Cucumber on the balcony - a miracle for the Christmas holidays

You can surprise guests and please loved ones on the eve of the New Year holidays in an original way - for example, grow a cucumber on the balcony. Of course, this vegetable can also be bought at the store, but the one you personally participated in will always be better, tastier and more aromatic. Therefore - to the cause.

cucumber on the balcony
Pick the seeds

Since the goal is to harvest, the seeds should be carefully selected. In open ground conditions, insects transfer pollen from one flower to another, resulting in the formation of an ovary, from which a cucumber grows. On the balcony, especially in the cold season, this sequence is not possible, therefore, only self-pollinating varieties are suitable for cultivation. If you couldnโ€™t find them for sale, you can take the risk and sow the usual ones, but then you will have to โ€œwork as a beeโ€ yourself - with a thin soft brush or fleece wound around a match. An equally important point is the ripening period. Try to choose one so that both you and the plant have enough time before the holidays. Also, after purchase, the seeds are calibrated - that is, the most healthy-looking, full and large ones are selected. They are more likely to turn into a green bush and bear delicious fruits.

Sowing - rules and features

on the balcony
Seeds that have lain for several years, and not very old, are recommended to be soaked in warm water - this procedure accelerates the emergence of seedlings, and subsequently positively affects the growth of plants. A stronger effect can be achieved if a little biostimulator of growth is added to it. The main thing - before proceeding with the operation "cucumber on the balcony", make sure that the planting material was not processed during packaging. Even if the packaging is modestly silent about these facts, the hint will be the unnatural color of the seeds - orange, green, blue ... In this case, sowing is done dry, spilling water with the seeds already lying in it, so that the fertilizers dissolved (they are the reason for the exotic coloring) have not lost their properties. As the soil, you can use light purchased mixtures or steamed garden soil with the addition of sand and vermiculite. Tanks with a future cucumber plantation should be kept in a bright and warm place, otherwise they can become moldy and grow cucumbers at home from nothing.

cucumbers at home
Take care correctly

Two things that can almost instantly ruin the result of your efforts are drafts and overflows. The cucumber on the balcony (and even on the glazed one) to some extent feels like a fighter in a minefield - the slightest oversight with an open window, and the plant is already signaling poor health with drooping leaves. Cold water acts in the same way. And if it falls to the ground often - pests and diseases do not hesitate to attack a weakened bush. But to ensure complete comfort for the cucumber, it needs to be fed. It is advisable not to exceed the dosage, but adhere to the one indicated on the package. It is also necessary to let the plant trail - for this you can buy a ready-made pergola or make a homemade one. As you can see, there is nothing to worry about setting up a small garden on the balcony. Therefore, over time, be sure to try planting something else - for example, cherry tomatoes or hot peppers.


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