Pug "Pug": a description of the plant

The coniferous plant nursery would not have looked so impressive if it had not been complemented by a mountain pine. The natural form of Pinus mugo Mugus is charming, but has one drawback - unpredictability. Sometimes pine seeds grown from seeds receive a hybrid form and differ from their botanical characteristics. In this case, there is a need for frequent plant transplantation and making adjustments to the uniform growth of the tree, by means of clothespins. It turns out that such plants need care and attention, but what if the owners do not have time for this, but want to create a coniferous plant nursery in their yard?

Pine Pug

You can get out of the situation by choosing another representative of the family, no less beautiful, but not so picky in leaving - Pinus mugo Mops. Trees of this species propagated by grafting are completely devoid of flaws. This is the best variety of true dwarf conifers, forming an abundant spherical crown.

The botanical characteristics of the species, which we will familiarize with later, make the Pug pine variety so popular.

Growth Features

Its annual growth rate is 8-10 cm in height and 13-15 cm in volume. This can be noted as slow growth. Growth is even: the pug pine first acquires a spherical shape, and in adulthood a regular cushion crown.

Due to such features as slow growth of the plant and the stable formation of the crown of the pine, many gardeners and landscape designers of the world fell in love with it. This plant is used as an addition to the bonsai garden, which, of course, fits aesthetically. The tree variety was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century in Holland.

Description of the life form of the bush

Pine "pug" (mountain) is a dwarf shrub of dense compact spherical appearance. The bushes are durable: specimens of long-livers grow up to 5 centuries. Adult plants on average reach a height of 1.5-1.7 m, less often - 2 m.

The needles are distinguished by their brilliance, stiffness, collected in bundles of 2 pieces. The needles stay on the branches for 3-5 years, after which the pine tree crumbles and new needles grow. The color of the bristles is dark green. Cones of broad conical section, ovoid, up to 6 cm in size. The color of the fruit is brown.

Coniferous plant nursery

Pine "pug" is an ornamental plant used both for single plantings and as part of landscape groups. Representatives of this variety are characterized by:

  • photophilousness;
  • moisture lovingness;
  • reduced soil requirements;
  • frost resistance.

Where and how to grow a “pug”?

The named bushes grow well and form in the open. Pines, representatives of this genus, are well rooted due to the developed root system, therefore they are distinguished by wind resistance.

Although conifers are undemanding to soil obesity, they grow best on sandy or sandy loamy soils. If sandy rocks prevail in the soil, experts advise adding clay, creating a special soil mixture:

  • turf land - 2 parts;
  • clay or sand - 1 part.

When planting a plant in the pit, you can add 250-350 grams of lime.

Pine Pug Description

Pug Care Rules for Pug

Care for dwarf pine includes the selection of fertilizers. For this, a nitroammophosphate compound is introduced (100 g will be sufficient). Systematically, for the first two years after planting, the plant is fed a complex of mineral fertilizers, in the amount of 30-40 grams.

Mountain pine "mini-pug" is a drought - tolerant plant that does not require additional watering. However, it is still necessary to add young plants: often and plentifully.

Loosening should be carried out as necessary when the soil is compacted or weed removal is required.

Mulching is carried out using a peat layer of 5-6 cm. As a result, peat is not removed, but mixed with soil.

Pruning is carried out in order to slow the growth of the plant and give the crown additional splendor. For this, parts of the annual growth of branches are cut.

Pine mountain mini pug

Of the pests, the bushes are affected by pine hermes. Conifers of this species are prone to blistering rust and tar cancer (seryanka).

Getting ready for wintering

Pine "Pug" is a completely cold-resistant plant. The needles in young bushes, with the onset of the first spring sun, need protection, otherwise there is a risk of sunburn in the bush.

Adult pines do not require winter protection and easily tolerate frosts.

A plant that can surprisingly complement any coniferous nursery is the pug pine, a description of which we have provided in the article. We hope this information will be useful and will serve as an available tool in the cultivation of this wonderful coniferous bush.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3324/

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