Passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6": "Edge of Darkness", "Alliance of Light", "Dance of Death", "Sanctuary"

Every gamer who has ever been keen on turn-based strategies knows the Heroes of Might and Magic series - this is the most famous project that has ever existed. Many developers have tried to overtake the "Heroes" in popularity, but it was simply impossible. It’s worth saying right away that in fact the third episode turned out to be epic, which is still incredibly popular. In the wake of his fame, a re-release in the HD version was released, so that not even old-school fans can now feel the greatness of this project. Even those parts that were released later could not get around the third episode - it remained the standard of turn-based strategy. However, do not underestimate the remaining episodes - they are just different, but at the same time deserve no less attention. Particularly worth noting is the sixth part, because it has already turned into a completely different project. It is the passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6" that will be considered later in the article.

Character upgrade

What is the difference between the sixth episode and the third? In fact, a lot, because the passage of “Heroes of Might and Magic 6” is more like a role-playing game in turn-based mode, while the third episode was a pure turn-based strategy. Leveling the character was important, but still remained secondary against the background of strategic actions on the battlefield. Now, the main emphasis is on making your character (and his partners) as strong as possible, and the development of castles, the accumulation of armies and other strategic chips go by the wayside. Thus, the skills that you pump your character become incredibly important. There are a lot of them, and you can choose in which direction to swing the hero, but you should definitely pay attention to several abilities, which in any case you should pump to the maximum. Firstly, this is “Reinforcement” - with the help of this skill you can call in new troops. Secondly, “Education” - you will gain more experience and, accordingly, you can pump faster and choose more skills.

the passage of the heroes of might and magic 6

“Education”, it would seem, should not be different from “Education”, but in fact the differences are very large. With this ability, other heroes gain even more experience for your achievements - accordingly, you can pump several characters at once faster. There are also two skills that should be pumped together - "Theft" and "Logistics". The first allows you to collect resources from adjacent cells, and the second adds additional movement in one move, which will allow you to collect even more resources from adjacent cells. With these abilities, the passage of “Heroes of Might and Magic 6” will become noticeably easier and more enjoyable, regardless of the direction in which you pump your hero.

The buildings

Even if castles no longer play such a decisive role as in the third “Heroes”, in the sixths you should still take care of what exactly is happening in your stronghold. The passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6" will largely depend on what exactly you build and when. Any errors can be corrected with the help of a powerful hero, but it is always more pleasant not to make mistakes and to know that you have built the right building at the right time. Naturally, in construction there can be various deviations, depending on which way you develop. However, it is worth noting that some buildings may not be useful to you at all, and you should not spend time and money on them. For example, you should not build improved buildings for your creatures when you have reached a high level - it is simply useless. You can not build improvements for buildings that enhance your character's skills within the castle - it is better to focus on competently pumping the hero.

heroes of the sword of magic 6 walkthrough

It is also worth noting that you do not need to build a tavern in each of the cities, because you can acquire new heroes in your capital. They are updated every week, so you will even have a full choice. Moreover, you will not need to have an entire army of heroes - depending on the size of the map and the complexity of the mission, their number can vary, but it will never be too large. In the game "Heroes of the Sword of Magic 6" the passage is based more on pumping existing heroes, rather than on the purchase of a large number of new ones.

Dynasty Artifacts

A feature of this game against the background of other modern projects is the fact that you can easily play it offline, that is, without connecting to the Internet for verification, loading tables and other data, and so on. However, in this case, it will be much more difficult for you to complete this game. The fact is that there is such a thing as Dynasty Artifacts, and they are completely tied to online. Only in the official version with the Internet connected can you find such artifacts, collect their collections, exchange them with other players or trade among themselves.

the passage of the heroes of sword and magic 6 verge of darkness

These artifacts give you an impressive advantage over those who play without a network connection. Naturally, there are other features - for example, for daily visits you will be given certain prizes. Therefore, it is recommended that the passage be more pleasant, activate this game via the Internet and play with an active connection.


So, what is required of you in the process of passing? There is no point in describing each individual mission, since they all have approximately the same goal - to capture all castles and destroy all opponents. Naturally, the conditions may vary - sometimes you will need to capture a specific castle, sometimes - to defend your capital, sometimes - to keep within a certain period of time. But the result should almost always be one. The campaign will take you a lot of time for one simple reason - it is very large. It contains a narrative from five races, respectively, the campaign is divided into five parts. Each of them includes four chapters, and each of the chapters consists of four missions.

the passage of the heroes of might and magic 6 alliance of light

Accordingly, there are more than 80 missions in the game, and all of them take a lot of time, so you have to seriously engage in this game if you want to pass it. Naturally, if you use the tips given earlier, then the passage will become noticeably easier.

"Edge of Darkness"

the passage of the heroes of might and magic 6 dance of death

Given the fact that all missions are similar to each other, it is worth considering only a few of them that stand out most. For example, "Edge of Darkness" is one of the two final missions of the game that you will need to pass if you choose the dark side during the game. The passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6: Edge of Darkness" differs from the rest in that you will need to go through several powerful gate guards, and then fight with the final boss.

Alliance of Light

the passage of the heroes of might and magic 6 sanctuary

Separately, it is worth highlighting the passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6: Alliance of Light", because the missions of this campaign are really impressive. This is the most popular campaign, since most gamers love to play for the human race, not only in the Heroes series.

Dance of Death

Another very interesting mission, Dance of Death, concludes the Sanctuary campaign. The passage of "Heroes of Might and Magic 6: Dance of Death" is different in that you don’t have a special need to develop your creatures here - it’s best to find an island on the map as soon as possible, where a large number of creatures will gladly join your army.


Since we are talking about this campaign, it is worth noting the passage of the “Heroes of Might and Magic 6: Sanctuary” separately. Here you have to play for the dark magician Irina, you will follow the path of blood and eventually end up on the "Edge of Darkness", which we have already discussed.


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