Yellow lilies: types and photos

Lily - beautiful, elegant, with a bewitching aroma. It is considered a truly royal flower with rich symbolism.

White lilies embody innocence and integrity. That is why these flowers were often present in paintings of the Virgin Mary. As a symbol of greatness and glory, the lily was invariably depicted on the arms of the royal dynasties. The nobility of Ancient Rome adorned their homes, chariots and clothes with them, personifying wealth and luxury.

yellow lilies

Nowadays, these noble flowers are considered an indispensable decoration of celebrations and wedding ceremonies. Due to the unusual aroma, lilies are widely used in the perfume industry, and their medicinal properties have long been known to traditional medicine. But not only white flowers are very popular, often in the market you can find yellow lilies, which amaze with their beauty.

Probably, there is no florist who, once planting lilies, would not begin to closely engage in their cultivation and breeding, falling in love with these magnificent flowers.


Today, there are more than 2000 varieties and hybrids of lilies.

The most popular for cultivation in our regions are eastern hybrids, as well as LA hybrids and OT hybrids. The range of shades of these species is huge. Inflorescences of various forms, with the strongest aroma and without it at all, are painted in snow-white, bright yellow, beige-golden, crimson, plum, red and other colors.

yellow water lily

There is another variety of these plants - yellow water lily. In the people it is often called a yellow water lily, a swimmer. This species belongs to perennial plants (herbaceous-aquatic). It is found in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan. The usual habitat is small lakes, ponds with stagnant water or weakly flowing rivers.

Varieties of yellow lilies

Today in specialized stores a huge assortment of various plants is offered, among them the yellow lily flower enjoys special attention. Consider the most famous varieties of this plant:

  1. Yellow (Asiatic Lily). The variety is early, tall. The bush grows well. This flower will be a wonderful decoration of a flower bed.
  2. Blazing Dwarf (Asian Dwarf). Variety feature: early and plentiful flowering. The flower is large, dark yellow-orange. Suitable for growing both on lawns and at home.
  3. Yellow lily Adeline varieties. A medium-sized plant with large flowers. Color saturated yellow.
  4. Aelita. Hybrid bulbous varieties of Asiatic lily. Quite a rare variety of plants. The flower is light yellow with brown spots. Tall plant, unpretentious in care.
  5. LA hybrid Edvantage. Lily flower of bright yellow-orange color, large. The stalk is tall.
  6. Yellow Cocot (Hybrid Asiatic Lily). The plant has a tall stem, while the flowers are small, double, bright yellow. This type of lily does not cause allergic reactions, as there is no pollen on it. Flowering early.
  7. Big Brother. The plant has just a huge flower (from 25 cm). The color is vanilla yellow. Stamens are black.

yellow lilies pics

The most beautiful are large lilies. Royal yellow and white lily won the hearts of many gardeners. These plants are quite tall - from 80 to 120 cm, but there are specimens up to 180 cm. Flowering is short-lived (only 2 weeks), begins in mid-summer.

Those who are interested in how to grow yellow lilies, it is enough to know some features of their growth and the basic rules of care, which is not particularly difficult.

Bulb selection and care

When buying bulbs of lilies, be sure to pay attention to their appearance. The scales should not be overdried, and the bulbs themselves should be fleshy and large.

Bulbs that are bought in early spring should be stored at the bottom of the refrigerator, without removing the packaging, before planting. If they were purchased before the autumn planting, which must be done no later than mid-October, then they should be kept until this time in a dark, cool room.

Important procedure

Before planting the bulbs, you should carefully choose a place. Lilies do not like transplants, in one place they can grow 5 years.

yellow lily flower

Yellow lilies (photo above) are the decoration of any flower garden, but given that the upper part of the plant looks beautiful, it is recommended to plant them in the background. Moreover, they look good in combination with low annuals, such as pansies, snapdragons, marigolds.

It is preferable to plant several different varieties nearby (3-5) to create a kind of bouquet of lilies on the garden bed.

The soil for planting should not be dense and heavy. In order to make it friable and more breathable, add river sand.

Bulbs for bulbs are made in size 40x40 cm and a depth of about 20 cm with a gap between them of 20-25 cm.A handful of river sand is placed on the bottom of the hole, onion with spread roots is placed on top and covered with fertile soil, in which peat and humus must be.

Then the earth is slightly tamped and a small depression is made from above with a finger into which granular fertilizers are poured.

Care Features

Yellow lilies must be fed with nutrients. They respond best to mineral fertilizers. There are ready-made preparations for bulb flowers on sale .

yellow lily varieties

Lilies should be fertilized in the spring, as soon as the first sprouts appear, then in the summer every two weeks, and in the fall (late October), before covering them for the winter.

Lilies do not require abundant watering. Basically, it is needed in the summer, and plants should be watered only under the root. When the lilies begin to bloom, watering is stopped.

After the lilies bloom, you need to wait for the stems to turn yellow, and only then cut them.

Despite the fact that modern varieties of lilies are quite frost-resistant, for the winter planting of flowers should be sprinkled with peat and covered with a film.

In the spring, after the snow melts, the shelter is removed so that the sprouts of the bulbs do not grow earlier than the time when there is still a danger of freezing frost.

Lilies usually have good resistance to various ailments. But in rainy summers they can be prone to fungal diseases and spotting. To eliminate this problem, diseased plants are sprayed with a Bordeaux mixture.

Reproduction and transplantation

Yellow lilies can be propagated by daughter bulbs. For breeding and transplantation, which should be done every five years, they are dug up. This should be done in the last days of October, when enough useful substances accumulate in the bulbs.

royal yellow lilies

Bulbs are dug out with a pitchfork, and very carefully so as not to damage the roots, after pruning the stem. Then the fused parts are separated and placed for half an hour in a weak solution of manganese. Next, the bulbs are slightly dried and stacked in plastic bags, falling asleep with moist sawdust, after which they are stored in a cool dark place until planting.


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