In which countries visa-free entry for Russians: description

Summer is approaching, and it's time to start looking for countries of visa-free entry for Russians, because it is there that you can spend several days without additional preparation of documents. This type of vacation is perfect for those who do not always have the opportunity to plan a vacation and pre-purchase tickets for travel.

When traveling to some countries, not only do you not need a visa, you can get by with an ordinary Russian passport, as a rule, we are talking about those that were formerly part of the former CIS. Without this document, Russians can visit more than 75 states, however, the period of stay in their territory will be limited, and a tourist may face serious punishment for violating the regime.

Why Russians do not want to apply for a visa?

Residents of our country do not really like to mess with the processing of various kinds of documents, even if they relate to travel. This is largely due to the huge time costs. For example, to apply for a visa, you will need to contact the consulate, write an application, scan fingerprints, take a photo, and only then arrive at the appointed time to receive the document.

That is why the countries of visa-free entry for Russians are very popular, because it is enough just to buy a ticket to a travel agency and set off on the road. By the way, the visa application process has another serious drawback - if there is no embassy of the country of interest in your city, most likely you will have to go to a completely different city to apply for documents, and this will require additional amount of time, money and effort.

Without a visa and even without a passport

The list of visa-free countries for Russians can be supplemented by those that do not even require a passport. To travel to any of them, you just need to have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with you. We are talking about Abkhazia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, South Ossetia, as well as Transnistria. All of them were previously part of the Soviet Union, therefore, they treat Russian-speaking tourists there well.

In each of these countries you have the right to stay a certain amount of time: in Abkhazia, Kazakhstan, South Ossetia and Belarus - 90 days; in Armenia and Transnistria - 180 days; in Kyrgyzstan, residence time is limited to the migration service. Going to these countries is much easier than to others, and rest is several times cheaper.

Beach Holidays in Thailand

Thailand is one of the first places in the list of countries for visa-free entry for Russians. Beautiful weather, gentle and hospitable waters of the Pacific Ocean, a high level of security - all this perfectly characterizes the country as an ideal place for relaxation. The main disadvantage of traveling to Thailand is the long flight, which is up to 10 hours, depending on the place of departure.

visa-free countries for Russians

If you want to go to the beach and spend time surrounded by ocean waves, it is better to choose tours to Phuket or Bangkok. You can stay in this country without a visa for up to 30 days, and this time is hardly enough to get to know Thailand properly. If you are not interested in a beach holiday, you can go to Pattaya, it is here where performances of incredible beauty take place, here you can spend the night in the jungle in houseboats, as well as try original and world-famous dishes from local cuisine.


The homeland of Che Guevara has recently become increasingly popular in the list of visa-free countries for Russians for beach holidays. Clean sand, clear ocean water, salsa, cigars and constant sunny weather attract newlyweds, as well as those who like to enjoy life and get the most out of it. Diving and snorkeling enthusiasts always come here, so be sure to bring along a camera that is suitable for shooting underwater.

On the border with Cuba, you will need to fill out a migration card, demonstrate a return ticket, and also convince customs officers that you have enough money for the entire period of stay in this country. The required limit per person is $ 50 per day. Please note: the flight time between Moscow and Cuba is 12 hours, which is quite a lot. If you are not ready to be on the plane for such a long time, then you should look for an option closer to Russia.

Budget vacation among sand hills

If we consider the list of visa-free countries for Russians, in 2018 the beach states did not increase too much compared to 2017. But the popularity of some countries in this list has undergone significant adjustments. First of all, we are talking about a small country called Montenegro, where a lot of people from Slavic states live. The number of trips sold there increased by almost 40%, which indicates a high demand and huge tourist potential of this recreational area.

list of countries for visa-free entry for Russians

Arriving tourists immediately leave for Herceg Novi - the largest resort on the North Adriatic coast. It is here that you can enjoy the magnificent nature, clear ocean water, as well as quality service in local pensions. This country attracts tourists with its mild and warm climate, well-developed infrastructure, as well as clean beaches, it will appeal to those who appreciate leisure alone with nature, as well as those who do not want to spend a huge amount of money on vacation. On average, a tour for two in Montenegro for 14 nights costs about 60-70 thousand rubles.

And if you want to go to Europe?

Among European countries with visa-free entry for Russians it is worth paying attention to Serbia. It is she who is suitable for those who want to relax abroad and take their parents with them, as well as grandparents. Elderly relatives can relax in local sanatoriums and visit the thermal springs, while everyone else can go skiing. A large number of Russian-speaking instructors work here, so you can master the local routes in a couple of days.

