The sad chapter of life: how to express condolences over death

how to express condolences over death

When we are young and full of hope for the future, it is difficult to recognize the fact that death is also part of life. Entering adulthood, we inevitably encounter it: unfortunately, our grandparents are not eternal, and younger relatives and friends are not all distinguished by good health, one of them may get into an accident or die. It’s impossible to come to terms with the idea that someone’s death will one day enter our life, but sooner or later it will happen. We may not think about death at all, but if misfortune happens to someone close or friends, you need to know how to behave in these difficult days of life and how to express condolences over death so as not to offend the feelings of those who are experiencing the greatest the loss. In our words and deeds, we must help people to adequately cope with the grief affecting their family.

How to Condole Death

As soon as it became known of someone’s death or accidental death, those who knew the deceased should come to a family that suffered misfortune in order to express condolences to their families and offer their help in organizing the funeral and commemoration.

Even someone who has not experienced how painful it is to lose a loved one can imagine what a blow it is. At such moments, I would like to support someone who suffered a truly unbearable loss, but it is very difficult to find words that could express this understanding and sympathy. Therefore, condolences over death are difficult for many people. The text should not contain words such as “dead”, “killed” or “death”. Try to avoid dryness and find some sincere comforting words. But if you still find it hard to come up with something yourself, refer to the examples below.

condolences on death text
How to express condolences for death in a letter

If you find out about the death in the family of one of your close friends, while being away from them, send a letter of condolences. Such letters are usually written only by hand in black ink on white paper and sent in a plain white envelope. And remember that you need to send such a letter within 2-3 days after receiving the news of death. If you send later, then instead of comforting it will cause new tears.

Condolences for Death, Examples

“We understand how much he meant to you. Such a beautiful person is very difficult to lose. He brought us so much warmth and love. We will never forget him. We grieve with you. ”

“I am very sorry that he left us. I sincerely condole you. If I can help you with something, I will be very happy ... "

“This tragedy causes pain to all of us. But of course, she touched you the most. My condolences. And you can always count on my help ... "

“I just now, to my great regret, realized how unworthy all my quarrels and disagreements with this wonderful man were. I beg you to forgive me and accept my regrets and condolences. ”

condolences for death examples
“It’s hard to put into words how hard it is for me now. But you suffer much more. Let me somehow help you to share your grief. "

“His demise is an irreparable loss for all of us. This is a terrible tragedy. After all, he was such a kind, loving and sympathetic person. He has done so much good for everyone in his life. We will never forget him. ”

But remember, these are just examples that should help you if you don’t know how to express condolences on death.

Real words of condolences should be sincere, come from a pure heart. Put in them all your sympathy and love. Hug the relatives, shake their hands. Be sure to offer them help and support if necessary. Do everything to help them recover after everything experienced.


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