Where do the “Monday Growths” come from?

The expression "Monday is a hard day" was invented for a reason. After the weekend, it is very difficult for people to get out of a relaxed state and again tune into a working mood. Especially if on the weekend they “relaxed” with alcohol. That is why on Monday everything falls out of hand, and all things go wrong. “With a hangover” for anything serious is better not to take. But Monday is coming, and he is akin to a stalemate. The working tone is at zero, but you still need to go to work. Hatred and disregard for one’s condition and for the first - the hardest day of the work week is pouring out of people in the form of countless all kinds of aphorisms about Monday, some of which we will declare in our article.

The Diamond Arm

The best advertisement for the hardest working day was made by Gaidai in his comedy The Diamond Arm. Mironov’s famous song about the island of bad luck revolves around Monday. The author of the song suggests that, apparently, the lion's share of all the aborigines inhabiting this unlucky island was born on Monday, because of which everything fell out of their hands or, as one of her verses says, “the crocodile is not caught does not grow coconut. " That is why, if a person is awkward or awkward, this most common aphorism about Monday is recited to him: “Apparently, did your mother give birth to you on Monday?”

Jokes about the weekend flying like an arrow

Missing weekend

They hate Monday also because it is on it that the weekend ends. And the fact that they sometimes fly by quite unnoticed is also blamed on Monday. Hence the following aphorisms about Monday, funny, but offended.

So, how does the week really last? It turns out this is how:

  1. Poneedeeeeeelnik ...
  2. Wooooooo ...
  3. Wednesdayaaaaaaa ..
  4. Foureeeeerg ...
  5. Friday Saturday Sunday!


On Monday mornings, I always suffer from a question, but was there a weekend this week?


I just stopped twitching my eyes, like Monday again! ..

Jokes about Monday

To work like a holiday

In most cases, this is not so much jokes, but aphorisms about Monday, positive and not very. We list some of them.

- What scares you the most about the coincidence Friday, 13?

- Monday, 16 ...


“You have to, my dear, sit on a diet for some time.” On Monday - eat fish, on Tuesday - boiled beef, on Wednesday generally sit on a mineral water, on Thursday ...

- Wait, doctor, can you move the mineral water on Monday?


If summer begins on Monday, it is completely unclear what to expect from him then ... But all the same, it’s good that not winter begins on Monday ...


On Monday morning, each person unconsciously imitates the famous stuffed fox in a chair ...


- Rise! Monday!

- Yes, my eyes would not have seen him ...


Monday Talk:

- Today I got into such a traffic jam! ..

- And damn it, I couldn’t even get into a traffic jam ...


Muslims do not work on Fridays, Jews on Saturdays, Christians on Sundays. Where to find such a religion so that it does not work on Mondays ...


Monday, God created specifically for those people who want to engage in bad habits, start losing weight, play sports, and in general - fundamentally change their lives. Moreover, these important things you can do weekly!


Greetings: Good Morning on Monday sounds like sarcasm ...


You envy the sleeping bum on a small bench only once a week, when on Monday morning you get to work.

Funny statuses

Flying weekend

Often a semi-depressive “Monday” state creeps over people’s edge, splashing out of them even onto social media pages. Information about his "emergency" state, disappointment in the short and inconspicuous days off and working mood is contained in aphorisms about Monday, flaunting on the pages of Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc. as statuses. Here are some of these sayings.

Citizens! Honor Monday morning with a minute of grunts!


The main thing is to get out of bed, and you can wake up already along the way ...


On Monday, you want to sleep more than live ...


The Monday plan is to start waiting for Friday ...


As you can see, by Monday, the entire population of the globe has a single attitude, in the case, of course, if their work week begins on this very Monday. And since such a working grid is widespread everywhere, Monday aphorisms are topical everywhere without exception. People hate this day of the week everywhere and mock it in vain, although they realize that they are not at fault for any days of the week, but they themselves. But from this aphorisms about Monday, alas, do not become less popular and topical ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33192/

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