In Serbia, you can relax without a visa for 30 days, while if you plan to spend time actively, skiing, etc., you will have to arrange insurance. This state is famous for its great opportunities in terms of recreation, so if you want to improve your well-being, feel free to go there.


This is a special state that stands out among all visa-free European countries. For Russians, it has recently been a kind of tourist Mecca. Thanks to the periodic broadcast of Turkish television series on Russian television, this oriental culture has become very popular among the residents of our state. That is why many Russians go there in order to see the sights erected during the reign of Sultan Suleiman I.

countries of visa-free entry for Russians 2018

There are also a number of historically significant places, in particular, St. Peter's Castle, as well as the Galata Tower. The prices here are quite affordable, a lot of money is not required. You can enter the territory of Turkey if you have a passport, the maximum period of stay in this country is 60 days.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

In 2018, no changes are expected in the countries of visa-free entry for Russians, since the flow of our compatriots vacationing abroad is constantly growing. In 2017, the inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina especially felt this on themselves, which our compatriots stubbornly ignored. However, recently the situation has changed significantly, and those Russians who visited this country were satisfied with the excellent climate, as well as a large number of options for recreation.

According to tourists, it is this country that combines all the best that the Slavs and Turks have. If you want to enjoy the beach and the hot sun, it is best to go there from the beginning of May to the end of September. If you want to go skiing, it is best to go to Bosnia and Herzegovina strictly in the winter months. A separate attraction of this country is the thermal resorts. If you are looking for a place to improve your health, head to a resort called Ilija.

Arabian fairy tale

If you do not know which countries visa-free entry is allowed for Russians, but want to visit an unusual place on vacation, Morocco is waiting for you! At first it seems that in this country you can only lie on the beach and enjoy exotic dishes, but this opinion is erroneous. Morocco has a huge history, which includes wars with the Spanish and French conquerors. Each of them left a huge imprint on the way of the country.

which countries visa-free entry for Russians

Today, tourists here can enjoy a varied vacation: go surfing, go shopping, have a look at the SPA salons. For lovers of extreme water activities, there are also beach resorts Rabat and Agadir. You can also choose a tour around the country, then you will get aesthetic pleasure from the magnificent heritage of Arab culture and admire the magnificent palaces and mosques.

Far corner of the planet

Venezuela is a special state that entered the register of visa-free countries for Russians in 2018 (the list of similar ones is very small). Our compatriots associate this country with the most beautiful women, because it is precisely the representatives of Venezuela who have repeatedly won the title of Miss World. In addition to finding the bride, tourists go here to see the Angel Falls, admire the majestic Andes, as well as stroll through national parks and small streets of ancient cities.

Here you will see a huge number of contrasts: large cities exist near small villages where they still live in ancient ways, and you can admire the mountain peaks lying on the beach. All tourists here are advised to drink only bottled water, eat only thoroughly washed and processed vegetables and fruits. It is also not recommended to walk around the city after sunset. You can stay in Venezuela without a visa for up to 90 days, however, to get there, you will have to postpone the 20-hour flight, which should begin in Moscow.

The safest vacation

Now that you know everything about the countries of visa-free entry for Russians in 2018, it becomes very difficult to choose the most suitable one. Everything will depend on what kind of vacation you plan for yourself. If you want to relax with your children in a comfortable place and not think about the accumulated problems, go straight to Grenada. Sea waves on the Antilles appear quite rarely, and the entire coastal zone here is protected by coral atolls, so you can safely swim in the sea.

Most of the local entertainment is somehow connected with the sea, this country is perfect for diving, fishing, as well as for travel on a yacht. In the local sea you can watch a variety of fish or go on excursions dedicated to the remains of ancient ships. If you are interested in natural beauty, you should go to the Grenada Dove Nature Reserve or any of the local national parks. There you can admire waterfalls, mangroves, as well as watch the craters of volcanoes.

Dancing, passion and fun

Do you crave adventure? Then among all countries with a visa-free regime for Russians, Argentina is best for you. Night parties, exciting excursions, romantic sunrises with the best coffee on Earth - it's all here! Latin American countries are very popular with wealthy travelers who are interested in ancient civilizations, as well as salt lakes, magnificent waterfalls and other wonders that they will not see in snowy Russia.

Visa-free countries for Russians 2018 beach list

If you prefer to wallow on the beach and do nothing - it is better to immediately go to Southeast Asia, since in Argentina it will not be possible to relax. Locals will surely involve you in one of the constantly held holidays here. In an atmosphere of constant fun, do not forget that you can stay in this country only 90 days, at the entrance you will need to present return tickets and money, which should be enough for the entire period of your stay here.

