Pesticide: what is it? Application and storage of pesticides

Today, almost the entire agricultural industry uses pesticide. What is it and how to use this tool, you will learn in the article.

What are pesticides and where are they used?

pesticide what is it

So, these substances are of a chemical nature, that is, they are created artificially. They are used to destroy weeds, waste plants, harmful microorganisms, as well as rodents, which not only spoil crops, but can also carry certain diseases.

The composition of such funds includes both organic and inorganic components. However, they have in common that they have a toxic effect on living organisms. The only accepted term for all types of such agents is pesticide. What it is, you already know. Now you should understand how they should be used, transported and stored.

Advantages and disadvantages of the presented funds

Pesticide (what it is, you already found out) is used in agriculture. Among its advantages are the following:

- High efficiency.

- A wide variety of products that have a different composition.

- A solid choice in time and mode of action.

Naturally, the definition of pesticides makes it clear that they have great disadvantages. For example, they kill almost everything living in the territory that is being cultivated (naturally, except for the necessary crops). In addition, pesticides are able to accumulate in the soil, which has a detrimental effect on its fertility. Even with such substances, you need to behave as carefully as possible, as you can get serious poisoning, which can lead to death. In addition, organochlorine pesticides, like other types of such products, must have special storage and disposal conditions.

Classification of pesticides

pesticide determination

So, all chemicals can be divided into several groups:

1. Herbicides. These substances are used to eliminate weeds.

2. Insecticides - destroy harmful insects.

3. Nemtocides. These chemicals are used to control nematodes (harmful worms).

4. Fungicides. They are used to destroy various types of fungi.

5. Zoocides - kill rodents.

6. Acaricides. These are special medications that help fight ticks.

You already know the definition of pesticides and their types. As for the separation of substances by mode of action, they are contact, intestinal and systemic.

How to buy pesticides

organochlorine pesticides

You never need to purchase such a product in a spontaneous market. The store must have a license and permission to sell such products. In order to choose the necessary tool, you should be guided by the following recommendations:

  • The substance must be registered and approved for use.
  • The package must have a label on which the date of manufacture and expiration date are indicated.
  • Carefully inspect the container - it must be airtight.
  • When choosing, pay attention to the composition and purpose of pesticides.

In principle, these are the most important instructions that will help you maintain health and money.

Features of the use of the substance


The pesticide, what it is, you already know, should be used in accordance with certain instructions, which indicate the concentration of the working solution, as well as safety precautions. So, for starters, ways to use chemicals should be considered. Among them are the following:

  • Spraying. In this case, the working solution is applied to the surface of plants or the body of an animal pest. So a small amount of chemical is used.
  • Spraying. For this, pesticides in powder form are used. Processing in this way is quick and easy. In this case, you do not have to dilute the powder with water. However, during operation, you should be especially careful, since the substance can enter the respiratory tract or mucous membranes.
  • Aerosol spraying. In this case, the substance acts briefly in direct contact. Further, the particles of chemicals settle on the surface of plants and continue their work.
  • Seed dressing. In this case, they are treated with liquid or powder substances even before disembarkation.
  • Intoxication of plants. This method involves the introduction into the culture of any harmless poison for it. At the same time, those insects that try to harm the plant will die.
  • Processing the bait. For this, intestinal pesticides are used. It is best in this way to fight rodents. Its advantage is high efficiency, low consumption of raw materials, as well as a less fatal effect on the surrounding soil.
  • Soil dressing. To this end, chemicals are added to the soil that are capable of killing fungi and harmful bacteria. The preparations may be liquid or powdered.

The use of pesticides should be guided by the instructions, which are always on the packaging. During use, attention should be paid to the necessary concentration of drugs and safety precautions. During the period of spraying the plants, one should also take into account the duration of the chemicals, that is, how long they will be able to kill pests, as well as when it will be possible to use the products without fear of poisoning with herbicides or other poisons.

Rules for the safe use and storage of substances

pesticide storage

So, you already know the definition of pesticides, the classification and methods of using them. Now you should consider how to use the drugs in order not to harm your own health. You should follow these safety rules:

- During operation, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of substances.

- A person who comes in contact with chemicals must wear protective clothing, shoes, gloves, a mask and a respirator. That is, there should not be anywhere open areas of the body on which powder or liquid will fall during spraying.

- After work, you must dispose of the container and wash thoroughly.

Now let's see how pesticides are stored. So, all those places where the chemicals will lie should not be accessible to children, pets or those people who do not know how to behave with poisons. The container should not be near food or water, in the open air, near household items. Also, pesticides should not be stored in basements that are often flooded.

If during the transportation of chemicals the integrity of the packaging is impaired, the substance should be immediately transferred to another container. After use, empty boxes or bottles should be returned to the supplier. If poisons came in wooden crates or paper bags, then they should be burned immediately.

It should be noted that today there are alternative ways to control pests that do not harm the environment. Therefore, we must think about environmentally friendly methods of processing soil and plants. It is necessary to reduce the use of pesticides in order to protect nature from destruction.


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