LED strip for plants - an economical way to highlight

For active growth, plants need light. Thanks to him, a vital process occurs - photosynthesis. However, few know what kind of light is needed for their growth and full development. Currently, the most optimal form has become a LED strip for plants. This information is most important for those who grow a large number of seedlings, flowers, seed germination. Due to certain properties of such lighting, it is possible to control the process of growth, flowering and ripening of fruits, providing the most favorable conditions for this.

LED strip for plants

LED strip for plants
When installing lighting in conservatories, greenhouses or greenhouses, it is better to give preference to LED strip, as such lighting is most close to natural sunlight. When working, the tape does not heat up, so it does not affect the ambient temperature at all. It can be placed in close proximity to the leaves of plants. The main advantage of such tapes is a narrow emission spectrum. It is thanks to him that plants actively develop, bloom and receive a complete diet. When glowing, they do not emit ultraviolet and infrared rays, which allows them to be used to illuminate different types.

Energy saving

LED strips for plant lighting are the most economical option. Compared with other types of lighting, they consume 60โ€“70% less electricity, which significantly reduces their cost. The need to disassemble the design to replace a specific element is completely eliminated. The lamps work without burning out for a long time. Therefore, investing additional costs in the LED backlight is not needed, and this will significantly save money.

LED Strip Light for Plants - Benefits

Such lighting has many advantages in comparison with other sources. It:

  • low price;
  • bright and full light;
  • durability;
  • ease of construction;
  • low heat transfer;
  • monochrome radiation;
  • increased time between irrigation due to reduced evaporation;
  • low electricity consumption.
    LED strip for plant lighting

The spectrum of light and its influence

Natural light has many different beams. Red, blue, orange and

LED strip for growing plants
others can be seen with the naked eye, but there are also hidden ones - infrared and ultraviolet. When creating artificial lighting, it is necessary to reproduce the natural lighting as plausibly as possible. With the help of new developments in this field, LED strip for growing plants is the most suitable option.

During photosynthesis, not the entire spectrum of light is involved, but only those waves whose length is 380โ€“710 nm. Rays are responsible for a certain process in the development of plants, so the intensity of their absorption is different. For instance:

  • red - serve to accumulate carbohydrates, due to which the growth of leaves, shoots, stem occurs most actively;
  • blue - promote the formation of amino acids and provoke cell division.

However, it must be remembered that for certain types of plants you need your own individual set of light rays. Not only the growth of shoots, but also their fruiting and flowering (depending on the variety) will fully depend on the correctness of such a choice.

LED strip for plants in all respects is considered the most suitable option for creating artificial lighting. With the right selection, it is able to completely replace natural sunlight and fully influence the growth and development of plants. Using LED backlighting, you can significantly increase the amount of yield, while not investing more money.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F33240/

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