Holidays in Israel

Among the entire list of visa-free countries for Russians, Israel is a truly unique place. Here you can look at the monuments of Christianity, and go diving, and treat your illnesses on the Dead Sea, and visit the coolest discos from world-famous DJs. Great opportunities for recreation and relatively inexpensive prices are the main reason why the number of tourists from Russia is constantly increasing.

The most popular city in Israel is Jerusalem, which has a long history. This is where you can go if you want to explore Christian shrines. Tel Aviv, Herzliya and Netanya are great for entertainment, divers will like Eilat, and to improve their health, it is best to go to Tiberias, where a large number of thermal springs are located. The period of stay in Israel is 90 days, you can get to Tel Aviv from Moscow in just 4 hours.

Exotic vacation

If in the list of countries for visa-free entry for Russians you have not found anything suitable for yourself, but want to relax beautifully and inexpensively, Malaysia is one of the options that may suit you. Here, hotels and skyscrapers coexist with rituals and traditions, originating from ancient times. Volcanic sand, original marine fauna and a wide range of leisure opportunities will definitely delight your discerning taste.

visa-free countries for Russians

You can go to the resort of Genting Highlands, where you are offered to undergo high-quality treatment, as well as admire the panoramas of ancient temples. In addition, there are a large number of concert halls and casinos, so it is highly likely that you can also get to the performance of a world star.

Despite the fact that all countries of visa-free entry for Russians offer high-quality service, Malaysia cannot be compared with them. It is unlikely that somewhere else you will be offered to wander around fruit farms and unusual tea plantations. Fans of beach vacations can go to Borneo or Langkawi, where they will see a large number of temples, caves, as well as crocodile farms. You can stay in Malaysia for up to 30 days, and the flight from Moscow to the local capital, Kuala Lumpur, will last about 10 hours.

Holidays in the Mariana archipelago

Do you like shopping and travel? Then you don’t even have to look for information on which countries visa-free entry for Russians is allowed in 2018, because the island of Guam is the most suitable option for you. This state is the capital of duty-free shopping. Here you can buy products of the most popular brands, as well as visit local restaurants serving dishes from all the culinary directions of the planet.

Sports enthusiasts will be able to go water skiing and biking here, fish, go diving, go on a safari and walk along any of the enchanting sightseeing routes. If you are interested in a relaxing holiday, it is best to stay in one of the hotels located in Talofofo Bay. You can stay on the island for 45 days without a visa, but it will take you about 16 hours to fly from Moscow.

Famous seychelles

The list of countries of visa-free entry for Russians also includes Seychelles, which in our country are known as the set of one of the popular television shows. Meanwhile, it is here that you can get without paying customs and consular fees, which sometimes may be required upon entry to another state. According to legend, it is here that the fruit grows, which Adam and Eve tried in their time, the Seychelles coconut.

list of countries of visa-free entry for Russians

Every year, tourists bring form up to 75% of the budget of this country, so the attitude towards them is very respectful. Since the islands were formerly British, the local culture has much in common with English.Here you can enjoy the privacy and tranquility of life. Most often, newlyweds go to the Seychelles, as well as those who like sea fishing, beach vacations and travel on a yacht. You can stay without a visa in the islands for 30 days.

Prospects for visa-free tourism

Inveterate travelers are always attracted by new items in the regime of visa-free entry for Russians. The list of countries in 2018 may be replenished by Albania. This Balkan country is poorly studied by tourists, as they prefer Montenegro and Greece, located nearby. Meanwhile, Albania has pristine beaches, picturesque nature and a huge cultural heritage. Tasty and plentiful food, combined with very modest ticket prices, will definitely attract Russian residents here.

As of February 1, 2018, Albania maintains a visa regime for Russians, but it is planned to cancel it by the summer of this year. That is why it is recommended to go there to rest closer to the fall, when this issue is finally resolved. In addition to the capital, Tirana, travelers should definitely look into interesting resort towns - Saranda, Korchu, Gjirokaster, Durres, etc.


The list of countries of visa-free entry for Russians is updated annually, and more and more states want to get our tourists. The main reason for this is the wide Russian soul, which allows itself to take all its savings on vacation and thereby transfer them to the budget of the host country. This does not bother the Russians at all, since they get high-quality service and the opportunity to forget about all their problems.

It is recommended that Russians check the information on visa-free countries for holidays with the help of official representatives of the Ministry of Tourism or Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The reason for this is that the data from tour operators may be irrelevant or simply erroneous, so it is much easier to contact official authorities to clarify them. Also, for information on the entry regime, you can contact the embassy of the state of interest to you directly.


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