Where do mosquitoes in the house come from: reasons for their appearance and ways of getting rid

Where do mosquitoes come from in the apartment? The issue is relevant at any time of the year. These annoying insects are activated in the evening and night hours. The peak of the mass appearance of mosquitoes occurs in spring and summer. During this time, they can make a masonry invisible to the human eye in the living room.


Where do mosquitoes come from? They enter the house or apartment through open doors, windows, through cracks and cracks. If a female mosquito has set aside larvae in the warm season, this question disappears by itself. Mosquitoes are not at all harmless insects. In addition to making unpleasant annoying sounds, biting and preventing you from falling asleep at night, mosquitoes often become carriers of dangerous diseases, infections and allergic reactions.

where do mosquitoes come from

These insects attack several people at once. Therefore, they can easily transfer from infected to a healthy infection. They are the cause of malaria, tularemia, yellow fever, lymphatic filariasis. In addition, the mosquito bite itches. Sometimes such skin injury leads to scarring and scarring.


Where do mosquitoes come from and how much do they live after a bite? Most often, these insects enter the house from the street, where they multiply. That is why they cause so much inconvenience to a person in winter. It is worth noting that the "winter" mosquitoes are weaker, and they are easy to destroy. A mosquito attacks a person as soon as it feels it. The insect can hunt for a long time, because its main goal is to make a bite.

where do mosquitoes come from in the apartment

During the bite, a peculiar exchange takes place: the mosquito takes blood from its victim, and gives saliva. It prevents coagulation and the insect is able to "enjoy" prey for a long time. The substance located in the saliva of the mosquito causes discomfort at the site of the lesion, provokes redness and itching. In people with sensitive skin, it causes severe allergic reactions. The life span of female mosquitoes is approximately forty to one hundred days. It all depends on the ambient temperature. Males live much less.


Where do mosquitoes come from after winter? Most often, these insects masonry in apartments, penetrating them through cellars or stairwells. Getting into the living room is not difficult for them, especially at the peak of migration. With the onset of spring and a sharp warming, their activity increases. In total, there are about three hundred species of mosquitoes in the world. The most dangerous is malaria. The threat is that they can feed on the blood of dead animals, and then move to humans. The following are the types of these blood-sucking insects :

  1. Mosquito Squeak . The most common species that quickly adapts. This mosquito is wild, lives in forest zones, parks, but is also found in cities. Some mosquitoes of this species are well adapted to civilization, they are able to breed in extreme conditions. "Urban" do not fall into hibernation, so they are easy to meet even in winter.
  2. Malarial . A tropical mosquito in the stomach of which small worms develop. When bitten, they enter the human lymphatic system, where they multiply.
  3. Tiger . This species also poses a danger to humans, becoming a carrier of dangerous diseases and infections.
    where do mosquitoes come from after winter

Where do big, non-biting mosquitoes come from? These insects scare people with their appearance. They are also called centipedes. Lives a large species in the wild, near ponds. Almost never found in cities.

Where do mosquitoes come from?

The answer to this question interests many people. Mosquitoes are nocturnal insects. They multiply rapidly, are most active in a humid and warm environment. Wet, warm and moist places are chosen for life. Where do mosquitoes come from? These insects are common not only in rural areas, but also in cities. Their favorite habitats are cellars of high-rise buildings, balconies, bathrooms, garages. Often they hide under stretch ceilings. In the afternoon, mosquitoes are almost inactive. At an air temperature of 0 degrees, insects fall into a so-called numbness.

In urban apartments, insects appear in spring and autumn, when the temperature in the street for them is still or already uncomfortable. Sometimes mosquitoes are active in winter, crawling out of basements and secluded places. They accumulate where there is a lot of water. The apartments get through the ventilation, elevator shafts, landings, garbage chute.

where do big mosquitoes come from


Where do mosquitoes come from? Their appearance in a house or apartment is not connected with the arrangement of life and other factors. The specificity is that they always settle next to a person. The main way to spread them is through migration. Insects breed in the vicinity of the food source. The appearance of mosquitoes in the city is due to rainy and warm weather. They get into apartments from the street, especially if the summer turned out to be rainy and warm.

In adverse periods (drought, severe cold) they wait in shaded, as humid places as possible. Mosquitoes often hide in houses and apartments:

  • in curtains, on ceilings or walls - where there is little light;
  • behind paintings, cabinets, under carpets;
  • in window frames, narrow crevices.

Mosquitoes breed in a dark and humid place. However, the survival rate of larvae in living quarters is low.

where do big non-biting mosquitoes come from

How to get rid?

Where do big mosquitoes come from? Despite their frightening appearance, they are absolutely harmless to humans. These mosquitoes do not attack and live in forest zones, wetlands. If they fly into a living room, then by accident. Usually they are attracted by warmth and bright light. There are many ways to get rid of insects: chemicals, folk methods, or calling home specialists. Natural remedies are considered one of the safest and most effective. For example, a branch of elderberry, the smell of walnuts and pine nuts can permanently eradicate mosquitoes from the apartment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33107/

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