Osaka castle: photos, description, history

This medieval castle is a defensive structure. The appearance of the citadel was to give potential enemies an idea of ​​the power and grandeur of its owner.

This building is a castle in Osaka. Its decor in its heyday was distinguished by an abundance of gold, since its owner had a real passion for him. Some rooms were completely made of gold.

general information

Osaka city by population (2.7 million people) ranks third in Japan. The Samurai castle, located in it and built more than 400 years ago, in the XVI-XVII centuries played a significant role in the history of Japan, having endured the most severe siege of a huge army.

Bridge over the canal

It is important to note that 30 thousand people participated in its construction at the same time.

Osaka Castle Address : Japan 540-0002, Ōsaka-fu, Ōsaka-shi, Chūō-ku, Ōsakajō, 1.

A brief history of construction

The castle was erected in 1583 by the commander Toyotomi Hideyoshi, with the aim of founding in it a new center of Japan, united during the rule of the Toyotomi clan. However, these intentions were not destined to be realized, since in 1615 there was a fierce battle with the Tokugawa clan. The castle withstood this siege (the army of Tokugawa Ieyasu totaled 2000 people).

Osaka City

Although the fortress was not taken, the enemies managed to fill in the ditches surrounding it, which were an important element of the Osaka fortification system. The next year, Hideery (Hideyoshi's son) tried to restore the outer moat again and fill it with water, but an enraged Tokugawa along with his warriors captured the castle. Hideery together with her mother committed suicide and today a memorial sign is installed at the place of their death.

The new ruler rebuilt and expanded the castle, but the lightning that struck the main tower in 1665 led to a fire that destroyed almost everything. After restoration, the castle burned again in 1868, during the events of the Meiji Restoration. By the beginning of the XX century, practically only ruins remained from the castle, and there were barracks in the preserved premises.

It should be noted that the castle in Osaka (photo presented in the article) was originally built on the model of the Azuti castle, previously built by the military-political leader Oda Nobunaga.

Modern reconstruction

The very first reconstruction of the castle in the 20th century (Osaka-jo) was carried out in 1931. The main tower, rising from the ruins, acquired a beautiful modern look. Local authorities carried out a major reconstruction using reinforced concrete.

Osaka Fortress

At the end of World War II, the elements of the castle again suffered from air raids by American pilots, but they were again restored from 1995 to 1997. During the last restoration, earthquake-resistant structures were added, and an elevator appeared in the main tower. Today the facility is open to tourists.


The area of ​​the castle is 1000 m 2 . It is located on top of a stone embankment, which was designed to protect against attacks by sword-soldiers.

Its base consists of huge boulders, of which the largest reach 14 meters in width and six meters in height.

The castle has five floors and three underground levels, going deep into the embankment. The interiors of the main tower are modern. Fortifications and a stone mound have been preserved since the restoration of the castle, completed by order of Tokugawa in the 17th century. There is a stadium near the castle garden, where world-class musicians often perform.

Indoor exposure

On each floor of the Osaka castle, themed exhibits are featured. It is most convenient to inspect the tower from top to bottom, first rising to the eighth floor by elevator.

  • 8th floor. There is an observation deck, a stereoscope "Landscapes of Naniva" and a souvenir shop.
  • 7th floor. The drama "Karakuri Taikoki" is presented, depicting the life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the history of that period.
  • 6th floor. Just a corridor without expositions.
Osaka Castle Garden
  • 5th floor. The exposition is dedicated to the siege of the castle in Osaka in 1615, represented by panoramic images and puppet miniatures (all representations are translated with subtitles in English, Korean, Japanese and Chinese).
  • 4th floor. Temporary exhibitions dedicated to the reign of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the history of the castle. Exposure changes every two months.
  • 3rd floor. Temporary exhibitions, the layout of the golden tea room Toyotomi Hideyoshi (real size), as well as two miniature models with a view of Osaka Castle from the eras of two rulers: Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu.
  • 2nd floor. Provides information on Japanese castle architecture and all the elements of Osaka Castle, as well as replicas of a lurking tiger and mythical Shoshi fish decorating the walls and roof of the castle. Here, for a fee, you can try on a helmet and a military samurai cape of jimbaori of Japanese generals.
  • 1st floor. In a small cinema, stories about the castle and Toyotomi Hideyoshi are broadcast, and souvenirs can be purchased at the store.

How to get there

Osaka Castle can be reached by any means of transport. It can be reached by car, metro and bus. You can get here by river tram. There are two berths at the castle: Osaka Castle Pier and Hatikenya Funatsukiba Pier.

Castle on a background of blooming sakura

Using the bus, you need to get off at the Otemon or Babacho stop. By car, drive along the Hanshin Expressway (13th Line and Higashi Osaka), using the interchange and exit of Hohenzaka or Morinomiya, from Kobe or the east of the city, respectively.

The castle has two car parks working around the clock.


In 1961, the film "The Tale of the Osaka Castle" was created in the genre of action movie. He immediately attracted the attention of moviegoers from around the world. Filmed by the famous director Hiroshi Inagaki.

The film tells the story of those very times when Tokugawa tried to take possession of this magnificent castle.


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