Learning to give beauty, or How to make a bouquet of toys with your own hands?

A great gift for the fair sex can be a bouquet of soft toys. Such presentations are becoming very popular today. And all because it is a very practical gift. Judge for yourself: a person receives two gifts in one at once - a bouquet and toys. In the future, such a composition can be disassembled, after which cute bears or bunnies will be remembered. In a gift store, arranging such bouquets is expensive. We offer you to learn how to do it yourself. In this article you can read about how to make a bouquet of toys, what materials are needed for this. Study the master class and get involved in the creative process.

how to make a bouquet of toys

Preparatory work

To make a bouquet of soft toys, take care of purchasing the following materials and tools:

  • wicker basket with low sides;
  • small soft toys 9-11 pieces;
  • wooden skewers (you can bamboo sticks);
  • polyfoam sheet;
  • corrugated paper;
  • golden or silver floral grid;
  • wrapping;
  • satin ribbons;
  • Scotch;
  • thermal gun or PVA glue.

make a bouquet of soft toys
How to make a bouquet of toys. Step-by-step description of the composition manufacturing process

  1. Place the basket on the foam and circle its bottom. Cut the workpiece along the intended contour.
  2. Wrap the resulting part with corrugated paper, fixing the ends with tape. Glue it to the bottom of the basket.
  3. From the wrapping paper, cut out two square blanks measuring 12x12 centimeters. Perform the same details from the grid. Place a second square on one square of paper, shifting the corners by 45 degrees. Put mesh parts on these parts. It is you who form the "skirt" for the toy. Perform such blanks according to the number of soft figures.
  4. Poke each toy with a wooden skewer from below. It is advisable to do this in the place where the seam, so that after disassembling the bouquet, you can sew the figure. To keep the stick tighter, you can lubricate it with glue.
  5. Put on the skewer blanks from square parts, pick them up from the bottom with your fingers, forming a frill around the toy. Secure it with tape or thread.
  6. How to make a bouquet of toys? And then everything is very simple. Starting from the sides of the basket, attach the soft figures on sticks to the foam. Arrange them so that the central toys are slightly higher than those at the walls of the wicker container. Then the bouquet will look more voluminous.
  7. Gaps between toys fill with artificial flowers or sweets on sticks. Each sweets can also be decorated with a "skirt" of paper or mesh.
  8. Wrap the handle of the basket with floral tape, tie a beautiful bow. Decorate the outer side of the container with flowers or satin ribbon bows.
    how to make a bouquet of toys

So you have learned how to make a bouquet of toys. Small figures are more suitable for such compositions. Better let them be 9-11 small toys, than 3-5 large ones. In drawing up such a gift, you can use all the same toys, as well as completely different ones. If this is a present for a child, then in the composition you can collect all the heroes of your favorite cartoon or fairy tale hero of the occasion. To decorate the basket and mask the gaps between the figures, you can use various materials: feather, beads, sisal fiber and more.

How to make a bouquet of toys? You already know the answer to this question. We wish you to learn to perform such compositions and surprise your friends and relatives with original soft gifts.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33233/

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