Variety of apple tree “Stroyevsky”

Apple “Stroyevskoye” brings bright, beautiful apples, characterized by excellent taste. The variety is very common in Russia due to its advantages: high yield, frost resistance. The variety is especially popular in the Oryol region.

Apple tree “Stroyevskoe”: variety description

The variety was produced in 1982 by Russian breeders, in 2001 it was included in the state register.

Refers to winter species. The fruits are ready by the end of September, after about a month they can be eaten. It was at this time that the fruits culminated in their taste.

You can store the fruits until the beginning of spring, if certain conditions are met. For storage, they are placed in a dry, non-hot place and closed.

One of the advantages of the variety is its excellent frost resistance. Apple trees tolerate frosts up to 40 degrees. In addition, the variety is resistant to scab - a common disease of apple trees.

The disadvantages of the variety:

  • late productivity;
  • not too good keeping quality;
  • instability to the moth and rodents.

The variety has excellent constant yield - up to 60 kg from a mature tree. However, the apple tree begins to bear fruit by about the eighth year after planting. Rarely, by the fourth.

Apple “Stroyevsky” is well recognized by the appearance of the fruit. Trees grow quickly to medium sizes. They have a thick pyramidal crown. The bark is light gray. The leaves are large, with wavy edges.

apple tree “Stroyevsky”

In spring, the trees are strewn with delicate pink flowers with a sweet aroma.

The fruits of the Stroyevsky apple tree are of medium size, weighing up to 150 g, with a shiny skin. They are very attractive: red stripes on a golden background. Apples have a white pulp of a dense structure. The taste is sweet and sour. You can use them fresh. With proper storage, the pleasant taste of these apples can be enjoyed all winter. The fruits are also used for harvesting: juices, mashed potatoes, compotes, preserves, jams, mousses. It can be consumed in the form of dried fruits.

Evaluation of the fruit taste - 4.4, appearance - 4.5 points.

Apple tree “Stroyevsky” description reviews


Experts recommend purchasing annual seedlings.

Before landing, it is important to choose the right place. “Stroyevskoe” should be planted in nutrient soil enriched with fertilizers. If the soil is poor, it is fertilized with humus or manure, as well as ash. This can be done in the spring a month before planting or in the fall, during digging.

It is also necessary to consider a drainage system. This is necessary in case groundwater rises high, which will lead to illness and death of the apple tree. It is better to immediately choose a place where the line of groundwater is not higher than two meters. The place where water accumulates after rain does not fit.

“Stroyevskoye” grows well on chernozem, loamy soils and sandy loams.

The illumination of the site is also important, too dark places should be avoided. Seedlings are planted with an interval of at least 3 meters.

Young seedlings take root well, withstanding the difficulties of the first years of life.

Care and Disease Control

After planting, you need to fertilize the soil once a year and cut off excess branches. Pruning is done annually in early spring. Dry, thin and old shoots are removed. It is possible to cut the crown once every 2-3 years, since the “Stroyevsky” one does not thicken much.

Variety of apple tree “Stroyevsky”

The next year after planting under the apple tree, liquid manure is introduced. At the end of May, it is possible to fertilize with urea and nitrate with nitroammophos. Superphosphate, manure or urea is added to the flowering phase.

In autumn, the tree is abundantly watered and mineral fertilizers are added.

The apple variety “Stroyevsky” is resistant to diseases and pests. Basic care measures prevent possible problems with apple trees. Codling moths and rodents are especially dangerous for this variety.


Apple tree “Stroyevsky” refers to self-infertile varieties. This means that the trees are not pollinated on their own, they need other varieties of apple trees. Pollinators of this variety:

  • "veteran";
  • “Oryol kandil”;
  • “Memory of a warrior”;
  • "Imrus".

To achieve maximum yields, you need to properly position the trees when planting. Experts advise planting at least two pollinators for each variety. The very first fruits, even with pollinators, can be obtained no earlier than the eighth season.

Apple tree “Stroyevsky” variety description

According to the description and reviews, the Stroyevsky apple tree has excellent characteristics, which makes it popular among gardeners in Russia. Owners note that the apple tree does not need to be treated with chemicals. The fruits of this variety have excellent taste and go to various types of processing. From apples, excellent jam is obtained, as well as homemade wine with a wonderful delicate taste.


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