Pellet boilers: reviews and opinions

Not so long ago, pellet boilers appeared on sale . Reviews and opinions about them were divided. For many potential buyers, it is important to know more about the product in order to determine for itself the need for its purchase. This article contains information about the pros and cons of such equipment.

Pellet boilers reviews

What is a pellet boiler?

Solid fuel pellet boilers consist of a hopper and a special burner for fuel. Depending on the brand, the hopper can be external or built-in. If you download the first, continuous operation is provided up to five days, and if the second - up to two weeks. Granules (pellets) are automatically fed through a screw into the burner. It, in turn, can be flare or retor. However, those who choose to buy pellet boilers, reviews on retort burners leave negative. Apparently therefore they are found on sale less and less.

Pellet boilers are equipped with automation, greatly simplifying operation. You can control them remotely using a conventional cell phone. Most users worry about the security of their home. Manufacturers have taken care of this. For example, Zota pellet boilers are designed taking into account the Russian conditions and have proven themselves well with unstable electrical voltage, low-quality fuel and strong temperature changes.

Pellet boilers Zota


What are the positive aspects of pellet boilers? User reviews suggest that this equipment has worked well. It will become a real find in those places where gas has not yet been transported. Pellets, fuel for this equipment, are relatively inexpensive. Cheaper than them, according to users, only gas costs. Over time, with the development and popularization of this type of equipment, an even greater reduction in the price of pellets is expected.

The boilers themselves are easy to operate, often maintaining them boils down to refueling and occasional infrequent (depending on the model) cleaning of ash and combustion products.

Solid fuel pellet boilers


However, despite all the positive aspects, pellet boilers reviews are not only positive. Among the disadvantages of this equipment should be called the complexity of the installation: many masters for the first time see such a design. Therefore, they often make very significant errors during installation and start-up.

Another drawback of pellet boilers is their size: you will need to attach a separate boiler room. In addition, the fuel used by this equipment is voluminous, afraid of dampness. Its storage requires a large and dry room. The owners of such boilers recommend buying pellets ahead of time, otherwise at the height of the cold in the warehouses of suppliers, they may end.

The disadvantage of pellet boilers is that there is no way to immediately stop burning, the fuel will continue to smolder, although for many users this indicator is not important.

If there is a need for heating, and gasification is not expected in your area, pellet boilers are an excellent option. However, you should weigh everything, find competent specialists for installation. It is also necessary to deal with future fuel supplies. When all this is done - feel free to choose the right model and rush to buy!


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