Interesting crafts from hemp for children and their parents

To decorate the yard of a kindergarten or summer house , you can use crafts from hemp. This will be a great activity for children and their parents. In nature, there is much that can become a decorative element for an interior or garden.

crafts from hemp


Often after a tree felling, a stump remains. What to do with it so that it looks beautiful? An excellent solution would be a forest ranger. To create such an article from hemp with your own hands, you will need to prepare:

  • Paints and brushes.
  • A straw hat.
  • Seeds or seedlings of flowers.

Making a woodman is very simple. Not only adults, but also children will cope with this:

  1. The stump should be painted with paint and give it time to dry.
  2. Then draw the eyes, nose and mouth. Everyone has a different person, with their own emotions and facial expressions.
  3. A straw hat is put on the head.
  4. Around the stump, seeds of flowers are sown, which grow to 10-15 cm in height.

Such a forester will decorate a summer house, a garden plot or a playground in a kindergarten.

DIY hemp crafts

Flower vases

What crafts from hemp can be done to complement the interior of a room or yard? There are several ideas that will help you use the tree:

  1. Vase. The core is removed from the stump and the earth is poured inside. Then sown flower seeds or planted seedlings. Such a vase will be an excellent decoration of a summer cottage.
  2. If the tree has already been cut down, you can create a flowerpot to decorate the house. To do this, they remove the core and insert a glass container inside. Fresh or artificial flowers can be placed in a vase.
  3. If the stump is uneven, the solution will be pots with flowering plants. They can be fixed to the screws, creating a composition. Stump must be painted with green paint in advance so that the craft looks natural and beautiful.

Crafts from hemp for a garden or a summer cottage allow you to show your imagination, thereby creating unusually beautiful compositions.

Fly agaric

DIY hemp crafts, photos of which can be seen in magazines, often seem very complicated. Amanita is easy to do. Adults can call on their children for help and have fun. To make a hat, you will need an enameled basin, which is painted red in advance. Then, white circles are drawn on it. After drying, the basin will already look like a fly agaric hat.

The stump is also painted white. Like a mushroom leg. You can optionally draw a face. A mushroom hat is put on top of the stump, and the craft is ready. Near the mushroom, an alpine hill is laid out from stones or beautiful flowers are planted. They will give the image a finished look.

crafts from hemp photo


From stumps, you can create a variety of garden figures. To do this, you do not have to be an artist. Simple images and crafts from hemp will become an integral part of the garden or kindergarten.

To attach the arms and legs of the future product to the tree, use self-tapping screws. To create eyes, use a plastic bottle from which round details are cut. For hair, you can use cones, dry straw or plant flowers inside a stump. This will make an interesting goof.

A few cut trees can be an idea for the embodiment of the children's fairy tale “Three Bears”. Stools are made from stumps. To do this, clean it from the bark with a chisel and hammer, and then carefully grind it. The tree must be treated with an antiseptic to protect it from decay and beetles. The back of the chairs can also be made from scraps of stump.

In addition to this tale, log cabins can be turned into the house of Baba Yaga. To do this, draw windows and a door on it. A fly agarics or grebes are made of snags and knots. Paint draws small elements and details. If you have the skills of an artist, you can depict the heroes of a fairy tale on the very stump.

crafts for the hemp garden
If you show imagination, a simple stump will turn into a work of art that will surprise the neighbors or become an ornament to the kindergarten.


It is interesting that contests are held where they take photos of handmade hemp crafts. It can be a variety of sculptures, compositions or decorative elements for the interior.

The main thing is to understand that natural materials provide an opportunity to show imagination and creative impulse. No need to be afraid to experiment, all the great artists and sculptors were brave people.

Ideas will help everyone to make an interesting figure or interior composition out of a regular stump:

  • Benches and stools are an ideal solution for a summer residence. You can put soft pillows on them, it will be comfortable and comfortable to sit.
  • Flower beds from stumps are beautiful and natural. The main thing is to use good soil and carefully care for the plants.
  • If the felled tree is of good quality, you can process it and create from it a small table for the living room. Furniture items made from natural materials always remain in fashion.
  • If you cut the stump into rings, you can lay out an unusual garden path that will surprise not only guests, but also neighbors.
  • From large stumps it is easy to create a recreation area. A large log house can be used as a table, and small ones as chairs.

Any use of the stump will require careful processing to avoid rotting the wood.


In order for the hemp craft to last for a long time, before making it, the tree must be well cleaned of bark. Then treat with special tools that protect it from environmental influences.

DIY hemp crafts photo

It is important to use good tools, as well as high-quality paint for wood, in order to keep the product in its original form for a long time. If desired, the craft can be varnished.

Nature gives people the opportunity to see beautiful compositions and objects in simple things. The stump of a felled tree can become an elegant decoration of a garden or home interior.


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