Why the geyser does not light: causes, possible breakdowns, troubleshooting methods

If the geyser one day did not want to burn, then do not immediately rush to the store for a new one. The problem is fixed with your own hands. We will consider the main reasons why the gas column does not light, and also learn how to troubleshoot without the help of masters.

Simple checks

If the “Vector”, “Bosch”, “Orion”, “Dion”, “Selena” devices and speakers of other brands do not light up, then it is worth checking first if the valves providing gas and water supply are open. They affect the work.

why the astra geyser does not light

Chimney draft

This is one of the reasons why the gas column does not light. If the main burner of the device suddenly stops lighting, then it is recommended to check the chimney, it may be clogged. A large accumulation of soot inside the chimney, various construction debris, leaves from the street - all this can clog the chimney so that carbon monoxide mixed with air will return back to the column. This will cause attenuation. Kindle it will not work.

Also, a clogged or clogged chimney can cause carbon monoxide to enter the apartment or house, which can lead to serious poisoning.

In modern columns "Bosch", "Beretta", "Ariston" and other manufacturers there are special sensors that constantly during the operation of the column monitor the level of draft in the chimney. If suddenly there is no draft, then the supply of fuel (in this case, gas) will be automatically stopped. That is why the geyser does not light, for example, Bosch.

You can independently check whether there is traction. To do this, bring the burning match to the hole in the column body. If the match flame is rejected, the chimney is working properly. If the flame does not move in any way, then the ventilation system is clogged. It is better to turn off the column and do not operate until the chimney has been cleaned.

gas column aster

Weak head in the water supply system

If the column does not work, then you should check the pressure in the water main. Modern devices, especially the Neva, are very sensitive to the force of the water pressure and the pressure drop in the water main. If the pressure level is insufficient, then this is the answer to the question why the Neva gas column and similar equipment are not ignited. The column membrane with a low pressure does not affect the valve in any way - there is no feed system. The column clicks the piezoelectric element, but full gas ignition does not occur.

You need to open the water tap and make sure that the pressure is really weak. In this case, you will have to resolve the issue with the company responsible for the water supply. Weak pressure often occurs in the summer, when many people use water at the same time.

If the pressure is large, of sufficient strength, then you need to check the strainer at the inlet of the water unit. The item is removed, verified under running water. If the coating cannot be washed off, the filter is soaked in a solution of citric acid.

Experts also recommend checking the water unit itself and the mixer filter for possible clogging. Clogging can be eliminated by a reverse flow of water.

You can apply another way. Turn off the gas and water supply, unscrew the pipes at the inlet, remove the column housing from the wall and install it upside down. Then, with a conventional syringe, a cleaning agent is poured into the system and left for several hours.

Low gas pressure

This is another answer to the question why the gas column does not light. If the gas is not supplied in an amount sufficient for normal operation, the column will not work. In order to check the pressure, turn on the gas stove. If the fuel pressure is too low, you should immediately consult a specialist. Perhaps there was a leak somewhere in the highway.

The wick does not light

If the speaker is lit, but very poorly, there may be several reasons. Consider each of them:

  • If the piezoelectric element does not work, then in the models “Astra” and Zerten problems with the pilot light may occur. The wick should always be on, but it works when the tap is opened or when the corresponding button is pressed. If the element does not work, the wick does not burn, then the nozzles of the column could become clogged. To do this, disassemble the device, remove the metal shield or casing and clean the nozzle blockage . It is better to do this with thin wire. Usually, after cleaning the nozzle, the column works fine. This is one of the reasons why the Astra geyser and other similar devices do not light up.
  • Another case is automatic speakers, which take a long time to light up. The automatic speaker ignition system is battery powered. When the faucet opens, the device fires and a powerful spark forms, which ignites the column burner. If there is no spark, then it is worth trying to replace the batteries, but it is better to install the batteries.
  • The hydrodynamic system generator may also fail. The generator rotates when water passes through it. The unit generates current during rotation, from which a spark is then formed. If this is the reason why the gas column does not light up, then it is better to entrust the repair to professionals.
the geyser does not light

System blockages

How to clean the strainer was described above. The heat exchanger system should also be cleaned - during operation, scale will form on it. For this, the heat exchanger is removed and placed in water with citric acid. The container with the solution needs to be warmed up on the stove. Inside, the heat exchanger should also be flushed with these solutions.

why the geyser does not light

Burners are often clogged in Junkers gas appliances and other similar units. A large accumulation of soot and soot leads to the fact that the column will not light up. In the process of cleaning the heat exchanger, the burner should also be cleaned. A solution of citric acid is used to wash the outside of the device. The inside of the burner should be cleaned outdoors.

Membrane and gas block

This is no longer a popular reason why the Oasis gas column does not light. If there is deformation on the membrane, signs of wear, the burner will not ignite. The point here is the principle of membrane action. When water enters the system, pressure is applied to the membrane. It affects the gas valve - it must open and supply gas to the column burner.

If there are problems with the membrane, then experts recommend replacing it with silicone. It is believed that they are more durable.

The column is on and off

Many owners of geysers would like to know why the geyser ignites and goes out.

The reasons for this unsatisfactory performance may be in poor traction. In this case, the emergency system stops the flow of fuel, and the column goes out. If the thrust is in perfect order, then the emergency relay is too sensitive. Temporarily solve the problem can be an intense stream of air - to do this, open all the windows. But the part needs to be changed.

why the aster column does not light

Other malfunctions of geysers

The operation of modern speakers is controlled by electronics. The devices are literally crammed with tons of sensors and electronic modules. Even a slight malfunction of one of the sensors can lead to unsatisfactory operation of the unit. It’s impossible to solve the problem on your own - you need special equipment.

Most owners of geysers with too hot tap water regulate the temperature by adding cold water with a mixer. In this case, the columns may go out. Unit manufacturers do not recommend operating the column in this mode. It is better to set a lower heating temperature on the column.

Also, speakers may not work well with an incorrectly configured igniter. That is why the gas column does not immediately light up. It is very important that the gas pressure in the line is fully consistent with the type and design of the pilot. There is a comb on the edge of the burner, and the electrode must be installed so that the spark hits directly on the comb. If the gas pressure is insufficient, the fuel goes down. The electrode must be mounted approximately to the center of the burner. Then the ignition system will work more stably.

the astra geyser does not light

Typical malfunctions of individual columns:

  • In the columns "Astra" there are frequent problems with the solenoid valve. If the mixer is not adjusted correctly, then the column is unstable.
  • In models from "Ariston" there are problems with the water node. Experts also highlight the rapid wear of the membrane.
  • In the columns of the Oasis brand there are problems associated with the burner, as well as with the membrane.
  • In the models from Amina, a very fast discharge of batteries is observed - owners often have to change batteries.
  • In the columns of the brand "Russian M" often there are problems with violation of the valves and clogged filters. But on the Dion columns there are problems with the heat exchanger. What is the reason? The heat exchanger often burns out.
    why does not the gas aster


When it is known why a geyser does not light well, a few simple recommendations can be made. So, you need to correctly insert the temperature regime. An optional water softener filter should be purchased. Column elements must be periodically cleaned of soot.


Thus, we found out why the gas column does not ignite. As you can see, there can be several reasons for this. But in most cases, you can cope with the problem of an extinct gas column in the house yourself, without the help of specialists.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33202/

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