it used to grow. It is categorically not worth creating a vineyard in place of an already uprooted bush.

Depending on the region, planting grapes with chubuk can be carried out quite early - in March-April, in colder regions it should be carried out in May. An earlier planting allows a better development of this plant.

In the ground, the seedling is buried a few centimeters below the eye. Despite the small size of the chubuk, the pit for planting should be quite large, not less than 80x80x80 cm. It is advisable to add humus and mineral fertilizers to the pit. All fertilizers should be at the bottom of the pit, and on top of the roots, it is necessary to fill up with fresh soil and carry out abundant watering. For better development, it is recommended that you first cover the entire vine with a hill of earth, which is gradually washed, and the plant will develop normally.

Many gardeners use soil mulching. To do this, you can use various materials, for example, straw, sawdust, peat, and their thickness should be from 5 to 10 cm. This procedure will ensure the preservation of moisture in the soil, and also prevent the formation of a hard crust on its surface, which prevents it from entering the soil moisture and air.

It is necessary to regularly feed the plant. It is carried out several times during the growing season with a frequency of 3-4 weeks. You should not make nitrogen fertilizers later than June, as the plants will grow actively and do not have time to prepare for the cold. The best nutrition is tincture of manure or chicken droppings, where you need to add a little ammonium nitrate, potassium and phosphorus.

If top dressing is carried out in the dry period, then after it, after a week, it is necessary to water the plant abundantly, which will protect it from poisoning. Also, do not abuse fertilizers, it is better to give them a little less than to exceed the dose.

When the bush begins to grow actively, it must be tied up, watered, remove weeds. Fertilizers should be applied every year, best to a depth of 10-40 centimeters, it is at this level that the main root system of grapes is located. Fertilizers can be applied both dry and dissolved in water, the main thing is that they do not exceed 40-100 grams per plant. In the spring it is better to make nitrogen fertilizers, and in the autumn - phosphorus-potash. In addition, organic matter introduced twice a year in an amount of 10 to 25 kilograms per plant will significantly enhance the development of grapes. It is introduced to a depth of 40 centimeters around the bush.

Having completed all of the above operations, which are simple, but quite effective, you get a developed and healthy plant and, accordingly, a large grape harvest.


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