Pugs: care and maintenance. Food, diseases and pug photos

Pug dogs are small dogs whose sight touches. We will talk about this breed, consider all the features. We will describe in detail what pug dogs are. Care and maintenance are two important topics that we will also touch upon in the article.


Pug is a dog with a stocky, square physique. The growth of such an animal does not exceed 36 cm at the withers, at least 25 cm. The average weight is 7 kg. There are representatives of the breed, the mass of which is 5 kg. Confident gait. The tail is twisted into a ring.

pugs care and maintenance

The head is round, on the face there are folds (wrinkles). Colors: apricot or beige with a black mask. There are completely black representatives of the breed.


By the nature, pugs, the photos of which you see in our article, are kind, sociable, playful. It is easy to communicate with them, they do not show aggression. Not too active, like to be lazy. With great pleasure, these dogs lie on the couch. They are more active, as a rule, in youth. At an older age, dogs are calm, do not run around the house.

Pugs care and housing

Pugs love affection and tenderness. They are suitable for people who previously did not have experience in keeping dogs. Such a dog should not be started for those who have little free time, since pugs need to communicate with the owner.

The character of the dogs is calm, friendly. Pugs can be kept even by older people. Such a dog will become their devoted, calm friend.

Pugs learn quickly enough, although stubborn animals come across.

pug care

If you want to relax and lie on the couch, then such a dog will be happy to keep you company. Pugs really like it when they pay attention. They may even become jealous if the owner is interested in someone else. Such dogs are very playful, so they are ready for fun at any time.

Children are treated patiently, get along well with them. Because of their curiosity, pugs often get into trouble.

Such dogs love to eat, so they will never give up a tasty piece. If you indulge a pug, then it can become a real goodbye. It is difficult to resist the languidly mournful gaze of the animal.

Pugs: care and maintenance

Such dogs are not suitable for keeping in an enclosure, and especially on a leash. Ideally, if the pugs live in the apartment. Care and maintenance of such dogs is quite simple, do not require large financial costs.

Of course, when you bring a pug to the house, you must give him a place and a sleeping bag. The dog also needs two bowls: one for food and one for water.

How to care for a pug? It is necessary to monitor the purity of the eye. Every day or as they become dirty, they must be wiped. In addition, grooming a pug involves combing the hair.

For these purposes, it is best to use a steel, stainless comb. If the dog does not molt, then comb once a week. Thanks to such procedures, the wool will have a beautiful appearance.

pug diseases

Note that pugs shed much. Get ready for wool to fly around the house like poplar fluff. Caring for a pug is not particularly difficult, but during molting it is necessary to carefully comb it daily.

Note that such procedures bring many representatives of the breed one pleasure. The main thing is to comb in the direction of hair growth, without pressing too hard on the comb.


How to care for a pug? It is necessary to clean the folds on the face correctly. During food consumption, picking in the grass, and during walks, bacteria accumulate in the folds. If they are not cleaned, then an unpleasant smell will come from there, and also a fungus or some kind of infection will appear. Of course, the treatment is not particularly difficult, but it is better not to allow such problems.

It is necessary to accustom to the procedure from childhood. Wipe the skin with cotton pads dipped in a special lotion that does not contain alcohol. First, wipe under the eyes, gradually clearing all the folds on the face. After this event, it is worth covering the skin under the nose with a thin layer of petroleum jelly. The procedure should be performed once or twice a week.

how to care for a pug

Bathing a dog is worth once a month. If the pug got dirty, then, of course, it must be bathed with a special shampoo. Teeth also need to be cleaned, like ears, twice a month, and claws should be trimmed as they grow.

The dog needs to be walked several times a day (three to four). It does not need long walks, with a great desire, you can even train a pug to the tray.

care for pug hair and eyes

The pug does not tolerate heat, the cold is a little better, but still you should not walk for long in cold weather. If you notice that the animal is shaking, freezing, then buy special clothes and shoes for your friend, since there are a lot of such goods now, or reduce the duration of walks to a minimum. Some dogs in the cold very quickly do “things” and run to the house themselves, most likely they want warmth.

Now you know where the pugs feel best, their care and maintenance should be right. But, as you can see, there is nothing difficult in this matter. The main thing in this business is, of course, desire.

How to feed a representative of the breed?

Now we’ll talk about how a pug’s food should be. Of course, full. You can feed such a dog as natural food, or special food.

pug food

If you choose the first option, then know that nutrition should be varied. The dog should consume these foods:

  • Low-fat beef or chicken.
  • Vegetables (except potatoes, garlic and onions).
  • Low-fat dairy products.
  • Fruits (in small quantities).
  • Porridge ("Hercules", rice and buckwheat).

pug food

Pugs prohibited

  • Smoked products.
  • Cheeses
  • Sausages.
  • Fat meat.
  • Seasonings.
  • Mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup.
  • Salty, fried food.
  • Sweets, pastries.

An adult pug needs to be fed three times a day. He should always have fresh water.

Another food option: finished food

Also now presented a wide range of finished products. There is even special food for pugs. Such products are produced by Royal Canin. In addition, these cute dogs can be given feed for small breeds of other manufacturers. If you don’t know exactly what to choose, then contact your veterinarian and select the food and feed option together.

Pug Health and Disease

Of course, every dog ​​needs to be vaccinated (against plague and rabies) once a year. If we talk about the health of the pug, then he has good, he has strong immunity.

pugs pics

As you know, some breeds have the diseases to which they are most susceptible. So, what are the most common pug diseases we know?

  1. Pugs often gain extra weight due to their low activity. If you do not put the animal on a diet, then he may experience obesity.
  2. Pugs also often have fold infections, a similar problem can be quickly resolved.
  3. Food allergies in these dogs are a very common occurrence. If redness occurs, you should contact your veterinarian. For starters, he is most likely to prescribe an antihistamine.
  4. Pugs are prone to developing a disease such as chronic corneal erosion.
  5. The teeth of representatives of this breed are very closely located relative to each other. Therefore, the pet needs to constantly brush his teeth, the only way to prevent the development of gum disease.
  6. Seasonal allergies are also not uncommon for pugs. If your pet sneezes frequently, tearing of the eyes is observed, then most likely he has an allergy. To confirm or refute this diagnosis, you should consult a veterinarian.
  7. Representatives of this breed are susceptible to respiratory diseases. Pugs also often have breathing problems. In the heat, cold and rain, you should not walk with this dog, since it is possible that the pet will get cold.
  8. Some dogs of this breed are genetically predisposed to encephalitis. The main symptoms of this disease are: cramps, short-term loss of orientation, blindness, coma, and then death. There are pugs that suffer from epilepsy, but this disease, contrary to popular belief, has nothing to do with encephalitis.

keeping a pug in an apartment

Little conclusion

Now you know what pugs are. Care and maintenance of them, as you understand, should be impeccable. We have given you valuable and complete recommendations about this. Adhering to them, you can raise and raise a healthy and beautiful dog that will live in your family for many years. Such a great companion as a pug will make your life joyful and colorful. Love him with all my heart, he will answer you!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3309/

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