Solid fuel boilers with a water circuit for the home: reviews

Solid fuel boilers with a water circuit - this is, in fact, a modified standard boiler equipment, just an additional design provides a water circuit.

solid fuel boilers with water circuit

Design Features

This equipment consists of the following main elements:

  • Water circuit.
  • Ash chamber.
  • Grate.
  • Firebox.

If single-circuit models are allowed to be used only for heating rooms, then double-circuit equipment can be used both for heating and for hot water supply.

Before acquiring a double-circuit boiler, it is recommended to determine the power that will be used to heat the room (about 10 kW should be about 10 kW) and to heat hot water.

Fuel can be loaded automatically or manually. In the first case, solid fuel boilers with a water circuit are equipped with a tank in which fuel is stored every 3-7 days. However, these models, compared to boiler equipment with manual fueling, are much more expensive and therefore less common.

solid fuel boilers with a water circuit for the home

Coal up to 25 mm in size, which has undergone special training, can be used as fuel. Some solid fuel boilers with a water circuit are equipped with built-in electric tones, which are launched in the event of a fuel cut. The result is continuous operation of the boiler unit.


According to the material of execution, solid fuel boilers with a water circuit for the home are divided into products made of cast iron and steel. For cast-iron equipment, a large heat capacity is characteristic - it takes longer to heat up, but then it keeps heat longer. However, such boilers have a significant drawback - sensitivity to temperature differences. If there are a lot of these cycles and they have a wide range, cracks appear in the heat exchanger body, up to failure and destruction.

Solid fuel boilers with a water circuit do not have this drawback, but they are more susceptible to corrosion processes from the inevitable effect of condensate.

homemade solid fuel boiler with a water circuit

The most progressive modern development in the heat engineering field is a solid fuel unit of long burning. This equipment in most cases has a top hatch for loading fuel. This non-standard structural and technological solution helps to achieve maximum effect. Fuel burns longer and generates more heat. There are also solid fuel boilers with a water circuit for the home, using the pyrolysis effect, which is the effect of burning wood gas, which is released during the combustion of wood. Such a system has higher efficiency.

Operating principle

A solid fuel boiler with a water circuit (reviews below) can operate on the following fuels:

  • Wood waste granules.
  • Peat briquettes.
  • Coal.
  • Firewood.

For this reason, their principle of operation is not much different from classic solid fuel units. The peculiarity lies only in a well-designed combustion chamber equipped with a boiler with thick walls. This improves the reliability of this design and contributes to the long-term maintenance of the coolant temperature in the circuit after the boiler attenuation.

solid fuel boiler with water circuit reviews

The regulation of the combustion rate of the fuel is carried out through the damper of the duct. Full combustion of fuel and its rapid heating occurs due to the special shape of the furnace. This equipment is capable of working on two types of water circulation in the heating system:

  1. Self-flowing (natural), provided with the correct slope of the pipelines.
  2. Forced using a circulation pump.

Do-it-yourself solid fuel boiler with a water circuit

The most important difference between factory and home-made products is the combustion method. In the classic version of such a boiler, there is only one combustion chamber in which the fuel is mixed.

The pyrolysis type equipment is equipped with two chambers, and therefore it has a higher heat transfer.

Materials and Tools

To build a self-made solid fuel boiler with a water circuit, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • Fireclay brick.
  • Sheet of steel.
  • Various bolts and nuts.
  • Centrifugal fan.
  • Profile pipelines.
  • The rod is 20 mm in size.
  • Steel pipelines.
    do-it-yourself solid fuel boiler with a water circuit

Installation tips

Home-made units can be performed in various ways. To do this, you must have the following knowledge:

  1. You need to be able to calculate the most optimal and efficient water supply option.
  2. Properly perform the calculation of the operating parameters of the heat exchanger.
  3. Correctly and accurately determine the place for the combustion chamber.

You can find a lot of information, including from craftsmen who have already installed this equipment in their home.

Any method of organizing a heating system that you find can be changed and improved to suit your own needs. The most important thing in this matter is competent calculation and proper installation of the boiler.


Currently, solid fuel products are used everywhere, and in the coming years they are not expected to have a real alternative. Reviews of this equipment make it possible to understand the reason for their indispensability in the conditions of a long winter heating period in Russia.

Owners of suburban and private households operating solid fuel boilers with a water circuit agree on the durability, unpretentiousness, accessibility and reliability of these units, which for all their undeniable advantages have certain disadvantages. Cons must be taken into account and minimized even at the stage of developing a project of your own country house.

The most optimal approach to the heating problem will be to contact a qualified specialist in this field, who will help you choose the rational scheme of the heat supply circuit and the optimal power of the boiler unit.


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