How to make a cover for a book with your own hands? How to make a cover for a disc, notebook or diary?

From childhood, mothers teach their children that everything needs to be protected. The same applies to books, notebooks and various notebooks, which, by the way, wear out more often than usual, since they are constantly in someone's hands. In this article I want to talk about how you can make various covers for such print publications.

how to make a cover for a book


The first way to make a cover for a book is pretty simple. All you need is plain paper. This option is suitable if you need to wrap a school textbook or other literature, which very often falls into the hands and quickly loses its attractive appearance. So, you need to take a sheet of paper that will protrude 3 cm above, below and on the sides of the opened book. If one sheet is not enough, you can try using a tape to glue a couple of pieces. Now you need to make special convenient pockets along the edges of the paper, into which a solid book palette will be refilled. First, you need to tuck a sheet of paper from the bottom and top so that it completely matches the size of the book. The edges are wrapped, move on. Now the sides are folded to fit the cover. That's all, the cover is ready. It turned out such a small pocket, into which a book is inserted at the edges. Here it is important to correctly calculate the size of the paper on the cover so that it does not turn out smaller (tear) or larger (it will strive to jump off).

do-it-yourself book cover


The next way - how to make a cover for a book from cardboard. So it will be more dense and can be used for years. The principle will be almost the same as in the previous version - you just need to bend the edges correctly. But only in this option you need to independently make a double deflection of the cardboard in the center of the book, where the root will pass. After all, cardboard does not bend as easily as paper. To do this, you can use scissors, which are convenient to push through more dense materials. The basis for the cover is ready! Now you need to decide how she will dress for the book. There may be several options. The easiest way is to simply glue it onto the old cover with glue, but this option is suitable if the palette of the book is pretty worn out. And it will not look too aesthetically pleasing. And itโ€™s possible to make pockets from a clerical film into which your favorite volume will go. To do this, cut the pockets of the desired size and glue them with tape. But bad luck, now the title side is spoiled. Not a problem, you can simply decorate it again. This is done using colored paper, fabrics, ribbons and other improvised materials. They sit on glue and create a completely new product. Everything, a self-made cover for a book , is ready!

book cover creation


It may seem very interesting to create a cover for a book of leather. To do this, stock up on the fabric of the required size, given that you will need more pieces to create pockets. So, the first step in preparing such a cover is to cut the product. Soaking follows the skin. This is necessary so that it is much more convenient and easier to work with. It will take hot water and a little time (by the way, the first steps are best done in the evening). When the skin is sufficiently moistened, it needs to be removed and patted with a clean cloth. Now it remains to bend it in half to fit the book and leave to dry overnight (this material dries for about a day). We understand further how to make a cover for a book. The next morning you can start work again. A special chisel (you can also use a chisel for carving), about 0.3- 05 cm from the edge of the product, you need to lay a border around the entire perimeter of the cover, there will be a line that, in addition to fastening the two parts, will also perform a decorative function. You can carry out the same manipulations on the pockets into which the book will go. Now you need to sew the main part with pockets, for this you will need a sewing machine. That's all, the product is ready. Now it remains to completely dry the cover. However, it is important to remember that this must be done when folded so that the skin is properly bent. That's all, now everyone knows how to make a cover for a book from leather.

how to make a cover for a disc


Today, quite a lot of people still store various information on disks. But for some reason there is always not enough cover for them. This situation is easy to fix, you can simply make them yourself. There are several ways to make a cover for a disc. To do this, you definitely need paper. It needs to be cut with a long strip, leaving allowances for bends of about 2-3 cm on each side. The width of the envelope should correspond to the size of the disk, then it will not fall out of its cover. Now the paper needs to be bent along the length so that one side remains a little longer, because you also need to make a kind of lock. It is worth noting that the product in the end result will be like a regular mail envelope. The paper sticks together on the sides, and the remaining top is folded so that you can close the cover as if. That's all, the disk will be safely stored. However, there are special programs for making a cover for a disc. But there is a nuance: such a cover will be beautiful, bright, it can be printed and cut out, but it will not save the disc from unnecessary scratches and other damages.

how to make an album cover


You can also try to figure out how to make an album cover. If a person is very fond of drawing and created real masterpieces in his album, why not make his cover beautiful? To do this, you need cardboard, synthetic winterizer and fabric. The cover will be soft! Cardboard and synthetic winterizer need to be cut exactly to the size of the album, but allowances should be made for the fabric of about 3-4 cm. The soft part is glued on top of the cardboard (for reliability), and everything is wrapped with a piece of the selected fabric. It can also be fixed with glue or double-sided tape. So you need to do with two sides, front and back of the cover. The product is ready, it remains only to fasten it. For this part can be put on glue or stitched on a sewing machine (if the cardboard is not too thick). First you need to fold the cover so that the album opens easily. Well, you can decorate your product with various applications, as well as with strass beads. If you wish, you can make the album string.

how to make a cover for a diary

A diary

The workshop โ€œHow to make a cover for a diary in scrapbooking styleโ€ may seem interesting. To do this, you need a plastic base, paper for watercolor, clippings from books or newspapers, as well as old atlases, notebooks and prints for decor. First, the plastic base must be cut to the size of the diary and bent in the center so that the cover looks natural when closed. Next, with the help of a used but still wet tea bag, you need to age the paper (pressing the bag against the paper all over the sheet). Light brown spots should appear. Now everything is drying. After that, you can slightly burn the edges of the cover with a lit match to create the effect of a manuscript thrown out, but saved from the fireplace. Next, the paper is tinted, for this, paint is applied to a piece of foam and small prints are made around the entire perimeter of the product. Also blanks for decor are tinted. Now on the cover you need to stick all the prepared parts. By the way, itโ€™s better to use double-sided tape for this , rather than glue, so the paper will not look warped, but will remain flat.

how to make a cover for a notebook


You can also try to figure out how to make a cover for a notebook with an interesting newspaper print. To do this, you need heavy drawing paper (not cardboard!), An old but not worn newspaper, as well as stationery. First, four main parts are cut out of paper, equal in size to each other and slightly larger than the notebook (about 5-7 mm) and one strip that will be attached to the back of the notebook. All parts are glued so that there is a gap of about 1 mm between them. This can be done using ordinary tape. First, two identical parts are glued in a row, then a strip on the bend, and again two identical parts. Now, on one side of this โ€œtrainโ€, it is rather thickly necessary to put double-sided tape tapes, a newspaper is immediately glued to them, slightly bending around the edges. Next, you need to glue two identical parts on each side so that there is a pocket in which the notebook will enter. To do this, you can pre-prepare small strips of drawing paper, so it will be more reliable. After all, if you glue the product on a newspaper, it can quickly tear and the cover will be irreparably damaged. Now you need to insert the notebook into the cover and put it overnight under the press. In the morning everything will be ready, and with such a notebook you can safely go to school. A newspaper print will not reveal to anyone the secret for what subject this notebook is used.


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