Borderlands 2: computer game review

The computer game Borderlands was a real breakthrough - it was a great combination of first-person shooter with RPGs, all of which were spiced up with a wonderful storyline, an abundance of possibilities and just wonderful graphic performance. However, not the first part of the game became legendary - a couple of years later a sequel came out that won the laurels of one of the best game projects in history - Borderlands 2. The review will tell you about everything that is great in this game. And everything is fine there - the graphic design has remained the same, but it has improved in quality, the gameplay has become even more diverse, and the storyline is exciting. In general, it can take a very long time to list how wonderful Borderlands 2 is, the review will examine each moment in detail. And after that, if you are still not sure whether to try this project, you can determine with accuracy whether you want to immerse yourself in this bright and impressive world.

Plot plot

borderlands 2 review

Where to start in the case of the game Borderlands 2 review? The fact is that a lot has already been said about this project, and it is based on the first part. Thus, you should not consider it completely from scratch - it is better to pay closer attention to what has appeared in the second part compared to the first. Well, of course, first of all, it's worth talking about the plot component. It is commendable that the sequel begins almost from the same place where the first part ended, while in the game many characters of the original will pop up more than once - and not as static figures, but as full-fledged participants in the action. So, the first part of the game ended with the opening of the Vault, where there were deposits of iridium - a new resource that everyone immediately wanted to mine. Naturally, everything turned out to be not so simple - because on the planet Pandora, where actions are still unfolding, there is Hyperion Corporation. She quickly took advantage of the situation and eliminated all competition, becoming a monopolist. Moreover, the company began a hunt for mercenaries who could somehow find their way into the iridium deposits or try to open another Vault. Of course, the inhabitants of Pandora did not like this - they already lived in the conditions of the Hyperion dictatorship, when the planet resembled an ordinary dump, and now, when they finally got a ray of hope, Hyperion immediately took it from them. This results in the formation of a resistance movement, of which you are a part. That is how the game of Borderlands 2 begins - the review, of course, does not end there.

Plot development

borderlands crack

If you do not know English, then you will definitely need a crack to play in Borderlands. The fact is that in some games the gameplay itself is important, and what the characters say around it does not really matter. Here, everything is completely wrong - the storyline, although it does not begin in the most original way (rebel movements against monopoly corporations - this is no longer a classic, it is a cliché), but it is gradually unfolding more than original and impressive. Naturally, meetings with old characters familiar from the first part are very encouraging, but the new characters are also well-designed and fit perfectly into the game universe and what is happening around them. One of the most distinctive points in this regard is that each character has his own character, his own position in the world. This means that they will not give you cardboard figures without any motives that just stand still and just give you quests, but live personalities with their secrets, goals and desires. You can easily understand why exactly this or that character wants you to complete this or that task, which allows you to immerse yourself in the gameplay. As for the characters for whom you can play in the second part - they are no longer those who were in the first - this is a completely new team, but at the same time each of the characters is no less charismatic. However, you will not be able to see this in practice, since your character, whoever you choose from the brave four, will always remain silent in the style of Half-Life Gorodon Freeman. But if you think about it, it could be for the better - it adds charm to your hero, a tough nut from the Wild West of space. So in Borderlands crack is not needed in order to enjoy the voice of your hero, but in order for you to plunge headlong into the storyline.

Chief villain

borderlands 2 walkthrough

In Borderlands 2, the walkthrough is even more exciting than in the previous part, thanks to advanced features and an abundance of tasks. But special attention is still attracted to the main villain - Handsome Jack. This is a rather atypical character, which can initially be extremely erroneously estimated. He looks cowardly, can do villainy, but as you progress, you will begin to realize that he is far from what you imagined him to be. His cowardice is feigned; reasonable caution is hidden behind it, which helps him to survive and achieve the fulfillment of his plans. Unlike most computer games, where the main character acts as a real savior, who manages to get ahead of the enemy several steps ahead, no matter how evil the genius is, here Jack will often be ahead of you, his cunning plans will be realized, and the worst thing is You will try to save the familiar heroes, but you will not succeed. Jack kills them ruthlessly and mercilessly, and you can do little about it. So you have to face such a dictator whom the world of computer games has not yet seen, respectively, in Borderlands 2 the passage promises to be incredibly exciting.

Humor in the game

borderlands 2 cheats

Naturally, the game Borderlands 2 would not be Borderlands 2, if not for the excellent humor, which literally pervades the whole process. You need to listen all around very carefully, because sometimes even the most banal and typical enemies can be so sharp that you have to pause the game to laugh. The joke is full, and no one will be surprised that in most cases the humor is black. Even in the most tragic moments, sometimes the enemy’s statement discharges the atmosphere. Also, do not forget about Easter eggs, which in the game you can find a huge number. And looking for them is a pleasure. You can use cheats in Borderlands 2 to facilitate your search, but, as everyone knows, it's best to do it yourself. It brings a lot more fun. Moreover, do not forget about the various achievements that you can get during the game. They will not be available to you if you decide to use cheats in Borderlands 2.

