“Though the count is on the head”: the meaning of phraseology and examples of use

What does it mean when the phrase “even a count on a tesha’s head” is pronounced? The meaning of phraseology, the history of its origin are covered in this review. We will not only clarify the meaning, but also give an appropriate literary example.


Surprisingly, some expressions live even when the very concept from which they came from is no longer there. For example, who is making stakes now, who needs them? Unless some hermits who deliberately limited their ties with civilization. Nevertheless, the expression is lively. The phrase “Though the count is on the head of the head” (the meaning of phraseology we are analyzing today) is still present in verbal figurative speech. Many people use it, but no explanation is needed. The meaning of expression is captured subconsciously.

at least count on the head the meaning of phraseology

When in ancient times they made effective weapons against the enemy, they put a long sledge on a stump and worked with an ax. The tree in the process of activity became more and more formidable and sharp, but the “stand” did also fall. One thing pleases: the stump does not feel anything, and it does not matter to him how many times the ax will go through the saw cut.

Someone will ask: "This is all good, but what does it have to do with" even the count on my head? " The meaning of phraseology as it relates to people? Communication is the most direct. When people say this about a person, it is understood: even if you use his head as a machine for stakes, he will not even blink an eye. Simply put, he doesn't care.

What feeling can a saying express?

This is not just a feeling, it can even be a principled position in relation to the world. It fits into one word, which many fear - “indifference”. For a schoolchild, for example, it doesn’t matter to him that after the 9th grade he will be sent to college for hooliganism (it is clear that the college in this case is a secondary specialized education, and not higher, as it would be in America). And how can one not recall the proverb “even if the count on the head is comfy”? The meaning of phraseology we have examined a little higher. But leave the student alone.

expression at least count on the head

The most famous indifferent subject in the history of literature remains Meursault - the protagonist of the novel "Outsider". That's really to whom the expression “even the count on the head of the head” will really suit the characterization of behavior.

He is not interested in kinship: when he says goodbye to his mother, he doesn’t feel grief at the tomb, but a passionate desire to smoke, drink coffee, and is very sorry that this cannot be done.

Love for a girl also does not take Merceau out of a sleepy state of indifference.

True, he still woke up once, but when? The reader will find out by reading the novel by Albert Camus.

And our task should be considered completed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33234/

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