Gooseberry prunes. Variety growing conditions

In the gardens of the Central, Middle Volga and Ural regions of Russia, plum gooseberries have recently spread. What is interesting about the variety? What are the conditions for growing crops? These questions are of interest to gardeners who have decided to engage in the cultivation of a new culture for themselves.


Prune gooseberries appeared as a result of crossing two varieties - plum and plum 259-23. Selection work was carried out at the All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture named after I.V. Michurin under the supervision of an employee of the institute K. D. Sergeeva. In 1992, the variety was approved for use and included in the list of the State Register of selection achievements.

gooseberry prune

Prune gooseberry has a number of positive characteristics, which allowed it to take its rightful place in gardens and summer cottages. The variety belongs to the group of winter - hardy fruit and berry shrubs. It is not very susceptible to powdery mildew, which is very important for obtaining a good harvest. Low prickly bush makes it easier to care for the plant. Harvesting also does not cause inconvenience. Berries have high flavor characteristics.

In addition to the listed advantages, one can distinguish the main disadvantages of the plant. The main one is the instability of the resulting mass of berries. In different years, it can vary significantly.

Prunery gooseberries: variety description

The bush has average indicators of height, sprawling, branching and density of shoots. The growing young branches are thick, unshaven, green. Old fruiting shoots of medium thickness, light brown. Spikes are weakly expressed, located in the lower part of the branches.

gooseberry prune description

Berries are medium and large. Have a pear-shaped or oval shape. The color of the fruit is dark red. When fully ripened, it acquires a black tint. The peculiarity of the variety is a specific sweet and sour taste of berries and their unusual aroma.

Plant Care Terms

Prune gooseberry variety does not require special conditions for growing. Gardeners need to remember only the basic rules:

  • to increase productivity on the site should grow several bushes of gooseberries of one or different varieties;
  • the plant loves well-lit places;
  • young shoots are planted in early spring before budding, or in early autumn.

Before harvesting, three basal top dressings of the bush are usually performed with different types of mineral and organic fertilizers. Their first application occurs at the time of leaf opening. At the very beginning of flowering, a second top dressing is done. During the formation of ovaries, the third.

gooseberry grade prune

In addition to the listed types of care, it is necessary to remove weeds, loosen the soil, and if necessary, irrigate. Pest control also contributes to higher yields.

It is not recommended to plant prune gooseberries in areas where raspberries or currants had previously grown.

Berry Processing

Prune gooseberry with its juicy aromatic fruits is suitable for different types of processing and harvesting for future use. From the berries are prepared jelly, juice, wine, jam, pastille. Gooseberries can be used for freezing. As a dessert, berries are also used fresh.

Depending on the further purpose of the fruit, they can be harvested unripe, for example, for compotes and pickling. Semi-ripe berries go for jam. Fully ripened are an excellent raw material for dessert and table wines. The content of useful substances in them depends on the ripening phase of the fruit.

Gooseberry berries tolerate transportation well. They can be stored up to 3-4 days, waiting for processing. But the fruits must be dry, and the containers where the berries are placed should have a volume of not more than 5 liters.


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