Money tree, or Crassula. Home Care

Crassula has a few more names: money tree, fat girl. This plant belongs to the genus of succulents, grows in Africa and sultry Mexico. It is noteworthy that in nature, the crassula can reach a height of 3-4 meters, while in indoor conditions it does not even grow up to a meter. An interesting fact: a plant such as Crassula (photos are shown) is very popular in Feng Shui practice. It is believed that if you place it in the right place, it will certainly bring good luck in financial matters to its owner. Crassula: home care, growing and propagating plants

If you decide to start a plant such as a fat girl, you should first learn about the conditions under which the flower feels most comfortable. In Crassul, direct sunlight on the foliage is strictly forbidden: having a very delicate surface, they are instantly covered with severe burns. Young immature plants caught in the scorching sun can die. In the summer, the crassula can be taken outside. She is not afraid of temperature changes and will feel comfortable in light partial shade. For uniform foliage formation, the plant must be periodically rotated by different sides to the illuminated side.

Room temperature conditions are perhaps the most comfortable for such a plant as Crassula. Care at home for him does not require any special knowledge or conditions. The only thing you should pay special attention to is watering. Even in the hot summer period, the fat girl should be watered about 2-3 times a week. The earth in the pot should dry between waterings. True, overdrying should also not be allowed. You should know that the roots of a fatty woman from too much watering can rot quickly enough, and the plant will die. Young plants grow very intensively, so they need to be replanted every year in a more spacious container. It is advisable to pick up a pot wide and deep, because the red herb, care for which creates optimal conditions for the flower, forms with age in a small, very branched tree.

The fat woman should be fed during the period of intensive growth: from mid-spring to September. Fertilizer is better to choose special, designed specifically for succulents. Crassula, which is properly managed at home, is growing rapidly. Usually a tree is pruned to form a beautiful crown. If this is not done, the plant can grow a completely incomprehensible form. Sometimes the lateral branches grow so much that they break under the weight of their own weight. Therefore, do not be afraid. Trim the fat girl, creating a neat and beautiful little tree. The plant is propagated by cuttings in the spring or summer. The cut branches are left for a couple of hours in the air so that the slices dry out a little. Next, the cuttings are planted in the ground and covered with a film or a plastic bottle. Future seedlings must be aired at least once a day in order to prevent rotting of the cuttings. Crassula, home care for which does not cause you much trouble, subsequently grows into a chic branching tree.

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