What is the difference between aluminum radiators and bimetal radiators and which ones are better?

After the heating season ends, the question of changing radiators comes to the fore. If your apartment has leaky cast-iron batteries, then it's time to send them on a well-deserved rest, installing modern models instead. Private developers, equipping a heating system, often can not decide which radiators are better - aluminum, bimetallic, cast iron, because each of these models has its own advantages and disadvantages. The consumer may be at a loss when he listens to the recommendations of sellers in stores of relevant goods. If you also solve this issue, then it is worth comparing aluminum and bimetal radiators.

Comparison of aluminum and bimetal batteries

what is the difference between aluminum radiators and bimetal radiators

Aluminum radiators look good and look neat, they have several sections that are connected by nipples. Between the sections there are gaskets, they provide the necessary tightness. The ribs are located inside, they increase the area of ​​heat transfer to 0.5 m 2 . Such batteries are made according to one of the technologies existing today. For example, the extrusion method allows you to get cheaper and lighter products, but their quality can not be called high. Today, Europe has already abandoned this technique.

If you are thinking about the question of how bimetal heating radiators differ from aluminum, then it is worth paying attention to the fact that the latter can also be carried out by casting. Products are more expensive, but will last a longer time. Bimetal batteries are manufactured using two different metals. The case has ribs based on aluminum alloy. Inside the body contains a core of pipes, hot water flows through them. Such pipes are made of copper or steel, but the first option is becoming less common today. Many consumers also think about how to find out whether the radiator is aluminum or bimetallic in front of them. The diameter of the latter is smaller compared to aluminum models. Therefore, there is a higher probability of clogging. When consumers consider the advantages of bimetallic radiators over aluminum, they primarily note a more attractive appearance. After all, all the components of such products are hidden inside, so the design is able to satisfy the most sophisticated requests.

Which batteries are better in terms of heat transfer

what is the difference between bimetallic radiators and aluminum

If you decide the question of how aluminum radiators differ from bimetal radiators, then it is worthwhile to compare them also by the intensity of heat transfer. Aluminum radiators in this issue are ahead. One section is capable of delivering approximately 200 watts of thermal energy or more. Half of the heat is given off in the form of radiation. The other half is convection. The ribs of the battery allow you to increase the level of heat transfer. Aluminum in this matter has no equal. Among other things, it has minimal thermal inertia. If you turn on such batteries, then after 10 minutes it will be warm in the premises of the house or apartment.

If we are talking about private construction, then using aluminum radiators can save good money. Today, aluminum and bimetal heating radiators are becoming popular , the characteristics of which are presented in the article. The latter are distinguished by heat transfer, which depends on the manufacturer and model. This parameter will be lower in comparison with an aluminum radiator. This is due to the fact that the core of steel reduces heat transfer, which is 1/5 less compared to an aluminum battery of the same size.

Differences between aluminum and bimetallic batteries in terms of ability to undergo water hammer

what is the difference between bimetal heating radiators and aluminum

In this matter, aluminum is on the second together. Its working pressure is not so high, it varies from 6 to 16 atmospheres, and for some models this parameter reaches 20 atmospheres. If you install such radiators as part of central heating, then the products may simply not withstand the effects of high pressure. A water hammer can cause the battery to burst, and a hot flood will occur in the apartment. Therefore, you should not take risks when installing an aluminum radiator in an apartment of a multi-storey building.

If you wondered how bimetal radiators differ from aluminum ones, then you should compare these products in terms of ability to endure high loads. Bimetallic batteries have a strong steel core, it is prepared for high pressure. Such products are able to withstand pressure from 20 to 40 atmospheres. Therefore, it can be argued that bimetallic radiators are more reliable at unstable pressure, when there is a likelihood of water hammer.

For reference

advantages of bimetallic radiators over aluminum

The above parameter is important if you choose a battery for an apartment that is heated by a central system. If you plan to buy a radiator for a private house, then this parameter cannot be called a minus, because there is no excessive pressure in the local network.

Which radiator to choose in terms of coolant

how to recognize an aluminum or bimetal radiator

Quite often, owners of real estate and apartments wonder about how aluminum radiators differ from bimetal radiators. This issue should also be considered from the point of view of the coolant. Aluminum is able to enter into chemical reactions, so water for him is just a treasure. It contains so many chemical impurities that the walls of the batteries during operation can be subject to corrosion. Therefore, if the ph-level of water flowing in the system exceeds 8 units, then it is worth waiting for trouble. However, using central heating, monitoring these parameters is simply impossible.

Even during the course of a chemical reaction, aluminum is able to emit hydrogen, which creates a fire hazard. Therefore, it is necessary from time to time to bleed air from such radiators. Steel pipes located in the core of a bimetallic product are less demanding on water quality. This is because steel is not as chemically active as aluminum alloys. Corrosion will get to such material, but it will not happen so soon. Among other things, manufacturers cover the surface with a protective layer, sometimes stainless steel is used in the manufacturing process, but it makes radiators expensive.

The choice of radiators for the temperature of the coolant

which radiators are best aluminum bimetallic cast iron

Installation of aluminum, bimetal heating radiators is carried out quite often today. However, before purchasing such products, you should inquire which of them can work when exposed to water at an impressive temperature. Aluminum is able to withstand 110 Β° C, which is an average. For bimetallic radiators, this characteristic reaches 130 Β° C, so these products win.

Reliability and durability

installation of aluminum bimetal heating radiators

If you are thinking about the question of how aluminum radiators differ from bimetal radiators, then you should first understand that aluminum products will be destroyed by water hammer, corrosion and frequent, as well as an impressive change in temperature. Therefore, in the issue of reliability, the leaders are again products from two metals, they combine the best qualities of each material. Such products are ready to last more than 20 years, of course, in this case we are talking about a quality product of brands that have established themselves on the market. Aluminum radiators have a half life time. After installation, they are ready to serve for 10 years.

Easy Installation Comparison

Bimetal and aluminum are quite easy to install comfortably; they weigh less if compared with cast iron. For fastening there is no need to use powerful brackets, even a drywall wall will be able to withstand light weight. If the supplied pipes are made of plastic, only fittings and a set of keys are needed for installation work. But as practice shows, bimetallic batteries are easier to install, since steel cannot be deformed, unlike aluminum, which is a soft metal.

Price Comparison

If you have a question about how aluminum radiators differ from bimetal radiators, then it is worth considering these products also in the issue of price. The second option is 1/5, and sometimes 1/3 more expensive than aluminum products. This difference is significant enough, so bimetal is not so common among private consumers today, because it is not accessible to everyone. Bimetallic devices have a higher hydraulic resistance, so more energy is required for pumping water, which increases the cost of operation.

Choosing a radiator for a specific heating system

Having examined the main characteristics of radiators, we can conclude which model is suitable for a particular system. If you use central heating, then the pressure in it can change dramatically, sometimes the mark reaches exorbitant values, while water hammering occurs. The temperature will not be stable, it is able to change during the heating season and even a day. The composition of the coolant is not clean, it contains chemical impurities, abrasive particles, and an acceptable level of ph is also not necessary. Based on all this, it can be argued that aluminum batteries in such systems are best abandoned.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33164/

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