Rime is an amazing phenomenon.

The beautiful winter brings not only fierce cold and snowstorms. Sunny frosty days are often pleasing with sparkling snow, tobogganing and openwork hoarfrost.

What is frost

Many had a sinking heart with admiration, when one day in the morning, looking out the window, we watched a fabulous picture - trees and wires covered with a snowy crystalline coating. This picture is painted with hoarfrost. What is this natural phenomenon? The meaning of the word β€œhoarfrost” in itself already leads to thoughts about frost in sound. And although he has several interpretations: this is snow pellets, and a thin layer of ice covering the earth, and metal objects, and even a haze of fumes in damp cold weather - however, in this article we will talk about those bizarre snowflake-like ice crystals that grow on thin elongated objects, such as branches of trees and shrubs, antennas, cables, and more. In our case, hoarfrost is, simply put, deposits of snowy ice.

Education process

it's freezing

How is the birth of hoarfrost crystals? This process so to the end so far
and not understood. Crystalline plaque is formed due to the transition of water vapor and fog to a solid state. Micro-ice grows on objects, on top of each other, painting delicate and intricate landscapes. Rime is a mysterious phenomenon: the life of crystals is short-lived, their size and shape are constantly changing. When the temperature approaches zero, some sharply decrease in size, while others add in growth! Within 10 minutes, it is sometimes possible to observe complete recrystallization and, accordingly, a change in the pattern. At low temperature indicators, structural changes are almost imperceptible.

Necessary factors for occurrence

meaning of the word hoarfrost

Rime is a formation observed mainly in frosty weather. More often at -15 degrees Celsius. But simply low temperature is not enough - another factor necessary for the occurrence of this natural phenomenon is fog or haze, that is, water vapor in the air must be contained in large quantities. A weak wind also contributes to the growth of "fluffy fur coat" on the trees. All these changing conditions affect the beauty and pretentiousness of drawings of hoar frost. Along with changes in the weather, more and more patterns are emerging. And if you are not a business executive who often suffers from such a phenomenon (it leads to various types of accidents), but a poet (even if it’s just in your soul), then the ornate and bizarre pictures outside the window that the frost wrote are exactly what inspires you to new creations and brings notes of beauty to everyday life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33082/

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