A few recipes on how to make a fire arrow in Minecraft

Minecraft is famous for the fact that it has almost unlimited possibilities for creating anything - it can be either clothing items, as well as whole buildings and even weapons. Weapons are especially important in this game, because with it you can get your food and defend yourself from aggressive creatures that will spawn again and again in random locations. Therefore, it is recommended that you always carry several types of weapons with which you will defend both yourself and your property.

Long range weapons

how to make a fire arrow in minecraft
Most often in the game you can find short-range weapons, there are a lot of its varieties, but at the same time it is not always effective. Sometimes you may come across mobs that are best avoided - they may curse you or infect you with something. Moreover, there are opponents that you will not be able to approach - for example, if they fly, then short-range weapons will be useless. Therefore, you will need at least a bow and arrow in Minecraft - this is the most common long-range weapon in the game. With it, you can destroy enemies at a distance, not letting them in. This is the secret of ranged combat in Minecraft. "How to make fire arrows?" - This question is asked by many newcomers, but they are in a hurry. First you need to learn how to create the simplest objects, that is, directly bow and ordinary arrows.

Craft craft

If you want to learn how to make a fire arrow in Minecraft, first do what you can launch it from, that is, the bow itself. It can be done almost at the very beginning of the game, since it is quite undemanding to resources.

fire arrow in minecraft

To craft it, you will need three wooden sticks and three threads. These resources cannot be called rare or difficult to harvest or create, so problems with crafting onions should not arise. Just place all three threads vertically on the left edge of the workbench, and place the sticks in the central cells on the right, top and bottom. The resulting drawing, like all the basic items in Minecraft, is a bit like what should come out. As a result, you have a reliable weapon in your hands, but even now it’s too early to talk about how to make a fire arrow in Minecraft. You need to start by crafting ordinary arrows.

What you need to create an arrow

If onions need basic ingredients, then with arrows everything is not so simple. The fact is that to create four arrows you will need three ingredients, only one is easy to extract from them - a stick that you already used to craft onions. But besides a stick, you still need flint and a feather. Flint needs to be searched at the locations of its deposit, while feathers can only be obtained from chickens. Therefore, you will either have to hunt wild birds, or breed a household and keep your own hens.

minecraft how to make fire arrows

It doesn’t matter which method you choose - as soon as you have all the necessary ingredients in your hands, you can start creating ammunition for onions. Place a stick in the very central cell of the workbench, place a flint over it, and a feather under it. And again the old picture - in the workbench you can guess the outlines of the arrow, and at the exit, as already mentioned, it turns out not one, but four whole units. Now you have both a bow and arrows - is it worth it to start considering how to make a fire arrow in Minecraft? In principle, it’s possible, but in fact, before creating fire arrows, it’s better to practice using ordinary arrows so that you don’t accidentally set your house on fire in an unsuccessful attempt.

Minecraft bow and arrow

Archery process

Archery at Minecraft is nothing complicated - you just need to arm yourself with it and have as many arrows as possible in stock. You do not need to take one arrow from the inventory each time, since this process is completely automated - if you have a bow in your hands, then arrows will be fed to it automatically. As soon as you press the left mouse button, the bow is charged with an arrow, and the bowstring begins to draw back. Remember that a bow is a special type of weapon; here you do not need to click on the left mouse button very often. Press once and wait - the bowstring will begin to stretch. The longer you wait, the stronger the bowstring will stretch and, accordingly, the farther the arrow will fly. The process is extremely simple, you just need to get used to it. And when you become an experienced shooter, it’s time to figure out how to make a fire arrow in Minecraft.

Burning arrow for more damage

minecraft how to make burning arrows
In fact, there is no secret in this process in principle - the creation of a fire arrow practically does not differ from the manufacture of an ordinary one. The fire arrow in Minecraft is created by replacing flint with a torch when crafting an ordinary arrow. Thus, you will get an arrow, which instead of a sharp tip will have a burning element that can deal damage over an extended period of time. Naturally, given the fact that absolutely all the rules of nature are observed in the game, if you hit a tree with a burning arrow, it will light up. Therefore, do not experiment with such arrows in the forest or near your home, otherwise an unpleasant incident can happen.

The purpose of the fire arrows

Burning arrows are not a mandatory attribute of the game, such as a pick or shovel - you can completely do without them. However, in some situations, such arrows can be very useful. The fact is that certain mobs, which are better not to approach at close range, have a rather impressive strip of health, which is not so easy to cope with. You will need 6-8 accurate hits to neutralize such creatures, but you may not have enough time for such a number of shots, so the hunt for them can drag on. Everything changes if you know how to make a fire arrow in Minecraft, and in advance created a small margin, because they cause damage for a certain period of time. Once you get there, you can hide and wait while the fire does damage to your opponent. If one arrow is not enough for him, you can shoot again - in any case, two shots are much faster and safer than eight. This is the whole Minecraft! "How to make burning arrows?" - This is an important issue that requires study by each player.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33096/

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