The story of V. Oseeva "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades": a summary, characters

The famous Soviet writer V. A. Oseeva wrote a wonderful story, "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades," a summary of which is presented in the article. The book is recommended for reading to students.

What is the story

In her story, she describes the interesting adventures of boys and girls - students of an ordinary Moscow school - during the Great Patriotic War. Concepts such as mutual assistance, trust, reputation, friendship, work and diligence in studies are analyzed. V. A. Oseeva outlined the life of Soviet children from 1941 to 1951.

Vasek Trubachev and his comrades summary

At first, the daily life of schoolchildren who studied without knowing worries was described, they were friends and quarreled. Suddenly a war sets in, and Vasek Trubachev and his comrades grow up very quickly, experiencing terrible events, participating in the fight against the enemy along with adults.

The story itself consists of three books, it will be very interesting and instructive not only for children - schoolchildren from 10 to 14 years old, but also for adults. A brief summary will help to understand the essence of the story "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades", but it’s better to read the whole book.

First book. Before the war

The first book describes the school days of pupils of the Soviet period: how the children prepare for the school New Year's party, they decorate the Christmas tree with the whole class. These are the events of the beginning of 1941. Everything happens in Moscow.

Oseeva Vasek Trubachev and his comrades

The mother of the main character of the story - Vaska Trubacheva - dies, and he remains with his father. The boy is naughty with his friends. Once they almost left on a random train. His father decides to call his sister to look after his son, since he himself is forced to leave on a long business trip for work. And it’s hard for him to cope with the housework alone. At first, the boy has a difficult relationship with his aunt Dusey, but then they get closer.

Who does Oseev describe in a book? Vasek Trubachev and his comrades are students of grade 4 “B”. The team is very friendly, everyone monitors the attendance and performance, issues a wall newspaper, in general, school life is in full swing! Boys and girls ski, go to the cinema and skip classes at school. After passing the exams in June 1941, the class goes on a trip to Ukraine. So ends the first part of the story "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades", a summary of which is set out in the article.

Second book. War

The second book describes how the chairman of the collective farm joyfully met the guys, the detachment was located in a rural school. In the evening, they gathered with the elders at a local school and made a pioneer bonfire. The accordion sounded, the children sang songs, the stars burned brightly in a peaceful sky. With such an introduction, the beginning of Oseev.

Vasek Trubachev and his comrades

Vasek Trubachev and his comrades did not have time to enjoy the tranquility and relaxation. The next day, the students prepared for the gathering, and on June 20, 1941, a small detachment set off on a campaign. The camp stopped for the night in the forest, the boys were fishing, and the girls were preparing dinner. Two people at night stood on guard. Suddenly, the war began, and the detachment was in the territory occupied by the Nazis.

Abrupt fracture

It describes the first loss of Oseev. “Vasek Trubachev and his comrades” (read the summary below) is not just an adventure book, it is a deep story about children's destinies broken by the war.

The girls and teachers were captured. The guys returned to the village, where its inhabitants were attacked by enemies who mercilessly killed, robbed, slaughtered cattle, took away grain, and destroyed houses. The fascist headquarters is located in a rural school, where the guys stopped. Their detachment was forced to split into groups and live with the villagers. Vasek lived with his friends at the collective farm chairman, and then they hid in the forest.

Vasek - commander

oseeva vasek trubachev and his comrades summary

The story "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades", the brief content of which we are examining, shows how difficult trials change people. Trubachev quickly grows up and takes responsibility for the guys into his own hands. Showing courage and endurance, he becomes a commander, and all the guys together obey him.

He is helped by such qualities as endurance, stamina and a desire to save himself from the Germans, return to his father, and help others.

The collective farm chairman became the headman of the Germans, the guys did not like this, and they decided to leave the village, did not want to eat the traitor's bread. Pasechnik Matveevich instructed Trubachev to take the package to another village. The young commander, along with classmate Kolya Odintsov, went on a long let, they had to spend the night in a broken car in the forest. It was scary, but the guys showed courage and restraint, they managed to get there. Upon reaching their destination, they handed over the package and returned to their hut. It was quiet in the village, people practically did not go outside, and corpses hung on the gallows, fascists walked with machine guns. The guys, meeting Trubachev, were very happy, they shared gloomy news.

Returning, Vasek met with the chairman. He tried to hug him, but Vasek stepped aside, his pride did not allow him to communicate with the traitor. At night, overhearing the conversation of adults, he realized that Chairman Stepanich was not a traitor, he simply pretended to be the Germans in order to gain confidence in them. Stepanych later entrusted Trubachev with an important task and saved many people from the Germans.

Deaths of heroes

Continuing to consider the summary of the book "Vasek Trubachev and His Companions", I would like to note that Oseeva did not embellish reality, did not downplay the tragedy of events, despite the fact that she wrote a children's book.

Summary of the book Vasek Trubachev and his comrades

Soon the Germans set fire to the house where the boys lived. The owner of the house died at their hands. The fascists hanged Grandfather Mikhail, their pioneer leader, right in front of everyone, since they learned about his help to the partisans. Then the Ukrainian teacher began to secretly teach schoolchildren, but this did not last long, the Germans shot her in front of the girls.

When Trubachev returned to Makarovka, where the girls from his detachment remained, and saw a plaque about the death of a teacher and his classmate, he was shocked, barely survived the grief. Unexpectedly and unexpectedly, partisans appear in the camp, they save the guys and help get to the house on the "mainland". The guys put on the first plane to Moscow. The children were very happy that they would soon see their near and dear ones.

Third book. In the rear. After the war

The third book begins with a description of Vaska's joyful meeting with Aunt Dusey. She cordially treats his comrades. Sasha Bulgakov’s parents are not in the city, and he remains to live with the Trubachevs. Soon, students get a job in the hospital, helping to care for the wounded. At the same time, the guys are asking the teacher to start studying, they want to study under the fifth grade program so as not to remain second year students.

Valentina Oseeva Vasek Trubachev and his comrades Summary

Soon their director appears and tells the good news that a new school will be built on the green wasteland. Vasek Trubachev and his comrades actively participate in its construction. They successfully combine study and work.

Finally, a new school opened, and diligent students sat down at the new desks. Soon, Trubachev's father also returned from the front.

The last chapter describes the celebration of the New Year, which echoes the beginning of the story. The war is over, we survived, life continues again.


Vasek Trubachev and his comrades

In the end, the writer addresses her reader and sets the actions of Trubachev and his comrades as an example. It fell to them to survive the terrible war, but the guys did not give up and fought bravely to the end, despite their young age. The book teaches schoolchildren zeal and hard work, never give up their goal and go only forward, not a step back. Patriotism, love of the motherland - these are the qualities of Soviet boys, thanks to which it was possible to save the lives of many people. So ended his story Valentina Oseeva ("Vasek Trubachev and his comrades"). A summary of the work is set out in the article.


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