Side quests

borderlands 2 characters

The storyline is one thing, but special attention should be paid to off-story quests, which became much more in the game. But more importantly, they have become much more diverse. You obviously will not get bored with their implementation, and the reward will constantly motivate you. In Borderlands 2, characters require ongoing skill upgrades, and for completing side quests you will gain gaming experience. Moreover, cash awards or rare items that you are unlikely to want to refuse are also waiting for you. Anyway, some extrabudgetary tasks are so interesting that you will be happy to complete them just like that, forgetting about the award that awaits you in the end. However, there is also a small minus here - the fact is that it was not possible to completely get rid of the tediousness of some quests, which accompanied almost the entire game process in the first part. Of course, it is worth noting that there are much less such tasks, for example, where you just need to deliver the goods from one point to another, and by the location that you have already visited more than once and, perhaps, you already know by heart. But do not forget that in Borderlands 2 characters require pumping, money, equipment, and so on, so you will still have the motivation to complete even such quests.

Play differently

borderlands 2 golden keys

Many gamers are mistaken for the second part of the game, assuming that the gameplay will hardly differ from the first - and here they are very mistaken. You should understand that this is not an addon to the first part - this is an independent continuation of Borderlands 2. Golden keys and other new products are what will distinguish the second part from the first, but the changes will not end there. After all, you now have a new team of characters, and they have completely different skills that act completely differently. All weapons have changed indicators, opponents now behave differently - in general, if you are going to play the sequel to this project, then you should not think that you can just go through it in the same way as the first part - this is an independent game , which is very different from its predecessor. In Borderlands 2, golden keys are just one of hundreds of little things that make this game unique.

Character development

borderlands 2 legendary weapon

In Borderlands 2, your character development versions are extremely diverse. The fact is that the developers went even further in terms of RPG elements and made your hero's skill tree even more extensive than in the first part. Accordingly, you can choose a variety of development paths, but there is a small problem here that, if you ignore it, can very quickly turn into a big one. You always have to pump a branch of health and its regeneration, because if you do not do this, they will kill you at every step. And this significantly reduces the possibility of developing other skills, since half of the points will be spent on pumping health. So if you are going to take levels alone in Borderlands 2, then you are advised to be patient and choose a specific development path. And it is here that the most serious question arises about the cooperative regime.

Cooperative mode

Of course, you can safely play alone in Borderlands 2. Legendary weapons, proper pumping, high game skills - and you can deal with opponents pretty tolerably. But at the same time, it will not always be possible for you to succeed - the developers, unfortunately, could not make a multidimensional game in this matter, it has a bias in a cooperative passage, designed for four people. If you play alone, then you will have a very hard time, and in some missions you will have to sit for hours in one place, trying to go through the same section. If you play in a cooperative, then it will be much easier for you to cope absolutely at all stages of the game. In addition, you get the incredible benefit of resurrecting your partners. In solitary mode, death means death, and you have to start all over again, while in the co-op, your partners will have a certain amount of time to resurrect you. So if you want to get maximum pleasure from the gameplay, then you better find two or three partners who will be ready to constantly share the pleasures of Borderlands 2. The keys, by the way, are also much easier to find together.

External changes

Naturally, you should not ignore the visual component of the game, which has greatly changed. This is especially true of the landscape, which has become much more detailed at times - various mountains, hills, seas and lakes have appeared here, the locations are now much more different from each other, and during the passage you will have time to visit both snowy areas and sandy deserts. It is also worth noting the appearance of a new feature - a mini-radar, which will allow you to better navigate in space. Often this will help you just find the right direction, but it is also worth noting the improved special effects, because of which sometimes you can’t even see where your enemies are. They are so bright and colorful that you can involuntarily admire them right in the middle of the battle. Particular attention is attracted to fabrics and water - developers paid special attention to them. If you use weapons in Borderlands 2 to attack a flag, you will be surprised at how realistic the damage looks. The same goes for water - it now flows much more realistically, so that by blowing up the toilet you can enjoy (so to speak) an impressive brown fountain. But it doesn’t flow out of the bottles - concentrating on one thing, the developers did not pay any attention to the other elements. For example, the bottles do not break, no matter what you do with them, the corpses of opponents fall like bags, no matter what damage you do to them. Of course, this practically does not spoil the overall positive picture, but still not very pleasant.

Weapon skill

In Borderlands 2, the legendary weapon along with the usual one now develops according to a slightly different scheme, which looks interesting, but in reality gives an extremely small advantage. If earlier you could pump a specific type of weapon using it for a long time, now you won’t succeed - the bonuses have become more diverse, but at the same time they are distributed to all types of weapons, which gives an extremely small increase in actual power. As a result, it turns out that the real effect can be felt only after so many hours of play.


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